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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Good stuff. This type of publicity needs to be followed up by an outpouring of anger versus Peterborough. Make enough noise and he'll have to listen. Maybe he has already. Hasn't been a mention of it from the club since the announcement. Silence is usually a sign he's still in full blown w***** mode. Well he's pretty much quiet most of the time. How many statements have we seen from him since he took over? 5? -That interview in the club magazine -Keegan was a cunt and all the stuff I said in that interview with the club magazine was tosh -The club is on the market -The club is off the market -The club is in the market...again -The club is off the market...again
  2. Good stuff. This type of publicity needs to be followed up by an outpouring of anger versus Peterborough. Make enough noise and he'll have to listen. Maybe he has already. Hasn't been a mention of it from the club since the announcement. Silence is usually a sign he's still in full blown wanker mode.
  3. Good stuff. This type of publicity needs to be followed up by an outpouring of anger versus Peterborough. Make enough noise and he'll have to listen.
  4. He's not a conventional winger full stop, that's assuming you want your winger to be able to cross, pass and chip in with the odd goal which I do since that's kind of in their job description. Take Raylor for example. He's not the best player we have but he brings much more to the team than Jonas does because he's capable of passing the ball to a man a few feet away, whipping in a decent cross and scoring the odd goal. This season has told me that Raylor is much more of a miss when he's playing at right back or not at all than Jonas.
  5. I'm using his full stint at Newcastle as the basis for my opinion of his footballing ability. He runs. That's it. He can't do anything else a player in his position should be able to.
  6. You have an opinion based on the stuff you see with your own two eyes and because other people agree with what you say (mainly because it's indisputable fact that they've seen too) you're a sheep? How the fuck does that work?
  7. guess u didn't see the time, he was just pointing at danny simpson to track someone, was just neglecting who he was marking! basic stuff Give me the time in the game and I'll watch it Come one one defensive mistake from a midfielder equals lack of effort or disgraceful defending? He also chased the ball down at every opportunity and tracked back to nick the ball away from opposition players on more then a couple of occasions. I'm sorry but Jonas had a horror show tonight, as he has the past few weeks. He gave the ball away a lot tonight and simply didn't seem interested in getting involved in the dirty work. As i've said before he's had his head turned by the prospect of the World Cup.
  8. I think any footballer who doesn't know how to move into space, make himself available and receive it at pace, hold it under pressure then run with the ball while actually moving forward shouldn't be playing either. Or they could always pull on the armband and call the manager "Chris". tell me how many times has he done that this season, let alone the last few matches stop sticking up for someone who clearly doesn't have the talent to play football at this level, if it's cos he tries hard, i could give a couple of million men in this country that would do the samething, and clearly this is something other clubs can see, cos no fucker has came for him at all, not even when we signed him 5 goals in almost 300 games for a midfielder is shocking imo football is all about QUALITY, hence why u get the likes of adebayor etc who are lazy twats, but quality footballers and play at the top robert was a lazt twat, but one amazing footballer What he said. Jonas is just another example of a good athlete becoming an average footballer. It seems to be happening more and more often nowadays. They're quick, they can run all day and they'll give 100% but they're poor where it matters and they soon get found out. Boumsong was another example, although his ability or lack of it was much more obvious because of where he plays.
  9. I suggest rather than any prolonged protest or chanting at Mike Ashley we just boo Jonas for 90 minutes against Peterboro.
  10. jonas is a good a player as robert......but he just can't be arsed. I know the mods frown upon abuse but this is called for: Fuck off you daft twat.
  11. Well he is. He can't pass, he can't shoot, his first touch is poor, his reading of the game is shite, his movement is pretty weak. Apart from the odd mazy run he offers nothing. There's also the fact his commitment to the cause has went through the floor. I'm seriously beginning to wonder whether the World Cup is on his mind. Maradona rates him and he knows that barring injury he's in the squad but once that mad bastard is out on his ear he's got no chance.
  12. I think you're missing the point. This is a culmination of ill feeling, it isn't just about the stadium name. He got off quite lightly with the Keegan ruling and relegation because he was 'selling' the club and we thought he was finally on the way out. No one is directing vitriol towards him simply because he's trying to sell the name of the stadium but because this is the latest thing he has done to show contempt for the fans. There's a bigger picture. No I'm not missing the point at all. It's a bloody name, who cares, honestly. Is it going to make us play any worse on the field, no. Everyone is playing the it's a tradition card, but at the end of the day, it's something that making the apathetic folk act more than the countless other acts of plain madness Ashley has done to this club, acts that have caused way more damage. You are missing the point. This may be the act people are focusing on because it's the first time since the club was taken off the market (again) he's stuck two fingers up to the fans. That's why it's been seized on. You're making the very naive assumption that the fans are purely losing their rag over this - they're not. This is simply the culmination of the anger that has been boiling over the past 12 months since he last attempted to sell the club. It probably would've happened earlier but we've been on the market. I'm not going to argue the toss with you. If you can't see that this is one of many things our support is furious about then you're a bit of a flid.
