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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. It is not unreasonable to consider if Keegan had been in charge since the start of the season tomorrows game at Everton might have been to decide who finished 5th. (That's looking at the results that could have been very different with Keegan in charge.) 30m spent in such a scenario may well be enough, in instalment type deals that's 3 modrics and 4 others.

  2. If he wins, there will be a canny few u-turns when these "trophy signings" walk through the door, thats for sure.



    The club is in an entirely different situation to what it was under Shepherd. Amongst other things, the club is now debt free and it is owned by a BILLIONAIRE, who is prepared to put his own money in to finance things, unlike before when it was owned by a group of people who were nowhere near as rich and were not prepared to back the club with their own money.


    It's not a u-turn to recommend to a tramp that he doesn't get a loan so he can spend a night at a posh hotel, then change your advice after the tramp wins the lottery. The situation has changed and the advice has changed accordingly.


    I know you know this, whether you're prepared to admit it publicly or not is another matter, so you can PM me your response if you want.


    No, no, nothing but a full and frank public airing is needed. Say no to PM's.  :lol:

  3. Most Helpful Customer Reviews


    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:


    3.0 out of 5 stars Most fans will learn nothing new, 22 April 2003


    Although not a Newcastle fan, I did enjoy reading this tale of the ups and downs of returning messiah Kevin Keegan and his five or so year whirlwind stint as Newcastle boss. The subject itself is interesting enough and everybody loves a gallant loser. Especially one as funny as Keegan was during his "I'd just luv it" tirade against Alex Ferguson.


    Despite this, the book told me very little which I did not know. If a Newcastle fan was to read this presumably even less would be learned. The writing style is the kind you'd expect from a football journalist, full of straightforward footy-speak and clanging metaphors.


    While I would recommend this to any wishing to learn about the period covered, those who should be its core audience will most likely have no need of it.




    Think I'll wait for snippets on here.

  4. Updated the first post a bit.


    This is the new Portsmouth crest btw




    And their new away shirt that is the first to include it




    Doesn't look like a shirt I'd see in the prem tbh.


    The shot of the rear - looks like what you might see on the back of someone selling milk-shakes in an American style diner.

  5. From .com


    Mort echoes KK


    Quotes from the Chairman, Wednesday:


    "We don't want to do a Leeds. It doesn't make sense.


    "This club had £100million-worth of debt which has now been cleared and it would be foolish to stretch it beyond its limits.


    [glow=red,2,300]"I thought Kevin's comments were quite sensible.


    "I'm not sure what people's expectations are but I don't think most Newcastle fans would be greatly surprised by what he had to say.


    "There are those who are naturally optimistic but it does no harm to come out with some realism and say that if we get fifth we will have done well. He's right.


    "I wasn't taken aback by Kevin's comments. He says what he feels. We have just come out of a relegation battle so you can't have people surprised when the manager says we aren't going to get into the Champions League.


    "This is a long-term building project and we are very happy with Kevin. He's a very enthusiastic character who has got the team playing good football.


    "We were disappointed to lose to Chelsea but he's got the team playing well.


    "We have started talking about who we will be bringing in and Kevin will have the final say. He has to have that.


    "We are very happy with where we are but Kevin is quite right to say we shouldn't expect Champions League football.


    "It's going to be tough for anyone to break into the top four.


    "Someone might sneak in there occasionally and there are a number of sides who will have a go but it is incredibly difficult."



    Yes, he shouldn't have said anything that increases the probability of a player choosing another club over us but i think its just a theoretical probability and when you actually take the time to think about how people make decisions about their lives, some interview after a Chelsea match is not part of that. I would go further to say, that although theoretically correct, you're slighly mad to think that actual decisions (life-decisions about money, career, happiness etc) will be made on the basis of these comments.


    "Aye Dennis, I'm attracted by the 70k a week but you know that interview Kevin gave after the Chelsea match about the top 4, its just put me right off"


    The comments he made havent helped but i think people are going overboard over the actual impact they will have. If Ashley breaks our transfer record in early June with a scoop, people will look back on them as manager mind-games designed to pressure the owner.


    At that time, no one will remember exactly what was said just some vague stuff about needing a fuck load of money to break the top 4.


    Good God man don't do that!


    Don't talk sense in the middle of an episode of flame wars.

  7. - He told how Robson was completely undermined towards the end of his Newcastle tenure.  The sale of Viana back to Lisbon and Kluivert to Newcastle were both done by the board, behind Bobbys back and in Kluivert's case, against Robson's will.


    So that's Robson, Souness and Bellamy who've said Shepherd interfered in transfers.


    I'll say it as well...


    Shepherd interfered with transfers.





  8. “If I’m a player and I get the option to go to Chelsea or Newcastle, the Press would slaughter me, asking where my ambition was (if I chose Newcastle)


    I thought that was a rather bizarre comment when he made it, he could have said it the other way round and it would have made almost as much sense.

    If a player:

    A) signs for Chelsea and gets 8 starts out of 40, or

    B) signs for us and gets 38 starts and helps us into Europe?

    I think a lot of players would choose option B.


    I'll drive past his new house as often as possible so I can ask him about it if I see him going in or out. :D

  9. The timing of the comments has to be relevant. Did he really need to wait until the team were playing and winning (then lost to a top 4 side) to make these comments?


    I dont think anyone could believe he didnt think there was a gulf in class when playing Arsenal, Liverpool and Man U earlier in the season, especially as he made the point about only Everton breaking in in the last 6 years. If, as everyone has agreed, its a fairly obvious point, then he could have made it earlier. He didnt though.


    Possibly just the wrong thing to say when the Chelsea game had yet to be played; clutching at straws like. Maybe he had to genuinely see his team play Chelsea, previously they had no confidence when meeting top sides (anyone for that matter), its only recently they started playing with some panache. There goes another straw and I'm out of ideas.

  10. where are the cretins who did the "can't judg us on the 1at..........no, second,........sorry third.........game" etc.


    We aren't very good. simple as that. our players aren't good enough. its just the way things are for a relatively average sized club like us.


    So why are you always so angry about it?


    Angry? I think he's more happy about it in a masochistic way. A loss against Chelsea is not exactly the end of the world but NM reacts with twisted glee so he can attack the optimists who did the "can't judg us on the 1at..........no, second,........sorry third.........game" etc..

  11. Here's what I read in my tea leaves, or maybe it was my toilet bowl, I'm not too sure:


    I don't buy all this we're always going to be crap bullshit that some people are coming out with, my take on it is that Keegan's simply being his usual self and a large part of that is calling a spade a spade and being honest about the gulf in class between us and Chelsea. However, it's also part of Keegan's usual self to apply a little bit of subtle pressure to those holding the purse-strings if he feels the need - he's done it before, he'll do it again - and I reckon that there might be an aspect of him calling Ashley's bluff a little with that comment about "if the owner thinks we're going to have the money to compete with the likes of Chelsea, then he's wrong", or however he phrased it. I think he might still be a little upset about missing out on Modric and maybe he's giving Ashley the message that if he wants to compete quickly with the big[ish]-boys, rather than for it to be a gradual process then he's going to have to spend some serious cash securing the likes of Modric by blowing the competition out of the water money-wise seeing as we can't compete in other areas at the moment. I don't think there's any serious issues behind the scenes, this is just the equivalent to what happened with the money for Killer last time. He's saying put your money where your mouth is Mike.


    Saved me typing, thanks.

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