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Everything posted by Pata

  1. Thought the exact same yesterday as Simpson is never in his career going to be any attacking threat.
  2. That is a f***ing ridiculous name. That is a brilliant name It's part of the charm. Classy CB. I would go crazy if we start next season with Colo-Ponce.
  3. I have always loved Drogba. Others I like watching are Faurlin, Diame and Mulumbu. OT: I really hope Waldo Ponce gets a move to Europe. Absolutely fell in love with Chile on World Cup and Copa America and he's the most awesome.
  4. Simpsons ability with the ball must have caught Arsene's eye.
  5. Obertan had a game like he did today and you single out Jonas. For f***s sake take off your rose tinted f***ing glasses. Obertan may have had a poor game, but he still outshone Jonas by a country mile. Jonas provided no threat whatsoever. Only thing Obertan outshone today was his a***hole and even that's debatable.
  6. What a load of c*** as usual. Gosling wasn't too bad apart the obvious. How can you single out Jonas from that game as dog s***? Talk about a man with a mission FFS.
  7. He's played well today Before the pass for the goal (when I posted) he'd done f*** all. Shut up you wum. Judging by your childish riposte you're an idiot; you've got no idea how to read the game and resort back to tired, populist cliches that are constantly spouted by the ignorant sections of our supporters and those who don't even watch the matches. Shola has been crucial in keeping the ball up top, along with Ba, something that had been working reasonably well - especially when Gosling got sent off as we resorted to more direct passing. All throughout the match, Shola has been pressurising the Norwich players and ultimately, this led to the chance for the 2nd goal. He's been creating chances for his team-mates and overall has had a decent game. You'd rather slag him off because he's an easy scapegoat and/or you're incapable of reading the game. Your criticism of Obertan is fair, he was pretty dismal, didn't offer anything with his 'lightening pace'. He was lazy and ineffective before his assist. After that he livened up. I'm amazed people are still prepared to defend him though, he's truly a useless player. Also, even when he did liven up I'd have much rather had Best on because he can link up well with Ba the entire game. If Ameobi was on for set-piece defending then it's easy to see it didn't work. Ameobi was shocking defending set-pieces. Stood still on their third goal when his man had couple of tries. He won his fair share, more than anyone else I noticed. I know and that's to be expected. Still don't accept the total blackout on one of their goals. It was the Holt's rebound goal, can't even tell which one it was as all their goals were the same.
  8. He's played well today Before the pass for the goal (when I posted) he'd done f*** all. Shut up you wum. Judging by your childish riposte you're an idiot; you've got no idea how to read the game and resort back to tired, populist cliches that are constantly spouted by the ignorant sections of our supporters and those who don't even watch the matches. Shola has been crucial in keeping the ball up top, along with Ba, something that had been working reasonably well - especially when Gosling got sent off as we resorted to more direct passing. All throughout the match, Shola has been pressurising the Norwich players and ultimately, this led to the chance for the 2nd goal. He's been creating chances for his team-mates and overall has had a decent game. You'd rather slag him off because he's an easy scapegoat and/or you're incapable of reading the game. Your criticism of Obertan is fair, he was pretty dismal, didn't offer anything with his 'lightening pace'. He was lazy and ineffective before his assist. After that he livened up. I'm amazed people are still prepared to defend him though, he's truly a useless player. Also, even when he did liven up I'd have much rather had Best on because he can link up well with Ba the entire game. If Ameobi was on for set-piece defending then it's easy to see it didn't work. Ameobi was shocking defending set-pieces. Stood still on their third goal when his man had couple of tries.
  9. Well the only defender we could of brought on was Kadar, who has no experience at this level, so to put him and Perch together at CB would be even more suicidal, no? He was right to keep it like that, we scored. It was the difference between who we were missing, and our 'reserves' which unfortunately was the difference today. I'm not complaining about the defenders. But he certainly wasn't right to keep it like that. Shola was dying there and Obertan had been piss-poor all day and we had Best and HBA on the bench. There's no way we can give them pressure without fresh legs with 10 men.
  10. wtf Pardew??? We get back to 3-2 and he does nothing. I guess some players might be little tired. Glad you still took Shola off and brought in fresh legs of ALAN SMITH on f***ing 91st minute!
  11. If HBA gets subbed off at halftime last week, I don't know what I do if Obertan stays on. We could play 4-3-3 and nothing changes. Obertan is non-existant defensively (and attacking too it seems.
  12. So you rather have players like HBA out for a season than penalize these tackles? It's just totally unnecessary to follow with the trailing leg like that. Wut. Not sure how that Spearing clearance is at all comparable with De Jong going over the ball on Ben Arfa. Looks to me like it was an unfortunate follow-through. It happens. Get on with it We agree to disagree.
  13. So you rather have players like HBA out for a season than penalize these tackles? It's just totally unnecessary to follow with the trailing leg like that.
  14. Yeah but he didn't go in at that height, only the momentum of the clearance took his leg there. He can't just stop it in an instant. Have you seen it yet? There's no way it's only momentum, he tries to hurt Dembele.
  15. That is just like De Jongs tackle on Ben Arfa where you first take the ball and then try to hurt the other player because you have 'permission' as you played the ball first.
  16. Yeah, let's praise Suarez for diving, way to go.
  17. No need to raise your leg like that after you hit the ball. Edit: I would be fuming if our player was sent off for that, but that red is not as awful as some that we've seen this season.
  18. I'm sure Pardew made a bet with SAF that can we stay up if Pardew has to play Obertan every week as a starter. Just amazing he finished the game today, Lovenkrands (!!!) looked like Figo on the other side compared to him.
  19. Some funny comments: 'Get some new players please , messi or whatever si ... Hazard , Cavani , Cahill , Modric , Any playmaker kaka . Someone to feed torres new juicy passes ... ' And the reply is: 'Wow your like playing Fantasy Football with cheat codes.' Hmm, IMO that's what you've done few years And this: 'Yeh, really hard to be optimistic, the only thing I'm looking forward to is january, let's hope we have a Fantastic transfer window...We haven't reallyhad a Great Transfer window in YEARSSS ' Wish they were fans of a 'normal team' for one transfer window. They are so spoiled.
  20. Will has awesome sweater, shame about moms shaky hands.
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