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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic


    Blues bosses arrested by police

    Seven others remain on bail in connection with the inquiry


    Birmingham City co-owner David Sullivan and managing director Karren Brady have been arrested, the BBC understands.


    City of London Police investigating alleged corruption in English football said they arrested a man, 59, and a woman 39, on Wednesday.


    The pair were questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and false accounting.


    A spokeswoman said the pair had been released on bail. A further seven people remain on bail.


    Last month police raided Birmingham City FC in an "ongoing investigation into football corruption".


    Among those previously arrested during the investigation are Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp, the club's chief executive Peter Storrie and former chairman Milan Mandaric.


    Former Portsmouth midfielder Amdy Faye, a Senegalese international, has also been questioned by police.


    Detectives are believed to be focusing on Mr Faye's transfers from Auxerre to Portsmouth in August 2003 and from Portsmouth to Newcastle in January 2005.


    Mr Mandaric was Portsmouth chairman at the time of both transfers.


    Mr Redknapp was Portsmouth manager when the player was signed in 2003.



    Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7339447.stm



  2. His intensity would also be a real positive for us I feel. You can never underestimate the impact of a player who sets such high expectations for himself and the team. At least he'll be a good presence and give a real example to the players (especially the younger ones) about the attitude you need to succeed at the highest level.


    We also haven't had a real leader on the pitch since Shearer retired and Henry might revel in this role here.


    Aye, you could add all those under the 'positives' list.

  3. The man is a total clown and way out of his depth. when we get relegated it will al be down to him, not big sam because guaranteed we would have picked up more points under him than Keegan in the last 10 games.It was an utter joke appointing him in the first place and a monumental f*** up waiting to happen. all of us who forecast this when he was appointed it is all coming to fruition. The first time he was here it was his tactical ineptness which cost us winning the league now its his total ineptness and unawareness which will eventually relegate us


    Keegan do the honorable thing and f*** OFF back to your circus you totally clueless piece of s***



    What a f****** piece of s*** you are.



    Ha ha, how foolish are those comments now. 


    First time I've read them.. my mouth is doing its own impression of the Tyne tunnel.

  4. Wouldn't be too fond of adding more 30 yr olds, we already have 3 currently. Despite the potential Henry would have for getting us into Europe next season, he's not the only one who could help us do that.


    Moody bit doesn't worry me.. players tend to enjoy playing for Keegan, even the moody ones. Cole was often moody when he wasn't playing for us and having fun.


    I can't believe people are over-reacting like this on the back of 2 or 3 results, all of which should have been expected in a way.


    You mean you can't believe people are happy and a new wave of optimism is springing up?


    After the preceeding 9 or 10 games no-one expected to kick Spurs arse like that. After the season we've suffered this medicine was exactly what the doctor ordered.

  6. I reckon we're going to take off again...


    So do I Coach, so do I.


    ......................... :frantic:...................................... :frantic:...........................  Us, flying on the adrenaline.



    ................................................. :hunter:...................................................... Asst. Press & Pundits








  7. Can of worms but.........................



    Bellamy would be the sort of signing who would fit in well to the way we are playing at the moment.


    *Tin hat firmly in place*


    I'd like to see Bellamy back here, could do very very well in a Keegan team.

  8. KK said it was possible after the Spurs game. I think we'd need about 13 points which I can't really see us getting.


    The Chelsea fixture always seems to throw a surprise up.


    Wouldn't be surprised if we manage to beat them at home, but still think we'll finish a couple of points adrift of West Ham

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