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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Jesus wept Can one of the holier-than-thou fuckwits on here knock up 'An Idiots Guide to Protesting' because i'd love to know exactly how I and others should be conducting ourselves against Swansea and Watford? The banner may have been unpalatable for some and that's not surprising because rape is a very strong word but in this instance it's quite apt (my main problem with the banner was the use of the term 'cockney'. Not very accurate.) I think the fact that it was within full view of the press area and it was seen by some journalists yet there has been little or no comment in todays rags about it tells you all you need to know. We're not in the midst of another 'boycoutt' episode, far from it. The feeling I get from supporters of other clubs and the press is that we could commit some gross physical acts of violence against him and they'd still struggle to blame us for it. And I don't want to bang on about this but if you're a non-attendee unless you didn't go to the game as a form of boycott then your opinion really isn't valid. I don't care how logistically difficult it would be for you to get to St. James' Park from Uruguay, or if you've owned every home kit since year zero, i've paid my money and I'm well within my rights to protest so please don't tell me i'm wrong.
  2. It wasn't a go at any poster inparticular, just those who have been vocal about protesting or not while not attending the game. If you pay your cash you're entitled tou your opinion.
  3. I protested before and during the match. I would do the same again. Those in L7 were great save for a lull every now and again. The performance today flew in the face of what the cockmasters on here insist. The team played well while protests went on. We supported the team and flicked the V's to the management. It wasn't like Hull, where we collapsed to a defeat, because unlike Hull we hadn't just lost a popular manager and the team didn't know where they were. Obviously though i'm wrong and it was all the fans fault. Finally, I have a real problem with wankers on here who dont pay their money telling me I'm in the wrong for protesting. Can we put badges on them or something? I respect their right to have an opinion but unless you put your hand in your pocket for games then you have no right to judge me or my motives so fuck off. Seriously, if you don't attend games get fucked.
  4. Nope not at all, but the expression "fat cockney rapist" while funny, is childish to say the least. Get down off your high horse, man. It's not entirely PC and I feel a little uneasy having held it without knowing what it said but that's football. No one died. Wasn't the point of the protest set to make Ashley feel uncomfortable for the embarassment he's brought to our club? Surely by bringing such a childish banner they only subjected us to more potential embarassment from fellow supporters and the media. I'm glad the protest went well but the wording of the banner seemed a bit uneccessary. I'm past the point of caring what other fans or the media think of us really.
  5. He's still shit but he played well today during his brief cameo.
  6. No, it was held up before kick off and after full time. Did you go to the game, by any chance?
  7. Nope not at all, but the expression "fat cockney rapist" while funny, is childish to say the least. Get down off your high horse, man. It's not entirely PC and I feel a little uneasy having held it without knowing what it said but that's football. No one died.
  8. A few pics I managed to get of the protests: http://img254.yfrog.com/img254/6501/6nd.jpg http://img30.yfrog.com/img30/1282/ezpa.jpg http://img689.yfrog.com/img689/5803/gpz.jpg http://img337.yfrog.com/img337/7876/a8o.jpg Unfortunately we went into the ground soon after since our kid was dying for a piss. Apparently it got bigger closer to kick off.
  9. Ah, so that's what it said You can see my little hands just above the A in Ashley.
  10. Was the rapist banner a white text on black thing at the back of L7? If so they unfurled it at the very start of the match and muggins here got roped into holding one end of it without knowing what was on the front. If I knew it said cockney i'd have passed it up.
  11. He was fleet of foot but slow in the head which meant we didn't see his speed. His first touch was shocking and his finishing? Well, that was piss poor too. He was also very injury prone, something which got swept over because Owen was slightly worse. In the number 9 stakes he gets a 4/10.
