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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. Who was that guy we were vaguely linked with, before Xmas I think, who supposedly had an encyclopedic knowledge of footballers. British guy, working for Barcelona iirc


    Do you mean Jeff Vetere who is now our Technical Co-ordinator, he is English and was working for Real Madrid.


    Andrew Burgess said. "Mention the name of any footballer and he will tell you who he has played for, how many goals he has scored and even what size boots he wears."


    Yes, that's him. Just found the original article. I remembered reading he had links with Luton Town and was wondering if that was the connection here. Doubtful though as he was just an apprentice at Luton.




    He ended up as manager of Luton, a bit more than an apprentice.


    Not Fucillo, Vetere.

  2. Who was that guy we were vaguely linked with, before Xmas I think, who supposedly had an encyclopedic knowledge of footballers. British guy, working for Barcelona iirc


    Do you mean Jeff Vetere who is now our Technical Co-ordinator, he is English and was working for Real Madrid.


    Andrew Burgess said. "Mention the name of any footballer and he will tell you who he has played for, how many goals he has scored and even what size boots he wears."


    Yes, that's him. Just found the original article. I remembered reading he had links with Luton Town and was wondering if that was the connection here. Doubtful though as he was just an apprentice at Luton.




    Then I found this..




    ..which is basically a Hammer fan trying to blame Vetere for the Tevez/Mascerano saga I think. (Check out Dennis Wise in the picture, he's a dwarf! And who is it standing far right?)



  3. I still can't fathom why the fuck this story appeared on "Dunstable Today"


    There is no gap between the two places, driving from one to the other it is all residential/built up. The M1 basically splits them. Unless you were particularly paying attention you wouldn't know where you left one and entered the other.

  4. Doubt anyone will be buying him from rehab.


    (see .com)


    That's my one mistake for 2008 used up already and it is only March. :(


    eh? that;s matty pattison


    You've fucked your quotes up. That's 2009 screwed too.


    Piss off Speedy Gonzalez!  :D

  5. If I had to analyse my feeling, and using hindsight, it would be best summed up as you said Brummie; 'an opportunity missed'.

    Quite honestly I felt empty, there was no feel-good factor. Stunned. But not stunned the way I was with Souness, that was like a punch in the stomach had winded me.


    Then when I saw all the excitement on here I had to wonder if I was wrong, and despite myself got caught up in that, mostly by remembering the past occasions he'd been involved. He will get us on the edge of our seats again one way or another and if at the end of it all there's a seamless and progressive transition forward then great, but right now he has arguably a tougher job than last time he came.


    I wish him nothing but luck though, and even if this all went tits up I could never blame Keegan nor villify him the way others seem ready to do. Quite frankly he did too much for Newcastle to ever be cast as a villian, ever.

  6. I saw numerous signs last night that they could form an effective partnership last night. The more they are given the opportunity to play together the more they will prove that.

  7. No way in Valhalla they'll have too much confidence, but it should have given them a bit of a lift; and that lift should see them roll-over Fulham.


    (and next time I'll read the second sentence before i post a reply.)

  8. Valuable point.


    Bewildered by Martins being subbed, who looked like he seriously considered crying for a moment before decding to get the arse instead. Don't blame him.


    Why the fuck does Geremi still take these set pieces, he can't clear the first man!


    Cracking shot from Enrique. If he gets a long run with a confident team next season I believe he will prove to be a much better player than the one we generally see now.


    Went a goal down and came back to equalise and win a point. That has to be worth smiling about if not exactly shouting. (Oh how the mighty have fallen though to be pleased at that.)



  9. He needs dropped for me, he has done NOTHING to earn a starting place..


    Do people remember Martins' form before he went off to the African Nations Cup? All of a sudden, he's the best thing since sliced bread.


    :lol: I know.




    Or... Martins looks hungry again and up to prove a point. Let's give him another go.

  10. Personally I think Martins bought his right to start with that audacious shot against Liverpool, and his overall threat worried them more in the twenty minutes than they had been all game previously. Be gobsmacked if Keegan doesn't start him.

  11. A low point in our club's history showing such a good manager little patience and time.


    If he ever gets another club finishing in the top eight of the premiership more than once I'll concede he is a DECENT manager, not a good one.


    As I read every one of your responses above I added to myself... 'but did you see the performances at Fulham, at Wigan, at Derby?'

    You can't lay the blame for that squarely at the feet of the players wether they were resisting his new indoctrinations or not.



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