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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. My god she is absolute perfection. Which lucky fucker gets to bang that every night. Be great to have a girl that beautiful and that into sports...you've reached the pinnacle of a mans life when you find that
  2. Only 2 years to wait until an extended Euros and whilst that is on the Anniversary Copa America will be overlapping it in the US with 16 teams in that so there will be 40 teams involved in tournament action at same time....not too bad lads Copa America next year too
  3. Love that tune The video of them singing it in the shopping centre is class
  4. All setup for Lionel to pick up that trophy in the Maracana it's written in the stars
  5. Van Persie offside more than Cisse this tournament
  6. Agree Has anyone seen the mackems squad especially their defence. That said we do need at least 2 strikers one who is capable of 10 plus goals a season
  7. geordiedean


    It's all relevant though I regularly have a 10 pound coupon on Saturdays at odds of over 3000/1 if you are going to have a bit of a gamble then at least try to strike big. No point in putting a Tenner on a 3/1 shot for me like
  8. David Luiz is like a 10 year old boy running after the ball all the time out of position all the time.. A truly fucking hopeless defender 50 FUCKING MILLION man
  9. Will Germany ease up on them or go for 6,7 or 8
  10. 7-0 raping here biggest WC semi final score coming up
  11. Marvel super hero They just need Spiderman and Iron Man alongside him
  12. This Neymar shit is sickening going on as if he's died FFS
  13. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/08/28/article-2194779-14B90E9D000005DC-295_634x677.jpg For a guy that earns 300k a week your think he'd do better than a DFS sofa
  14. geordiedean

    LOL at Lolro

    He is such a derogatory awful cynical man. Has a snidey comment for everything and thinks he's funny with every comment I bet he's a sexist, racist bully behind closed doors
  15. Definitely using the 49 euros a month version cannot see these tight arse cunts lashing 3900 on development
  16. The final could be between any of the 4 of them so close to call I really want to see Messi lift that trophy though
  17. 14 goals wow Relegated by end of November
  18. Was utter shite for a very poor Cardiff side.....stay we'll clear he's crap
  19. Strachan putting one past Kevin Carr there
  20. Chiles throwing the papers on the floor fat littering cunt
  21. Big miss against the Germans.....the Germans will be too efficient for this Brazil team and beat them easily
  22. How can no team or fans want to win the World Cup more than Brazil??...what utter bullshit so Argentina,Germany and Holland just couldn't give a fuck and are there to just make up the numbers Tyldesley you're a prick
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