  12. As long as it doesn't affect our precious players!11111!11
  13. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans? I'm just joking about that bit really, is a bit true though, most of my mates talk absoulte bollocks as does my dad, my dad thinks Nicky Butt should start for the experience for example. ONly people I hear that talk sense really are on here. You're taking the piss, aye? I don't agree with most supporters either. If I had my way i'd have Jonas taken out the back of the training ground and beat with a stick until he learned how to float in a decent cross although i've realised i'm in a minority. I, like you, have also suffered an earbashing at the hands of one of the few Nicky Butt fans still out there (it might've been your Dad. If so tell him he's a c***). Do these experiences mean I'm against fan ownership? No, because I respect the fact that they, like me, have a vested emotional (and if NUST get their way, financial) interest in the club. I'd much rather disagree with people who I know have put their time and money into this football club over the years rather than a bloated billionaire with no attachment. Aye, was a slight jest. I'm not saying I wouldn't have this over Ashley, I just don't think it will work A) I don't think they'll raise the money. B) Do any of these people havea clue about running a 300M investment. C) We'll make Kneejerk and rash decisions and we'll spend whatever money we raise in the first window. That's fair enough I suppose. They're all valid reasons to be unsure about any potential fan takeover. I see it this way - if they don't make enough money then there is no harm done so it's not really something to worry too much about. To combat the last two points I personally would be hoping the fans would elect a President ala Barca. When 'fan ownership' is uttered I think a lot of people assume Paul from Row M suddenly is going to be given the day to day running of the club and that's that. In reality I imagine we'd see a Newcastle fan with the knowledge and personal experience, someone like Barry Moat or Graham Wylie, voted in and given a set term running the club. Obviously i'm not involved with any of this work so it's all speculation on my part but that's personally how I see it working. From what it sounds like it does infer that members will all have avote on major decisions. I would be happy with this structure if it was basically run like a normal football club where the Chairman basically makes most of the decisions but is answerable to the board. Personally I don't think it matters whether the Chairman is from Newcastle either in fact I'd prefer if he wasn't, I'd like someone who has already been a chairman or MD before like David Dein (Dreamworld). I think a freh perspective would help. I can't see the 'vote on every issue' thing being workable in the real world. It takes too long. Maybe for stuff such as kit supplier, sponsors, pie and pint prices etc. but not for transfers and the like. I suppose we'll not know the full details until Monday, possibly later. Yeah I know day to day decisions wont be made like that but say manager changes will, I just think itll be kneejerktastic tbh, like I said we'll get through so many managers. Our high management turnover over the past few years was due to mistakes by the board rather than fan pressure. Robson - Sacked at the wrong time. Majority of fans wanted him to stay. Souness - Wrong man from the start, played poor football and ruining a top 6 team. Arguable whether the fans played a part. Roeder - Wrong man again. Fans liked him and sung his name while protesting against Freddy. Sacked at the right time but it was a surprise to most fans. Big Sam - Came in during the takeover and despite the poor football got very little abuse. Save for the duo within view of the Sky cameras against Liverpool he seemed to be well liked and his name was still being sung come Stoke. Keegan - We know what happened there. The thing with voting for a new manager is that they need to want to come to us. I've no doubt we'll have some who'll want Keegan and some Mourinho but lets be realistic, they're never going to get what they want are they? Agree with most of the appraisals but there was huge fan pressure to get rid of Souness for a while before he went and rightly so. It is staggering how many people think that the fans were involved in getting rid of Allardyce. The thing with Souness is that while the fans wanted him out we were ignored by the board. Freddy got rid when Freddy wanted to get rid, not because the fans harrassed him. In all honesty I think Fred never sacked a manager when the fans started acting up just did it when it was either untennable or he was ready to. I remember going mental in a good way when souness was sacked, Fred should never have given him 50m to spend. If it wasn't for souness we'd be a top 8 team still if we'd got a semi competent manager in. You're telling me, I genuinely nearly crashed my fucking car
