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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It's quite bizarre that this has been their most ambitious, fanciful plan yet and at the same time their least divisive. I don't think i've seen an NUST discussion as tame as this one on here.
  2. He's probably too busy having a tantric wank.
  3. I'm pretty sure anyone stumping up £1500+ would have the £10 subs waived and automatically become a member of the NUST. Or would you want someone on the board who wasn't willing to put up even £1500? If I were voting on board members I'd certainly want them to be materially invested in it. NUST alienated a lot of supporters last season and there's still an element of distrust between them and a lot of fans. I wouldn't have any problem in an independant person or persons being on the board who isn't involved with the Trust. It's how the majority of large company boards are made up in fact. If I remember correctly it was suggested to FFS during audits that the club should have a non member on the board. They got round it somehow By setting up the FLC which was cockless.
  4. Surely the admin fees would be closer to £40,000 if the magic number was £80 million as it's 5% of the 10% deposit?
  5. Assuming Mike Ashley is dead last fan ownership is a step up, surely? I would wager that even at this point having Mike Ashley is better than NUST running the club. Fuck off Anyone but Mike Ashley, fans included, could do a better job of running this club. For one we wouldn't have been relegated last season.
  6. Assuming Mike Ashley is dead last fan ownership is a step up, surely?
  7. No, not under the way it's structured (as I understand it) You and I could put in £1500 each and have more say in theory. Is the right answer. Each person gets a vote and an equal voice. Only to an extent though. It depends which decisions will be made by shareholders and which will be made by the elected board. Once the board is in place it's probable that the majority of the decisions will be made by them, so if Moat takes a place on the board obviously his say increases over yours and mine. Which I think is the correct approach. Fans should just vote on who to appoint as chairman really. Absolutely, it couldn't work any other way. It'll need to be made clear (as I'm sure it will be) exactly what say people are getting. There seems to be a gap at the minute between what people think will happen & what will actually be the case. Agree entirely. I think people are actually put off by the notion that 20 randomly selected tubby, replica shirt clad fans will be running the whole thing when that doesn't seem to be the case.
  8. It's because it's a bunch of fans being proactive. Don't you know you're officially a twat if give a damn nowadays? Much cooler to sit on the internet and poo-poo every idea that's floated.
  9. Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. It's been mentioned before that Moat has been approached. Has it been mentioned whether he's backing the NUST bid? Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. I think I read somewhere he has been approached but didn't respond/wasn't interested. Well, I wish the NUST good luck but if fans with the clout of Moat or Sehpherd can't be persuaded to back the cause the whole premise of wanting a club owned by fans looks like wishful thinking which is unlikely to stand up in the face of cold hard financial reality. I was always under the impression Moat's funding was from backers? They're probably want to own it lock, stock and barrell or not at all. As for Shepherd, I can't imagine him buying into the 'one fan, one vote' ethos. He likes to run a dictatorship. I admit though, it would've been nice to hear about one or two famous local faces putting a bit of their money in. A Moat or a Wylie.
  10. It was originally £2,500 but after asking the fans they've reduced it to £1,500. Seems like the page went live without being amended.
  11. Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. It's been mentioned before that Moat has been approached. Has it been mentioned whether he's backing the NUST bid? Not as far as I know.
  12. Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. It's been mentioned before that Moat has been approached.
  13. Your best bet would be to head over to Toontastic and contact Peasepud if he's not on here. He's offering to answer peoples questions relating to the scheme.
  14. I was there - against Charlton four years ago. Derek Wright got a huge cheer as he tried to outrun Charlton's physio when two players went down hurt in front of the East Stand. That's the one Made even better by the middle aged bloke a few rows in front of me who stood up and screamed "Howay man Derek! Get the fucking lead oot!"
  15. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/2721212/Darren-Ferguson-sacked-as-Peterborough-manager.html
  16. Not at the match, but just before on Saturday I had to dash to Eldon Square to use the shitter and saw the caretaker having a fully blown argument with a tranny (man dressed as woman) in the toilets. Great stuff.
  17. You post on here, so you must be a thick know-nowt fucker by default. I'm the best of a very bad bunch. Not quite a member of Mensa but not quite a member of MENCAP either.
  18. I think I've proven myself to be the most knowledgable poster on here time and time again, hence the reason i'm allowed to be an arrogant fucker.
  19. 'Mr. Ashley - We've noted your inept running of this club and we can't say we agree with it. Yours, the fans'
  20. So what was the purpose of the banner? Just to insult Ashley? The bit in bold is the key to everyones 'grievances' with the banner in my opinion. What was the purpose of any banner there yesterday? Also, did you go to the match? What the fuck does it matter? It doesn't mean people who weren't at the match can't have an opinion on the banners/protests. They can have an opinion, but I don't want to be talked down to by someone who didn't invest the time or the money to get to the ground yesterday.
  21. So what was the purpose of the banner? Just to insult Ashley? The bit in bold is the key to everyones 'grievances' with the banner in my opinion. What was the purpose of any banner there yesterday? Also, did you go to the match?
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