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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It's like listening to one of them battered women on Jeremy Kyle. Despite all evidence to the contrary you still believe he'll change. If we go up Ashley wont sell. He's given Hughton an 18 month deal, which is a pretty clear signal he's not going to hoy the club back on the market any time soon given his tendancy refuse to appoint a manager whenever he's thinking about selling.
  2. yeah i'm on their site now, just emailed them about anything that's going to happen Looks like they have already come up with their idea it's wait for it wait for it............................................................. A petition http://www.nust.org.uk/rename-petition For fucks sake what's the point any more. A post by Pud on Toontastic, directed at someone being a bipolar fucker. Sounds as if it's not the only thing going on. Lets give them a chance, eh? The Peterborough game is going to be the focal point for any action so lets not string NUST up yet.
  3. http://www.glowingdial.com/images/John_Inman.jpg
  4. Where does this idea that Ashley will only sell if we get promoted?
  5. yes he'll think we are even more stupid than he already thinks we are, he'll be pissing his pants if the crowd drops to 20k when he's already got the ticket money in! he's got the gate money already he'll not be bothered if there's just him and llambiar sitting there in the milburn with a couple of 1000 away fans in level 7. It wasn't 44k season ticket holders in the stands on Saturday you do know that don't you That and no food or drink sold on the day plus a mass protest outse, I somehow doubt he'll be sat their laughing s yes i do realise that it wasn't 44k season ticket holders, taking away the 3k away fans, of the 40k nufc fans there i don't think the pay on the gate match by match crowd is that big, 5-7k max. I just can't see how stopping going to league games when the majority of the crowd have already paid for their tickets. i fully back not buying food & drink etc. We sold just over 25,000 season tickets didn't we? I'm sure the club or Ronny announced as much just before the start of the year? That's a fair whack that pay on the door. I've been to every home game this season bar the Reading and Leicester matches and I don't have a season ticket (more to do with uncertainty over whether my weekends would be free rather than any boycott). I imagine there are a lot of people doing similar.
  6. What a manager he is too. Two time Championship manager of the month, Chris "I'm a coach, not a manager! Honestly!" Hughton. Cap doffed, Mike.
  7. What form do you envision this protest taking? Why would Ashley take anymore notice of a protest now when it has done fuck all in the past? We've had one and he 'put the club on the market' 24 hours later. Hardly a track record of epic fails.
  8. That's a massive assumption to make about my motives based on bugger all. I want to do something proactive because the tried and tested method of sitting on our hands and singing the occasional anti-Ashley song still saw us get relegated. Ashley will not keep hold of the club regardless of what the fans think or do because we can hit him in the pocket. Gate receipts still make up a huge amount of income - we're probably generating around £1 million a game including bait and beer. If there was to be a significant drop of in attendance then you can guarentee he'd reevaluate his position, especially when you take into consideration his position financially.
  9. As i've said earlier it's no longer about making him realise we don't like him, it's about making his tenure here as uncomfortable as possible. I for one am not willing to do nothing for fear it might have a slightly negative effect on the team because I simply don't buy into that school of thought. For the greater good of the club he needs outing ASAP and if protests/boycotts etc. will help that then i'm all for it.
  10. hit the nail on the head there, if fan's believe that players performance's are affected by protests etc players should not care about what's happening off the pitch, because they are locked in a world that's so far away from what is happening So we lost to hull last season purely because Hughton somehow managed to get all the players to completely disregard everything theyd learn from keegan for months and months? no Negativity of any form will affect the players ofcourse and it will also affect the fans. The fans that go to these protests will then enjoy voicing their opinions so strongly and that mentality will spread, these same people will then end up voicing these same opinions at the games regardless of all the good intent "support the lads always" talk. Hughton will be seen as standing beside Ashley, so he will get booed with the slightest hint of things going wrong...certain people will also be far more ready to jump on the players than they would usually. Its naive as hell to think the players wouldnt be affected by protests. It's even more naive to believe that one protest effectively got us relegated, which was an idea being peddled on here not too long ago.
  11. Boycotting, protests etc. are not going to get the club sold by themselves, no one thinks that. They do however go some way to helping push Ashley out of the door and into the arms of a potential buyer. The main problem with previous protests is that they've stopped too soon. After the Hull game when he announced his intention to sell for a ridiculous sum we sat on our hands in the belief any further action could rock the boat. In fact further action probably would've helped push through any potential sale.
