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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Are you defending this fellas actions? He was probably off his tits on ket as well there is absolutely fuck all vunerable about him. The fella should be hung out to dry and put on the sex offenders list for exposing himself in a family environment and around children
  2. Its like one of them dreams where you are at the office with no trousers on
  3. Daily Mirror also reporting it...filthy bastard they truly are a bunch of animals. I bet his parents are so proud hes hit the headlines
  4. Ive come to the conclusion that hes a championship player. Had 2 great years in the championship for Bournemouth and Us last year, but was rotten for Bournemouth in their first season in the prem and this season has looked out of his depth Another on the must replace list
  5. I absolutely despise this piss weak little shit. He was crap 2 years ago in the premier league, he was crap last year in the championship and hes still crap now Id happily drag him back to Tenerife by the scruff of the neck
  6. They have now had a crack at 20 teams out of the other 23 in the championship and they have beaten 2 of them...a very poor Norwich and an atrocious relegation certainty in Burton Albion Well done you inbred fucks
  7. Just need a Burton winner at Derby and its back to the bottom for these cunts with 26 games to play
  8. A bit disheartening?! They’re fucking outrageous! I’m now starting to see why so many people give our fans grief for being thick and having unrealistic expectations. Some of the comments directed at Rafa are an absolute embarrassment. Problem is, views like this make it appear that Benitez is infallible. He's making plenty of decisions that several disagree with. Loads of daft selections, subs, transfers. I get that he isn't being given a suitable budget to work with, but he has cocked up a lot this year. Its so infuriating to think that some on here and our fans think that if you criticise Rafa its out of order. Rafa has fucked up on many many occasions and if Pardew,Carver or Mclown done the same they would be absolutely lambasted for it. Rafa is not beyond criticism at all and I know he hasn't had a budget to work with but his signings have been fucking woeful as a whole and his tactics and subs usage at times has been staggering who would have done better for us? This response sums things up exactly how I feel. Your speaking as if he is the best thing since sliced bread are you telling me there is absolutely no managers who could have done any better or made any different decisions to him. If you think that then youre nuts. Im not saying id want Rafa sacked but hes made some absolute shit decisions. Has Sean Dyche had things better to work with in the championship and the prem league id say not yet hes doing a fantastic job at Burnley with what he has
  9. A bit disheartening?! They’re fucking outrageous! I’m now starting to see why so many people give our fans grief for being thick and having unrealistic expectations. Some of the comments directed at Rafa are an absolute embarrassment. Problem is, views like this make it appear that Benitez is infallible. He's making plenty of decisions that several disagree with. Loads of daft selections, subs, transfers. I get that he isn't being given a suitable budget to work with, but he has cocked up a lot this year. Its so infuriating to think that some on here and our fans think that if you criticise Rafa its out of order. Rafa has fucked up on many many occasions and if Pardew,Carver or Mclown done the same they would be absolutely lambasted for it. Rafa is not beyond criticism at all and I know he hasn't had a budget to work with but his signings have been fucking woeful as a whole and his tactics and subs usage at times has been staggering
  10. Another who is just a championship player in all fairness. Ask yourself the question why did Bournemouth get rid without any worries
  11. What is it now 1 win in 11 games or 10?? Relegation fodder that
  12. t That's because he is as weak as piss I absolutely despise the little shit, yet he is lauded by some on here. Hes an absolute imposter of a footballer and just one of many things that is rotten about this squad
  13. Just like at Old Trafford we score first make them mad and the big boy gives the little boy a good hiding. The gulf in class is embarrassing man its like a cup game between a prem and a lower league team
  14. Rafa knows we are shite and hes trying to polish a turd but theres only so much you can do and it will affect his stock massively if we go down with him at the helm for a full season. He doesn't need that on his CV People need to realise we have a championship team in the premier league, we cant score goals and we are now shipping them for fun that only equals one thing I honestly cant see us with this squad and team winning 6 or 7 more games As has been said previously we have taken 1 point from Bournemouth,Burnley,WBA,Brighton,Huddersfield and Watford scoring 2 goals in the process that's seriously fucking shit and relegation fodder make no mistakes about it
  15. Unless there is major investment in January im certain we are for the drop honestly cant see us being a better team or squad than 3 other teams
  16. Hes fucking dreadful I absolutely despise the spindly piss weak fucker. Why he gets so much praise on here is staggering. He is one that should be shown the door first imo. Absolute imposter of a footballer I hate him Ban, imho. Either for wummery of the highest order or mass incompetence at being a football fan. Why?? Because I think Perez is absolute dogshit im not the only one too many people with Black & White blinkers on in this place. He is just 1 of many who are no where near a premier league footballer in our squad do you want me to list the rest of them??
  17. Hes fucking dreadful I absolutely despise the spindly piss weak fucker. Why he gets so much praise on here is staggering. He is one that should be shown the door first imo. Absolute imposter of a footballer I hate him
  18. Really??. Its a fucking awful excuse for a premier league team line up. Its a Championship team to all affect and its no wonder we cant score or get a sniff of a point at the moment
  19. They really are a braindead bunch of inbred fuckwits...They should be in a specimen jar so that normal people can marvel at how freaky they are
  20. The biggest thing for me is that we have lost to Brighton,Burnley,Huddersfield,Bournemouth & Watford (teams we should be aiming to take points from) without scoring a single goal that in itself is a very worrying stat. This is down to the simple fact that in my opinion not one of our attacking options is a premier league player and if this continues I can see no other outcome than we will be back in the championship next season. Teams who can not score goals go down its as simple as that
  21. Game over the amount of games we are losing to teams we should take points from is very worrying
  22. Ill safely say that 3 of the bottom 4 will go down as it stands. This time last season the bottom 4 consisted of Wigan,Rotherham,Cardiff and Blackburn 3 of them went down and only Rotherham were on less points than Sunderland are at this stage. I think a lot on here are giving these a bit too much credit.They truly are utter shit the only decent player they have is a loanee. They are letting in 2 goals a game teams who do that go down
  23. Its come to the point now where id be amazed if they stayed in the championship. They now need to reach the levels of consistency that a promotion winning team has over 28 games. To even hit 52 points they need to win 1 out of every 2 games I know we have seen these fuckers do it before by not flushing from the premier league for years but the turd flushing twice in a row will make up for all of that Id put good money on them going down this year im that certain
  24. Yes they did..Kelly scored his first in the first half though Also remember Mickey Quinn and John Aldridge both getting hatricks in that crazy 6-6 game away at Tranmere in the stupid ZDS cup. Only Newcastle could score 6 away from home and not win
  25. Its,Saturday that's a must not lose for them. Once Coleman sees the extent of their goalkeepers,defence and midfield he will realise that they are going down Only player doing himself credit is Grabban and he isn't even theirs
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