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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. What for? I've got to say mind I don't know how any NUFC fan could go on there and expect to have any form of sensible discussion with any of that lot. Its very very difficult to have any form of sensible discussion as all of them seem to be of some sort of lower intellect human. It amazes me the thought process of some people these people must really be the missing link
  2. You bit, and hard. Lol......Well that dozy twat Reiver is such a bitter twisted fucker that just creates things in his own little world.
  3. Well RTG has now banned me for the 2nd time. What a bunch of petty bitter inbred arseholes
  4. Hes got a face on the back of his head too
  5. They're out the bottom three as it stands... No they aren't
  6. Promotion charge They can win 1 game every now and then man still doesn't get them out the bottom 3 though
  7. Luiz completely lost his man going walkabout again. How the fuck has this guy cost so much money 3 times hes an absolute donkey
  8. serious macktracking and usual bitterness
  9. This seconded....they can go fucking pop and we never play them again for all I care...hopefully the North sea just swallows the whole of the fuckers up. After all its already eaten half of their catchment area Hope Nissan goes fucking tits up and its a deserted wasteland of a place too
  10. New owners first responsibility is to Boot Charnley out of the nearest fucking door head first
  11. I just yearn for the day that SJP isn't plastered in sports direct shit...That should be the first things that's done
  12. Can these fuckers really get relegated again??.....there will be a god if so
  13. My condolences. Its ok I have instantly been elevated to a superior being above all these hicks and rednecks
  14. I live in Arkansas now and know of around 6 that we meet up for games when we can in Little Rock
  15. I thought you were going to say you wont hear the " I believe that we will win" chant
  16. Short story: poor player/tactical selection, poor play, terrible field conditions, opponent who wanted it more Long story: culmination of half a decade or more of program mismanagement Terrible field conditions is no excuse at all to lose to that kind of side. Did you see the state of the pitch in the Bosnia v Belgium game and that wasn't deemed an excuse because Belgium dealt with it
  17. Jozy man Seriously though, says more about the management than anything else. USA should be in every world cup finals on paper but maybe this will be a wake-up call. A country of that size and with the amount of money and infrastructure going into the game, couple that with the conference they are in and the nations they are competing against both themselves and Mexico should never fail to qualify Ive said it for ages if football ever ever wants to take off her in the US then they need to do away with this closed shop 2 conference shit/salary cap etc and adopt the tiered pyramid system that all other football countries adopt
  18. I am not sure that I'm going to miss a nation who calls Football "Soccer" ;-) Its a British terminology not an American one..They just use it because to not confuse the natives with their already named football game Association soccer has and was always a term used in Britain first...Hell its even called Gillette Soccer Saturday
  19. That thing with Billy Jones needs to be made into a Mortal Kombat style FATALITY!!!
  20. Like something Napoleon Dynamite would do
  21. from only 10 games...1 win in 10 in bottom 3 they will be around the bottom 3 all season couldn't happen to a better bunch of cunts
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