  14. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans? I'm just joking about that bit really, is a bit true though, most of my mates talk absoulte bollocks as does my dad, my dad thinks Nicky Butt should start for the experience for example. ONly people I hear that talk sense really are on here. You're taking the piss, aye? I don't agree with most supporters either. If I had my way i'd have Jonas taken out the back of the training ground and beat with a stick until he learned how to float in a decent cross although i've realised i'm in a minority. I, like you, have also suffered an earbashing at the hands of one of the few Nicky Butt fans still out there (it might've been your Dad. If so tell him he's a c***). Do these experiences mean I'm against fan ownership? No, because I respect the fact that they, like me, have a vested emotional (and if NUST get their way, financial) interest in the club. I'd much rather disagree with people who I know have put their time and money into this football club over the years rather than a bloated billionaire with no attachment. Aye, was a slight jest. I'm not saying I wouldn't have this over Ashley, I just don't think it will work A) I don't think they'll raise the money. B) Do any of these people havea clue about running a 300M investment. C) We'll make Kneejerk and rash decisions and we'll spend whatever money we raise in the first window. That's fair enough I suppose. They're all valid reasons to be unsure about any potential fan takeover. I see it this way - if they don't make enough money then there is no harm done so it's not really something to worry too much about. To combat the last two points I personally would be hoping the fans would elect a President ala Barca. When 'fan ownership' is uttered I think a lot of people assume Paul from Row M suddenly is going to be given the day to day running of the club and that's that. In reality I imagine we'd see a Newcastle fan with the knowledge and personal experience, someone like Barry Moat or Graham Wylie, voted in and given a set term running the club. Obviously i'm not involved with any of this work so it's all speculation on my part but that's personally how I see it working. From what it sounds like it does infer that members will all have avote on major decisions. I would be happy with this structure if it was basically run like a normal football club where the Chairman basically makes most of the decisions but is answerable to the board. Personally I don't think it matters whether the Chairman is from Newcastle either in fact I'd prefer if he wasn't, I'd like someone who has already been a chairman or MD before like David Dein (Dreamworld). I think a freh perspective would help. I can't see the 'vote on every issue' thing being workable in the real world. It takes too long. Maybe for stuff such as kit supplier, sponsors, pie and pint prices etc. but not for transfers and the like. I suppose we'll not know the full details until Monday, possibly later. Yeah I know day to day decisions wont be made like that but say manager changes will, I just think itll be kneejerktastic tbh, like I said we'll get through so many managers. Our high management turnover over the past few years was due to mistakes by the board rather than fan pressure. Robson - Sacked at the wrong time. Majority of fans wanted him to stay. Souness - Wrong man from the start, played poor football and ruining a top 6 team. Arguable whether the fans played a part. Roeder - Wrong man again. Fans liked him and sung his name while protesting against Freddy. Sacked at the right time but it was a surprise to most fans. Big Sam - Came in during the takeover and despite the poor football got very little abuse. Save for the duo within view of the Sky cameras against Liverpool he seemed to be well liked and his name was still being sung come Stoke. Keegan - We know what happened there. The thing with voting for a new manager is that they need to want to come to us. I've no doubt we'll have some who'll want Keegan and some Mourinho but lets be realistic, they're never going to get what they want are they? Agree with most of the appraisals but there was huge fan pressure to get rid of Souness for a while before he went and rightly so. It is staggering how many people think that the fans were involved in getting rid of Allardyce. The thing with Souness is that while the fans wanted him out we were ignored by the board. Freddy got rid when Freddy wanted to get rid, not because the fans harrassed him.