  12. It will also unsettle the players. I've never really bought into that. They know the abuse isn't directed at them and they're not so precious as to get a bit upset when someone in the stand calls the man who owns the club a nasty name. The poor performances last season weren't because of the protests, but because of shit management.
  13. It's not about making him realise he's hated, but giving him as hard of a ride as possible while he's here. He got away with murder when the details of the Keegan case were released, there was no real outpouring of anger. Now is the time to change that because you can tell he's getting comfortable again, whether that be in the form of protests, banners, marches, boycotts etc. We haven't even plumbed the depths yet and I don't want to find out how bad this could get. No action and I might.
  14. We're not going to see that £20 million in any way, shape or form. It'll go on the wages (which, according to Keith Harris, because of our crowds, the parachute payments and reduction in the bill this summer are now 'sustainable'), servicing the debt (back in his pocket) or paying off the overdraft (paying the banks for what he should've been doing this summer). It'd also be very interesting to see where the money gained from incoming transfers has went. Assuming Llambias was telling the truth when he said the Milner and Given deals were to be paid this summer then taking into account our other sales we should have a solid £40 million sitting somewhere. We know it wasn't used to pay the running costs while he tried to sell (overdraft) so where is it, Mike?
  15. 1. They wont care about that, the exposure they'll get on Sky et al. will be enough for them. 2. You'd be surprised, especially as it'll probably be a lovely, lucrative shirt 'n' stadia deal for whoever wants the rights.
  16. Let's change the colour of our kits to Sports Direct's red and blue too then. Infact, let's change the name of the club, the kit colours and move it to a place nowhere near where it comes from. MK Magpies should do the trick. We're trying to get a few extra million quid in the bank by sponsoring. Nowhere near as bad as what you're describing. Do you honestly think we'll see a penny of that fucking money? He's taking us for a ride, he's squeezing every last penny he can out of the club to try and prop up both his and his companies' increasingly dodgy financial footing. I don't think it's just a case of "ooh, he's renaming the stadium," it's tantamount to yet more asset stripping. He's now trying to pawn of pieces of the clubs history to the highest bidder. Can you imagine the uproar if the Glazer's renamed Old Trafford to the McDonalds Dome or Gillet and Hicks renamed Anfield to the Pepsi Arena? There'd be hell on and rightly so.
  17. Or Ashley is stalling because the offer to Hughton was just an attempt at smoking out buyers? No? Didn't think so.
  18. He's clearly not interested anymore. He's already looking towards the World Cup.
  19. That's the only home I've been to so far this season and I thought it was better than the games I went to last year. We spent a lot of time getting beat last year. Probably why.
  20. St. James' doesn't lend itself well to creating an atmosphere because of L7. It's always decent in the silly seats but having two stands twice the height as the rest of the ground means the noise doesn't filter down to those elsewhere.
  21. I'm sure I read the decision to give the armband to Butt was Smith's and not Hughton's.
  22. Also, why don't we operate a multiball system? Because the club insist on giving 4 year olds the chance to be ball boys and ball girls if it goes further than the advertising hoards it takes a bloody age for the ball to the hands of the throw in taker/goalkeeper and the only team it seems to have a detrimental effect on is us.
  23. Very harsh on Carroll. Thanks to him we created more in the last 20+ minutes than we had the rest of the game.
  24. I was disgusted with Jonas' performance. Has he been picked for Argentina, because he was playing like he didn't want to get involved? He was Robertesque in his laziness but without the edge of quality about him. He did provide one good moment of comedy when Guthrie opted to take a short corner and give the ball to him, cue a collective groan go up around Level 7. It tells you everything you need to know about this league that we played so poorly yet still looked the better side. We had a handful of really good chances and their keeper kept them in it. On another day it could've been 3 or 4 nil. The ref was shite too, but you all know that.
  25. Keegan proved just over a year ago he had the skills a manager needs in this day and age. See the 4-3-3 for example. Obviously he's a s**** tactician though. I love how the "piss poor tactically" line still gets trotted out, despite the fact we all saw with our own eyes the reinvention of Michael Owen as a playmaker (something no one else had ever tried to do). In my opinion that was more by accident than design. Your opinion means fuck all though. Had Capello done that he'd have been a tactical genius, because it's Keegan it was an accident. Righto.
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