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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I don't think they actually believe that, I think they just say it to make themselves feel better as a lot of the part timers who post on the SMB still use the 15 and 19 point seasons as excuses not to go back themselves. I think that forum is a bit of a joke for most match going supporters. The Mackems labour under the assumption that ancient history actually matters to the average football fan and they keep telling themselves that despite the fact their chairman is arguably the best and most genuine in the league and they're making strides forward that they haven't done for decades. No fan pays their money for a ticket now on the basis of what happened half a dozen years ago and they know that. I'm certainly not going to see Shola wander about the pitch in the hope of reliving the halcyon days of Bellamy against Feyenoord, Griffin against Juventus and Shearer against Inter. I'm going because I love my club and I love the game regardless of league, position or owner. They don't get that. Their attendances are genuinely baffling. They're a relatively big club with a decent catchment area to source supporters from and very generous ticket prices yet they can't get them through the gate. Anyone remember Quinn's popularity drive a few years ago where he basically toured working mens clubs pleading for supporters to come to a few games? If it wasn't so laughable it would've been painful to see him banging his head against a brick wall. Sure, there were queues of mardy Mackems outside the fucking Redhouse WMC who wanted to catch a glimpse of their flat topped Oirish saviour but when it came to putting their hands in their pockets were they moved? Were they fuck.
  2. Yay. He's solid, he's got some Premiership experience without being a world beater and he should be relatively cheap too. We need a squad, not just eleven players. If we can get someone better in the summer fair enough but that shouldn't stop us from investing because he'd be a capable back up. Do we want a repeat of last season when Beye was our only right back?
  3. I didn't know what to do when it happened. I dislike the bloke but it was a piece of inspired genius.
  4. Its not that I think he is shit far from it but I do think at times he shows little effort and would/could be a much better player if he gave a bit more. At times yesterday he did not bother closing down or challenging for the ball, he is getting better and the fans have shown him that they have teken to him a bit more but that does not mean that he can now relax and not put himself about on the pitch. You're wrong. There were two or three times yesterday he closed the goalkeeper down and he was more than willing to put himself about. I can remember him putting in a fantastic sliding tackle at the start of the second half when he really didn't need to. The problem with the "too lazy" argument is that the same could be said of any player. Shola has never broke into a sprint in his time here and you can always count on Jonas to lose the ball and have a Latino hissy fit rather than putting his foot back in. I think singling Harewood out when he's by no means the worst offender is very harsh.
  5. Harewood gets a stupid amount of stick. Our kid was laying into him yesterday and when I quizzed him further he didn't really have a particular reason apart from "He's shit". It's a bit like me and my natural aversion to Jonas. After his initial petulant performance against Bristol I think he's been pretty good. He keeps getting called lazy but he always seems to be willing to chase down the goalkeeper and it's lead to a goal on one or two occasions. There have been one or two occasions when he's failed to chase down what seem to be winable balls but to be fair to any of our strikers if they chased every hoofed pass they'd be blowing out of their arse after 30 minutes. His workrate was miles above that of Ameobi's yesterday, who I thought phoned it in a little bit until the second half when he suddenly came to life. I'd like to keep him until the season is done and dusted because he's more of a threat than the glass thug and Dutty Custard in front of goal.
  6. This season i've seen a few good fan lookalikes from my vantage point at the back of Level 7 (if you sit there you've probably seen them too). The first is Weller, unimaginatively named after Paul. Always smartly dressed and sporting a Stevie Harper tan, the look is completed by the new bag of very expensive clobber he's went out and bought prior to every single match. He seems to have migrated recently from his seat smack bang in front of me and our kid, which is a shame because trying to guess how much his new gear came to always made half time fly by. The second is Fat Steven Taylor. Him and his mates orchestrate most of the mildly witty chants that eminate from Level 7, with the occasional "Pogo if you love the Toon" nightmare thrown in. Anyone seen any other familiar faces hanging around the place?