  15. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans? I'm just joking about that bit really, is a bit true though, most of my mates talk absoulte bollocks as does my dad, my dad thinks Nicky Butt should start for the experience for example. ONly people I hear that talk sense really are on here. You're taking the piss, aye? I don't agree with most supporters either. If I had my way i'd have Jonas taken out the back of the training ground and beat with a stick until he learned how to float in a decent cross although i've realised i'm in a minority. I, like you, have also suffered an earbashing at the hands of one of the few Nicky Butt fans still out there (it might've been your Dad. If so tell him he's a c***). Do these experiences mean I'm against fan ownership? No, because I respect the fact that they, like me, have a vested emotional (and if NUST get their way, financial) interest in the club. I'd much rather disagree with people who I know have put their time and money into this football club over the years rather than a bloated billionaire with no attachment. Aye, was a slight jest. I'm not saying I wouldn't have this over Ashley, I just don't think it will work A) I don't think they'll raise the money. B) Do any of these people havea clue about running a 300M investment. C) We'll make Kneejerk and rash decisions and we'll spend whatever money we raise in the first window. That's fair enough I suppose. They're all valid reasons to be unsure about any potential fan takeover. I see it this way - if they don't make enough money then there is no harm done so it's not really something to worry too much about. To combat the last two points I personally would be hoping the fans would elect a President ala Barca. When 'fan ownership' is uttered I think a lot of people assume Paul from Row M suddenly is going to be given the day to day running of the club and that's that. In reality I imagine we'd see a Newcastle fan with the knowledge and personal experience, someone like Barry Moat or Graham Wylie, voted in and given a set term running the club. Obviously i'm not involved with any of this work so it's all speculation on my part but that's personally how I see it working. From what it sounds like it does infer that members will all have avote on major decisions. I would be happy with this structure if it was basically run like a normal football club where the Chairman basically makes most of the decisions but is answerable to the board. Personally I don't think it matters whether the Chairman is from Newcastle either in fact I'd prefer if he wasn't, I'd like someone who has already been a chairman or MD before like David Dein (Dreamworld). I think a freh perspective would help. I can't see the 'vote on every issue' thing being workable in the real world. It takes too long. Maybe for stuff such as kit supplier, sponsors, pie and pint prices etc. but not for transfers and the like. I suppose we'll not know the full details until Monday, possibly later. Yeah I know day to day decisions wont be made like that but say manager changes will, I just think itll be kneejerktastic tbh, like I said we'll get through so many managers. Our high management turnover over the past few years was due to mistakes by the board rather than fan pressure. Robson - Sacked at the wrong time. Majority of fans wanted him to stay. Souness - Wrong man from the start, played poor football and ruining a top 6 team. Arguable whether the fans played a part. Roeder - Wrong man again. Fans liked him and sung his name while protesting against Freddy. Sacked at the right time but it was a surprise to most fans. Big Sam - Came in during the takeover and despite the poor football got very little abuse. Save for the duo within view of the Sky cameras against Liverpool he seemed to be well liked and his name was still being sung come Stoke. Keegan - We know what happened there. The thing with voting for a new manager is that they need to want to come to us. I've no doubt we'll have some who'll want Keegan and some Mourinho but lets be realistic, they're never going to get what they want are they? True alot of that was the Board at fault, but I just think itll be chaos if the fans decide on stuff like this. Who are we to say who to appoint, yes we have a good footballing knowledge mostly but we'd never get to interview them or anything. That is why I would personally give the decision to the president and the board. They'd obviously have to take the fans opinions on board for the sake of elections etc. but i'd much rather a decision like that was in the hands of a few individuals who have our blessing.