  13. I'm not a fan of these shows as I often find other peoples opinions to be infuriatingly idiotic so it was never going to blow me away. I have enough trouble posting on here without wanting to leather some of the daft twats who believe their two penneth actually matters. That said I listened to it one evening and it wasn't too bad. It pissed all over the Legends, which is simply a freakshow fronted by a trio of self important ex-footballers. Fair play to Steve for trying something different. I know he rubs people up the wrong way for a variety of reasons but I've got nowt against him.
  14. most probably still on wages,running costs and paying off past transfers and thats assuming the incoming fees aren't spread over years. Wages and running costs were being paid by an overdraft all summer. Past transfers didn't amount to anywhere near the £40 million we were meant to have received this summer if Ashley is to be believed.
  15. I like to put the boot into .COM for the way they've got up themselves as much as the next lad but you're chatting s**** here. Local Hero and St. James' simply aren't comparable. One was a song (which I like, for the record) by a faux-Geordie that was introduced a few years ago. The other is the name of our ground and has been since the 1880's. I don't agree with the banner adds, i'm sick of the sight of seeing Jennings Ford advertising some wonderful deal on Fiesta's, but again they're not comparable and it doesn't make them hypocrites. If the crux of .COMs opposition was bourn out of some anti-capitalist sentiment then fair enough but it's not. It's about history and heritage, something a two-bit website simply doesn't have. And please don't try to paint Mike Ashley and his pals as some unfortunates who can't do anything right. Maybe .COm would've kicked off had they poo pooed persuing other revenue streams but that's because said revenue streams don't begin and end at renaming the f***ing stadium. Good post. It seems the only way people can try to justify this is by making absurd comparisons to totally unrelated situations. I can't fathom why any Newcastle fan would want this to go ahead, and I certainly don't believe we or any fans would accept this without putting up a fight. You can't compare this farce to Arsenal or Bayern getting new stadiums or to Local Hero being changed by the DJ before kick-off! And in today's world, you can't compare it to adverts on strips because almost everyone has those and almost noone changes their stadium's name. Let's stop trying to compare it to something it's not and just call a spade a spade. dot com don't seem to be on any high horse of their own here, they're sticking up for something the vast majority of Newcastle fans believe in. With the club in the state its in, battered bruised and humiliated, pride in the club's tradition is all the fans have left. You can't take that away from us. Or can you? If we let this happen, where does it end? i don't think anyone does want it. i also don't want advertising on the top,advertising hoardings round the ground,a page in the programme telling you who sponsors alan smiths undercrackers or a bloke standing by the pitch to tell the ref he can start as the advert for tampax has finished. unfortunatly i also realise that it is all about money and if doing that brings in a hefty chunk of moolah then it's likely it'll be done. and i still think that having the fans walking round as adverts for some company is as bad if not worse than selling the stadium name. Totally different kettle of fish tbh. how. my guess is that in this country people will still call it St James' and that abroad the strip is more recognisable than the stadium name. (thats using myself as a guide..i recognise a lot more clubs strips than know their stadium names). given the choice i'd say no to it but i don't have it as a knicker wetting issue that some have. I'm shocked you dont seem to care that much, while i'm not wetting my knickers over it it does sadden me quite a lot. Whats next on his agenda if he cant flog us next season, IF his gamble pays off and we get promoted. i became immune when greenalls appeared on the stripes. i'd be more pissed off if he wanted to change the strip to all green or something. You wouldnt be arsed if the kit was made by one of his companies and he slapped Sports direct on it. Paid the sponsor money from Sports Direct to NUFC where he pockets it. Pays the money say from, Lonsdale as the kit deal to NUFC then he pockets it. The club seeing none of this dosh. how does he "pocket it" ? I'd imagine it would be in a very similar way to how he pocketed the money we recouped from this summers transfers.
  16. I think you're missing the point. This is a culmination of ill feeling, it isn't just about the stadium name. He got off quite lightly with the Keegan ruling and relegation because he was 'selling' the club and we thought he was finally on the way out. No one is directing vitriol towards him simply because he's trying to sell the name of the stadium but because this is the latest thing he has done to show contempt for the fans. There's a bigger picture.
  17. Pros: Best atmsophere. You can stand. Tickets are cheaper. Cons: Charvers do silly things, such as sing "Where'd you park your minibus" to Plymouth's full travelling support. Stairs. Loads of stairs.