  7. Gary Glitter's red and white army was better. I didn't hear that one! It was started by a couple of lads in front of me (one of them is the spitting double fo Steven Taylor, just much fatter). They're really good for coming up with mildly witty songs. Problem is if it isn't Geordie Boot Boys a lot of our fans simply don't want to know.
  8. I remember reading a Chris Mort interview in The Mag & the way he spoke I got the feeling they got tipped off (my guess is Tony Jimmenz) about Jose & the club moved quickly to get him. Ashley even forked out for a private plane to get the deal done ASAP. We went over for Drago from Seville and came back with Enrique.
  9. Problem with Dyer was he'd return from injury, play out of his skin for half a dozen games and then go missing before eventually getting injured again.
  10. Shite game, shite refereeing, shite travelling support but a good result. Typical Championship game. They had a lot of the ball but they couldn't make it count. Had it not been for the red card I think we could've buried them as we started the second half well. Once Nolan was off they got their tales up and had a go but barring two saves from Harper they didn't seem to get much on target. Pancrate looks like a very good buy. I'm yet to see a bad side to his game - he's quick, he's strong, his touch is very good, his final ball causes teams problems and he can find the back of the net. I'm just waiting to find out he's made of glass and we'll only see him once every few months.
  11. In whose eyes? I'll be the first to admit it's hardly the most imaginative terrace banter ever. It's vulgar and offensive. Unfortunately the pseudo intellectuals on here don't do either of those, for fear it outs them as the uncouth, gibbering gimps that they actually are. The only place that seems to still be debating the validity of the banner is here and, to be completely honest mate, I had you down as a borderline spastic anyway. Also, in what way did it have an impact?
  12. So further up the page you're telling me that I'm wrong because no banners were confiscated, now you're telling me I'm wrong because JJ7 says they were. Brilliant. I'll say it again, If there is a policy now for the stewards to remove banners (as JJ7 has said they are) then it's more than likely as a direct consequence of the "Cockney Rapist" banner at the Peterborough game. Banners were being taken outside the ground before the Peterborough game and during the Peterborough game. The Cockney Rapist banner was taken at full time after about three or four others had been twocked so it's certainly fuck all to do with that. It's simply the stewards being cunts.
  13. It was a bog standard "Yes We Can" banner. That wasn't related to NUST and that was only raised at kick off.
  14. It's all about opinions, but I think littering the streets is anything but petty and I'd expect an organisation which wants to be taken seriously and take over one of the biggest football club brands in the world to have a bit more off than handing out leaflets which anyone with half a brain knows just get thrown away by most people. I hate litter ! That gives me a nice little idea for a sweepstake. If I ripped your limbs from your torso and scattered them about the town centre what would you die from first? Blood loss or anger at the act of littering which I have just committed?
  15. Shola, Carroll/Harewood, Ranger, Lovenkrands
  16. Ask him what they do to Ryan Taylor in the changing rooms before every game to make him look constantly on the verge of tears.
  17. Team: Harper Enrique-Colo-Taylor-Simpson Jonas-Nolan-Smith-Raylor Carroll-Harewood Prediction: 2-0 to us. A Kevin Nolan "Christ, I almost forgot he was on the fucking pitch!" special and an Andy Carroll wonder goal....after fluffing several much easier chances. Aliceband watch: Jonas to go without, Colo to go with and Carroll to ignore the advice of the fashionista's by following Sideshow's lead.
  18. As good as Coloccini is doing at the moment I have no faith in him to replicate it when/if we go up. Technically he's sound but the mixture of speed and physicality in the Premier League simply doesn't suit his game. He's a continental defender. I don't know a lot about Kilgallon, but from the little I've seen he's a great Championship defender. Whether he can translate that into becoming a good Premier League defender I do not know. Ideally i'd like to keep both Taylor and Colo while bringing in Kilgallon but that's not how it works at St. James' nowadays.
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