  16. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans? I'm just joking about that bit really, is a bit true though, most of my mates talk absoulte bollocks as does my dad, my dad thinks Nicky Butt should start for the experience for example. ONly people I hear that talk sense really are on here. You're taking the piss, aye? I don't agree with most supporters either. If I had my way i'd have Jonas taken out the back of the training ground and beat with a stick until he learned how to float in a decent cross although i've realised i'm in a minority. I, like you, have also suffered an earbashing at the hands of one of the few Nicky Butt fans still out there (it might've been your Dad. If so tell him he's a c***). Do these experiences mean I'm against fan ownership? No, because I respect the fact that they, like me, have a vested emotional (and if NUST get their way, financial) interest in the club. I'd much rather disagree with people who I know have put their time and money into this football club over the years rather than a bloated billionaire with no attachment. Aye, was a slight jest. I'm not saying I wouldn't have this over Ashley, I just don't think it will work A) I don't think they'll raise the money. B) Do any of these people havea clue about running a 300M investment. C) We'll make Kneejerk and rash decisions and we'll spend whatever money we raise in the first window. That's fair enough I suppose. They're all valid reasons to be unsure about any potential fan takeover. I see it this way - if they don't make enough money then there is no harm done so it's not really something to worry too much about. To combat the last two points I personally would be hoping the fans would elect a President ala Barca. When 'fan ownership' is uttered I think a lot of people assume Paul from Row M suddenly is going to be given the day to day running of the club and that's that. In reality I imagine we'd see a Newcastle fan with the knowledge and personal experience, someone like Barry Moat or Graham Wylie, voted in and given a set term running the club. Obviously i'm not involved with any of this work so it's all speculation on my part but that's personally how I see it working. From what it sounds like it does infer that members will all have avote on major decisions. I would be happy with this structure if it was basically run like a normal football club where the Chairman basically makes most of the decisions but is answerable to the board. Personally I don't think it matters whether the Chairman is from Newcastle either in fact I'd prefer if he wasn't, I'd like someone who has already been a chairman or MD before like David Dein (Dreamworld). I think a freh perspective would help. I can't see the 'vote on every issue' thing being workable in the real world. It takes too long. Maybe for stuff such as kit supplier, sponsors, pie and pint prices etc. but not for transfers and the like. I suppose we'll not know the full details until Monday, possibly later. Yeah I know day to day decisions wont be made like that but say manager changes will, I just think itll be kneejerktastic tbh, like I said we'll get through so many managers. Our high management turnover over the past few years was due to mistakes by the board rather than fan pressure. Robson - Sacked at the wrong time. Majority of fans wanted him to stay. Souness - Wrong man from the start, played poor football and ruining a top 6 team. Arguable whether the fans played a part. Roeder - Wrong man again. Fans liked him and sung his name while protesting against Freddy. Sacked at the right time but it was a surprise to most fans. Big Sam - Came in during the takeover and despite the poor football got very little abuse. Save for the duo within view of the Sky cameras against Liverpool he seemed to be well liked and his name was still being sung come Stoke. Keegan - We know what happened there. The thing with voting for a new manager is that they need to want to come to us. I've no doubt we'll have some who'll want Keegan and some Mourinho but lets be realistic, they're never going to get what they want are they?
  17. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans? I'm just joking about that bit really, is a bit true though, most of my mates talk absoulte bollocks as does my dad, my dad thinks Nicky Butt should start for the experience for example. ONly people I hear that talk sense really are on here. You're taking the piss, aye? I don't agree with most supporters either. If I had my way i'd have Jonas taken out the back of the training ground and beat with a stick until he learned how to float in a decent cross although i've realised i'm in a minority. I, like you, have also suffered an earbashing at the hands of one of the few Nicky Butt fans still out there (it might've been your Dad. If so tell him he's a c***). Do these experiences mean I'm against fan ownership? No, because I respect the fact that they, like me, have a vested emotional (and if NUST get their way, financial) interest in the club. I'd much rather disagree with people who I know have put their time and money into this football club over the years rather than a bloated billionaire with no attachment. Aye, was a slight jest. I'm not saying I wouldn't have this over Ashley, I just don't think it will work A) I don't think they'll raise the money. B) Do any of these people havea clue about running a 300M investment. C) We'll make Kneejerk and rash decisions and we'll spend whatever money we raise in the first window. That's fair enough I suppose. They're all valid reasons to be unsure about any potential fan takeover. I see it this way - if they don't make enough money then there is no harm done so it's not really something to worry too much about. To combat the last two points I personally would be hoping the fans would elect a President ala Barca. When 'fan ownership' is uttered I think a lot of people assume Paul from Row M suddenly is going to be given the day to day running of the club and that's that. In reality I imagine we'd see a Newcastle fan with the knowledge and personal experience, someone like Barry Moat or Graham Wylie, voted in and given a set term running the club. Obviously i'm not involved with any of this work so it's all speculation on my part but that's personally how I see it working. From what it sounds like it does infer that members will all have avote on major decisions. I would be happy with this structure if it was basically run like a normal football club where the Chairman basically makes most of the decisions but is answerable to the board. Personally I don't think it matters whether the Chairman is from Newcastle either in fact I'd prefer if he wasn't, I'd like someone who has already been a chairman or MD before like David Dein (Dreamworld). I think a freh perspective would help. I can't see the 'vote on every issue' thing being workable in the real world. It takes too long. Maybe for stuff such as kit supplier, sponsors, pie and pint prices etc. but not for transfers and the like. I suppose we'll not know the full details until Monday, possibly later.