  18. I like to put the boot into .COM for the way they've got up themselves as much as the next lad but you're chatting s**** here. Local Hero and St. James' simply aren't comparable. One was a song (which I like, for the record) by a faux-Geordie that was introduced a few years ago. The other is the name of our ground and has been since the 1880's. I don't agree with the banner adds, i'm sick of the sight of seeing Jennings Ford advertising some wonderful deal on Fiesta's, but again they're not comparable and it doesn't make them hypocrites. If the crux of .COMs opposition was bourn out of some anti-capitalist sentiment then fair enough but it's not. It's about history and heritage, something a two-bit website simply doesn't have. And please don't try to paint Mike Ashley and his pals as some unfortunates who can't do anything right. Maybe .COm would've kicked off had they poo pooed persuing other revenue streams but that's because said revenue streams don't begin and end at renaming the f***ing stadium. Good post. It seems the only way people can try to justify this is by making absurd comparisons to totally unrelated situations. I can't fathom why any Newcastle fan would want this to go ahead, and I certainly don't believe we or any fans would accept this without putting up a fight. You can't compare this farce to Arsenal or Bayern getting new stadiums or to Local Hero being changed by the DJ before kick-off! And in today's world, you can't compare it to adverts on strips because almost everyone has those and almost noone changes their stadium's name. Let's stop trying to compare it to something it's not and just call a spade a spade. dot com don't seem to be on any high horse of their own here, they're sticking up for something the vast majority of Newcastle fans believe in. With the club in the state its in, battered bruised and humiliated, pride in the club's tradition is all the fans have left. You can't take that away from us. Or can you? If we let this happen, where does it end? i don't think anyone does want it. i also don't want advertising on the top,advertising hoardings round the ground,a page in the programme telling you who sponsors alan smiths undercrackers or a bloke standing by the pitch to tell the ref he can start as the advert for tampax has finished. unfortunatly i also realise that it is all about money and if doing that brings in a hefty chunk of moolah then it's likely it'll be done. and i still think that having the fans walking round as adverts for some company is as bad if not worse than selling the stadium name. Apathy is the worst possible thing our fans can go through now. Just because in your opinion it's "likely to be done" does not mean we should accept it. I agree with you that sponsorship of any sort is rancid as fuck, especially on the front of shirts (it's one of the main reasons why I won't wear replica tops nowadays...and it makes you look like a flid) but this is too far. We've got some pretty bloody ruthless money men running football nowadays but even they know tinkering with the history of a football club is a big no-no. Renaming an old, historic stadium is only done by two types of club - relatively small, lower league teams living on the breadline who need the paltry cash it generates to survive (Fitness First Stadium etc.) or those being ran by megalomaniac arseholes seemingly intent on ruining said club (KitKat Crescent). Guess which bracket we fall into.
  19. I like to put the boot into .COM for the way they've got up themselves as much as the next lad but you're chatting shite here. Local Hero and St. James' simply aren't comparable. One was a song (which I like, for the record) by a faux-Geordie that was introduced a few years ago. The other is the name of our ground and has been since the 1880's. I don't agree with the banner adds, i'm sick of the sight of seeing Jennings Ford advertising some wonderful deal on Fiesta's, but again they're not comparable and it doesn't make them hypocrites. If the crux of .COMs opposition was bourn out of some anti-capitalist sentiment then fair enough but it's not. It's about history and heritage, something a two-bit website simply doesn't have. And please don't try to paint Mike Ashley and his pals as some unfortunates who can't do anything right. Maybe .COm would've kicked off had they poo pooed persuing other revenue streams but that's because said revenue streams don't begin and end at renaming the fucking stadium.
  20. I hope the protest stays as far away from SJP as possible and allows the vast majority of us who just want to go to the match and support the team to do so peacefully. I'm sure Sky and the tabloids are licking their lips already in the hope of another Hull City "debacle". P.S. The link doesn't work. Explain?
  21. As i said, again - us not being promoted this season is far more realistic a prospect than it was for us to go down last season. True, but only just You really think so? He had numerous chances to rectify his errors last season but he still managed to make cackhanded decisions at every turn. There's being naive and then there's being a complete idiot and Ashley can only fall into the latter. Hughton wont be able to use anything against Ashley as he's another yes man. He knows he's bloody lucky to get the job and he's not going to rock the boat. Our transfers have never been down to the manager. Ashley calls the shots and he's admitted that's not going to change. Our side has the quality to get promoted but unfortunately the majority of our team is made up of players who played crap last season.
  22. yeah i'm on their site now, just emailed them about anything that's going to happen Looks like they have already come up with their idea it's wait for it wait for it............................................................. A petition http://www.nust.org.uk/rename-petition For f***s sake what's the point any more. A post by Pud on Toontastic, directed at someone being a bipolar f***er. Sounds as if it's not the only thing going on. Lets give them a chance, eh? The Peterborough game is going to be the focal point for any action so lets not string NUST up yet. Surely therefore the more sensible option would have been to have made a post saying they are discussing the issue with many people and they will post more information on their plans once decisions have been made. A petition is a pointless waste of time and space. So a nothing statement saying "don't worry, we're planning and we'll tell you when it's sorted" would have placated you? I assumed the majority of supporters would've taken it as read that NUST are putting their heads together and coming up with something. It's not like they've sat on their hands in the past. The petition isn't be all and end all so it's not worth getting working up about. It's a gesture if nothing else and as for saying it's a waste of "time and space" I highly doubt it's going to have a huge impact on the important stuff, such as settling the tab at the Irish Club. A little bit of perspective, please.
  23. Relegation was one of the biggest financial disasters that could've befallen him and this club yet rather than spend a couple of million pounds to cement our top flight status he sold two of our most important players and brought in two Championship players. Look at us now. The man has no interest in spending money, he's a fucking loon. The £20 million will go to servicing the debt or the overdraft he's been running this club on all summer, despite raking in cash from transfers (where did that money go, by the way?) You're a fool if you think he'll change now.
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