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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. God Man U are insipid, never really watch them anymore .
  2. Enrique released from Liverpool......
  3. the mrs not understand the need for all the expense? PArtially its guilt for how much it actually cost last time. USed the then incoming son as an excuse haha!
  4. Like that's the only thing making this club unloveable I know but, damn that kit was lovely. http://talksport.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/field/image/201405/89725505.jpg?itok=6uIlHPAI
  5. Please return the Banana kit. Give us something to love again
  6. He's basically Connor Wickham.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/groups/284908028343115/?fref=nf I am banned this year but finished last time round through facebook.
  8. La Parka


    Mid table for a while depending on ins and outs.
  9. La Parka

    Lee Charnley

    Bye suitcase botherer
  10. Bye. Last great manager for a while.
  11. Deserves to be stuck here next year
  12. La Parka

    Adam Armstrong

    Looking forward to seeing Arma, as shit as relegation is, it's perfect for him.
  13. Looking forward to Arma + Mitro.
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