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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Goal difference? We are nearly the worst in the league a few more spankings should put us there can see us ending on -32 But hey that's what happens when you've got 2 league 1 centre halfs
  2. 6 defeats in a row -20 goal difference 2 wins in 14 and falling like a stone seriously how does this cretin still have a job Any other manager would have been sacked...I wonder if randy Lerner is fed up villa are in the cup final??? We are by an absolute country mile the worst team in the league.. 6 more losses coming up and with us playing Leicester qpr and WBA it's not good
  3. Fuck off Ameobi absolutely fucking hopeless can't even pass the ball you skinny streak of piss
  4. Look at Williamson man that whole passage of play ....what an utter plank
  5. Ryan Taylor man?? Yet another to add to the list of championship players in our team along with overran,Jones,Colback,Williamson,Gouffran,Anita,rivière, Ameobi......fuck me nearly a full team
  6. What's the odds on us having worst GD in the league by the end of the season
  7. Look at them 2 man like 2 tramps at the side of a Sunday league park
  8. He is the senior centre back..ffs I honestly don't think he'd get a game for the black bull
  9. Fucking Williamson man.....God we are so shit it's unreal got to be the worst side in the league by a mile now...wonder if carver can manage 2 wins in 18 by the end of the season....but hey he's a Geordie what a great fella.....someone put the cunt down
  10. Been like that the last 3 seasons..... 6 this season 6 last season 4 the season before It's fucking scandalous
  11. If only we had not lost last week these cunts would be gone
  12. What is the point n sporting competition if you don't hate and despise your opponent for the duration of the contest. Krul shouldn't be congratulating an opponent even if he is his best friend during the game...afterwards in private yes but not in public. I read a piece on the Williams sisters and both Venus and serena said during a match that all family ties and everything went out of the window they hated each other and wanted to win at all costs. Then when match over its back to sisterly duties Krul should be fucked for doing it in my opinion anyone who thinks it's fine has lost concept of the occasion and what a sporting contest means
  13. I've never seen a footballer so incapable of doing the most simple things. Can't pass , his control is non existent can't head ...and why does he always look like he's gasping for his last breat with his head bobbling around like some children's headknocker. He can't even run and breathe at the same time
  14. This totally. Living in Scotland up in Motherwell I watched the game in a bar with a few Celtic colleagues and they said that if a Celtic keeper had done that to a Rangers player he'd never play for the club again. says it shows they are all pals and the game means fuck all to the players...rubs the fans noses in it totally said it wouldn't be tolerated by the old firm at all
  15. Yes a Matthew Harding scenario would have me partying long into the night
  16. It doesn't help that we just rolled over and died. The last 5 times you've wanted it more this wouldn't happen in any other Derby Krul patting Defoe on the head man. I watched this in a bar with a Celtic fan and he said if a Celtic keeper done that to a Rangers player in the tunnel (not that he ever woul he said) then the player would never play for the club again
  17. Ameobi is just an utter fucking disgrace the fact useless cunts like this play for us shows how desperate we are
  18. We won't get another point all season with this muppet in charge
  19. Williamson beat in the air every time what a weak fucking coward....pub league player I hate this cunt
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