  18. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans? I'm just joking about that bit really, is a bit true though, most of my mates talk absoulte bollocks as does my dad, my dad thinks Nicky Butt should start for the experience for example. ONly people I hear that talk sense really are on here. You're taking the piss, aye? I don't agree with most supporters either. If I had my way i'd have Jonas taken out the back of the training ground and beat with a stick until he learned how to float in a decent cross although i've realised i'm in a minority. I, like you, have also suffered an earbashing at the hands of one of the few Nicky Butt fans still out there (it might've been your Dad. If so tell him he's a c***). Do these experiences mean I'm against fan ownership? No, because I respect the fact that they, like me, have a vested emotional (and if NUST get their way, financial) interest in the club. I'd much rather disagree with people who I know have put their time and money into this football club over the years rather than a bloated billionaire with no attachment. Aye, was a slight jest. I'm not saying I wouldn't have this over Ashley, I just don't think it will work A) I don't think they'll raise the money. B) Do any of these people havea clue about running a 300M investment. C) We'll make Kneejerk and rash decisions and we'll spend whatever money we raise in the first window. That's fair enough I suppose. They're all valid reasons to be unsure about any potential fan takeover. I see it this way - if they don't make enough money then there is no harm done so it's not really something to worry too much about. To combat the last two points I personally would be hoping the fans would elect a President ala Barca. When 'fan ownership' is uttered I think a lot of people assume Paul from Row M suddenly is going to be given the day to day running of the club and that's that. In reality I imagine we'd see a Newcastle fan with the knowledge and personal experience, someone like Barry Moat or Graham Wylie, voted in and given a set term running the club. Obviously i'm not involved with any of this work so it's all speculation on my part but that's personally how I see it working.
  19. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans? I'm just joking about that bit really, is a bit true though, most of my mates talk absoulte bollocks as does my dad, my dad thinks Nicky Butt should start for the experience for example. ONly people I hear that talk sense really are on here. You're taking the piss, aye? I don't agree with most supporters either. If I had my way i'd have Jonas taken out the back of the training ground and beat with a stick until he learned how to float in a decent cross although i've realised i'm in a minority. I, like you, have also suffered an earbashing at the hands of one of the few Nicky Butt fans still out there (it might've been your Dad. If so tell him he's a cunt). Do these experiences mean I'm against fan ownership? No, because I respect the fact that they, like me, have a vested emotional (and if NUST get their way, financial) interest in the club. I'd much rather disagree with people who I know have put their time and money into this football club over the years rather than a bloated billionaire with no attachment.
  20. You're such a card. Who'd would've thought of using an inaccurate stereotype Sky have perpetuated against there own fans?
  21. Nor do I at the minute but it's still interesting and probably worth getting behind. The fact there is seemingly no risk involved with putting your money in the pot will probably be attractive to those who have the cash and the urge to get involved.
  22. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=26164
  23. There was one suggested on Toontastic a few days ago that tickled me. Sung to the tune of Ebeneezer Goode: "He's a cunt, he's a cunt! A big fat cockney cunt!" repeat until fade.
  24. Went to a handful of games last year, noteably the tonking of Blyth on New Years Day and the playoff victory, and they were cracking entertainment. There seems to be a few hundred hardcore Heed fans and the rest are a mixture of Newcastle and Sunderland. It was very weird going to a match with my diehard Mackem mate and both cheering when one team scored.
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