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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Mr Logic

    Ash Bashers

    Probably because they have a damn sight better idea of what IS going on and don't have the feeling some part of themselves are invested so heavily in the institution that is Newcastle United. Despite Barton's probably pertinent observation that most footballers were completely out of touch with reality it's still just a job for them, albeit one most of us can't really comprehend. I feel no love for Ashley but I can't loath him either. My biggest problem with him is his apparent insular nature, the lack of communication - or perhaps more specifically the deliberate miscommunications. Treating us the way he treats Sports Direct customers is probably not the best way to go about things. As to Ashley saying he'd 'splash the cash', I don't know that he did say that, sounds more like classic tabloid journalism, but maybe he had earmarked a considerable sum for transfers before he discovered just how precarious the club was financially, and correcting that position consumed all those funds. At the end of the day Ashley makes his decisions and be damned to anyone else, popular opinion would appear to be a spur to him to act in a contrary manner at times.
  2. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's a deal, it's a steal. It's the sale of the fucking century... /Tom's opinion from Lock, Stock et al
  3. We're going to win this one.. I think the Pardew factor will mean we turn over our share of equal and lesser teams.. but lose to most of the big teams.. opposite to Hughton really.
  4. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Anything sanctioned by Ashley is a tad strange.. don't knock it in thic case just rejoice for as long as it lasts, hopefully more than a season.
  5. Ashley take note, quality on the width (twice now) is worth every penny.
  6. Carroll definitely needs support.. no point launching balls to him when he's on his own with no-one to flick on to, and as our midfield isn't working to well with 5 in it it would seem like a no brainer to go 4-4-2.
  7. Hate skillful players like VDV going down so easy more than anything... he's good - shouldn't need to cheat as well.
  8. Wouldn't say poor, a bit erratic perhaps and reticent to tidy up his own mistakes.
  9. Great footwork from Carroll there. Earlier, Jonas, jesus man move your fucking self.. Enrique was looking for you again and again and you just stood there like a tit.. in the end Enrique had to turn round and play backwards.
  10. fucking pathetic team selection today, changed everything that was good about us with no reason, wanker. Taylor for Williamson, otherwise that's the same team Hughton played many a time.
  11. Fucking ref is insane, Boateng ran into Tiote after passing the ball away and the ref gives a foul!
  12. Don't recall a table like it ever before, so condensed.
  13. Will be his first definite mistake if he plays Smith, dare so it won't be his last though. Smith's maybe been applying himself admirably in training, along with that other great trainer- Shola.
  14. Mr Logic


    Have a bug-eyed Xmas everyone. Bug-eyed? Well the eldest kid is bug-eyed from looking at all the presents under the tree, I'm bug-eyed from checking to see how much Xmas cost with my bank balance online, wife's bug-eyed from too much wine last night and the baby, well the baby is just bug-eyed.. so I figured we can't be the only bug-eyed family this Xmas day.
  15. Mr Logic

    Nile Ranger

    Deserves to start next week.
  16. Reminded me of the Ben Arfa goal in the way Liverpool just let him take it.
  17. Better than the WBA showing, certainly not playing at our best I agree though.
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