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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. He'd misspronounce brats as kilbasa, hot dogs as brats.... "Insomnia, Somnia, zoggy....er...nzogbia" Was still f'ng hilarious btw.
  2. Kanji

    Players in public

    beye is a geordie, no? :-/
  3. Oba v. Boro, to take the game still was his shining moment for me. All slowly came crashing down...that post hit a few matches later, ugh. Pompey changes missed, ugh. Oba v. Boro, falling over himself taking that snop shot. Brought me to tears...I thought we were saved.
  4. Sir Bob to take the mic after the match, thank everyone then say "alright enough is enough Mike, sell up or we're going to oust you ourselves, you don't want to mess with my contacts. Sell up today, appoint Alan, and get the f**k out of town."
  5. The 3rd guy in the beginning is Mike Ashley.
  6. Painful, but much respect to CH, he's a top man who hasn't run away too. He's stuck and got on with the job. Ah cheers mate, that was kind of you. I don't really see it as a job though I just love sticking by my team. I'll still be there next season, I wont run away. Did i miss something?
  7. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    What if the NUSC and other supporters all created a sign for each person that when held together spelled out SELL THE CLUB MIKE, YOUR TIME IS UP. YOUR TIME IS UP ASHLEY SELL UP MIKE LLAMBAS IS A C*OCK F*CK YOU MIKE Too much money...i know.
  8. Painful, but much respect to CH, he's a top man who hasn't run away too. He's stuck and got on with the job.
  9. That article makes me want to weep.
  10. He should never have been rbought back to the game, man's lost his marbles and is incredibly dillusional.
  11. Kanji

    Man City

    Your list makes me want to weep man, sigh.
  12. Kanji

    Man City

    Yuck, this thread and talking of Man City makes me sick
  13. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    I'd like Bwin on our shirts, they'd not put a box around it I hope. I think I'm losing it...
  14. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Man, he really and truly is...a complete idiot businesman, and how he made his money is unbeliveable. When the advisor, the investment banker, is telling you to take a deal, they've used all their analysts, models, due dillegence on the buyers to know that this is the best possible scenario for all parties involved. And Fat Ash is a complete tool. I'm sure Seymore Price will be wary working with Ashley ever again.
  15. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    It will have a massive fkn impact on Malaysian football, when we send them Shola on loan. And Alan Smith will be their new icon, everyone will bleach their hair and cut it like he does. PS - does Smudger realize that NOBODY bleaches their hair anymore?
  16. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Nar man, FatAsh gagged them
  17. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    For some bizarre reason, I read that as "I can get on my wife" "Darling, we aren't having sex until Newcastle United is sold..." HAHA, hilarious.
  18. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    The Skirge Splirge
  19. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    100M + Spurs season tickets and Ash would sell for sure.
  20. Are you joking? How is not embarresing to see we have no manager, the owners dont talk so and so, we have Hughton in charge for hte 19th time.... Thats f*ng embarresing if you ask me. The club is being run by a bunch of idiots and I'm sick of it.
  21. Im tired as f**k seeing these dozens of embarressing articles day in and day out. This needs immediate stopping FFS.
  22. I was so elated when we signed Mickey Owen. The chase, the sky footage of him walking with Shearer and Souness, the final confirmation of his signature. That goal he scored when he and Shearer were celebrating together at Blackburn, the goal he scored from that Zoggy cross against Wigan - I thought to myself, wow, we have Michael Owen..The injury at Spurs, the weak comeback, that WC injury, and then he was nearly lost to me - until KK came and gave him a new lease on life, and those goals...Sunderland, Spurs away.... And now? F**k off Owen, wish you'd never come really, I thought so highly of you and - in looking for a player at the Toon who would lift me like Big Al did before you, you uterly pissed on our shirt with how poorly you disgraced it.
  23. I'd take Shep back any day. Its really the only hope we have right now isn't it? Those content waiting, how long would you wait? Ashley IS NOT going to do a single thing with this club until it is sold, what if we sold 1 week before the start of season, our team has been picked apart and sold up for peanuts, we lost men like Beye and Taylor, and feilding the likes of Ameobi in our starting 11. We'll set ourselves up for further pain, heartache and laughter. Perhaps dropping another divison. FS has amition, albeit in the past some blinded and risky ambition/shady dealings, but for god's sake I can't even sit and read about more speculation week over week, this is draining the life out of me.
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