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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Its their own fucking fault for doing a spurs and signing 6bn midfielders!
  2. Never quite understood this. Gas and air maybe? Not sure if they'd put a facemask on. Usually a mouthpiece..
  4. La Parka

    Paul Dummett

    No he's not. Seemed to do alright today like. He's not amazing or anything but he can defend fairly well and is almost on a par with the other 2 English cloggers back there.
  5. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/04/08/article-0-042C9919000005DC-757_306x423.jpg Has every element I love in a striker. Power, tenacity, Heading Ability, Composure, and Strength.
  6. La Parka

    Paul Dummett

    He's a pretty good centreback. Best thing is he sees less of the ball
  7. He was amazing. We will never see him again tho prob..
  8. Aarons As passionate as Michael Owen ffs TBF it's prob past his bedtime...
  9. Its nice to see the younger lads play, I dunno, they seem to give more than some of the disillusioned older guys.
  10. Fair play... I hate the guy but he's doing something right...
  11. Soaked up pressure well, kept shape and hit them with a sucker punch.
  12. http://cdn.gifstache.com/2012/10/15/gifstache.com_2326_1350424800.gif
  13. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/380/373/03a.jpg
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