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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. Thought .com had a salient view on it from todays update re: visit to Blackburn.


    If you're turning out, let's try and restore some of our tattered reputation for being supporters - supplying vocal encouragement to the team - buying a ticket is only part of the deal.


    We can still have pride in the shirt - even if other parties are less committed. And reacting negatively from the terraces merely gives the players a get-out clause about negative vibes etc.


    Should that not be on your agenda, may we suggest snapping up tickets for Aladdin at the Theatre Royal or Sleeping Beauty at the Tyne Theatre - where you can boo or hiss to your heart's delight, along with other children...



    I think so, he over-analyses the opposition and allows that to effect our game. Whereas we should go in trying to play to our strengths first and then try to stifle the opposition from there. But he seems keen to do the opposite.



  3. "The Sunday Sun understands Mort and United owner Mike Ashley discussed possible moves for Johnson and Altidore while on business in the States last week.


    New York Red Bulls starlet Altidore, just 18, is rated as one of the brightest talents America has ever produced, while Allardyce is aware Johnson is out of contract at Kansas City Wizards and available on a free."


    The Sunday Sun with a scoop???

  4. Never understood the appointment of MacClaren in the first place and it's not the first time the FA have got it spectacularly wrong.


    It's the FA that needs ripping apart and rebuilding as there are too many of them that are more interested in self-aggrandizement and know less about football than they should. Get rid of Barwick and his cronies, give the positions to real football men (like Sir Bobby for example).



  5. Roy Keane was at St James’s Park on Saturday and must not have been able to believe what he was seeing before he left after an hour.

    Alan Oliver


    I'm dreading it to be honest.. Sam and his clinical psychologist need to get their motivational speeches just right for this one. Hopefully Sam will also brush up on his awareness by reading Tactics for Dummys. (harsh: Ed)



  6. Assuming for a second that:


    1. Ashley genuinely wants us to win the league within five years (see snippets thread).

    2. We could get the manager that would win us the league (I don't want to argue about whether or not Allardyce is that man).

    3. We spent shitloads of Ashley's own money, Chelsea-style, and actually got within a chance of winning the league;


    ...would you be happy with it all?



    Before anyone starts, I realise it'd be a massive, massive acheivement to win the league regardless of the money spent, but I'm not sure I'd be completely comfortable with it.


    I'd be happy enough to have won the league, but in the back of my mind I would know it wasn't 100% kosher.


    Say we had won the league under Keegan that season we had a 9 point lead only to blow it. I'd have been ecstatic then, 100% kosher.


    But the league has also changed since then, I don't think what Keegan (almost) accomplished is possible again. Some big money would have to be spent by anyone winning the league these days I suspect... but would 'just love it' to be proven wrong.

  7. Just looking at the table and IF we had beaten Derby and Reading, said in the same way as IF we had a different manager, we would be in 3rd place!


    It's a little known fact that Portsmouth have never beaten a team that were currently in third place when they played them.


    Mind you we're 8th.

  8. Before the game at Reading Sam was already talking about worries he had regarding the team developing a paranoia about away games if they didn't start picking up points. Which is pretty much the same as saying 'The clinical psychologist I've employed is useless to us'.


    After the game at Reading he kept banging on about defensive errors and as good as admitted he was struggling to find a reason for it, which reveals he can't see what's happening in front of his own eyes due to his own convictions. Blinded by his own beliefs.


    All very well setting up and training a strong defensive unit, but as a new team getting used to each other they need some pressure taken off them surely. Playing away from home in a manner that ensures more pressure on the defence due to gameplan hardly seems the best way to go about it.


    If we had conceded a goal whilst attacking Reading and playing to our strengths scoring 3 goals in the process he might have a right to bitch about lapses in concentration and defensive errors. Setting the team out to play for a draw and ensure lots of pressure on the defence is more his own fault they concede as the ARE NOT the defensive unit he wants YET.


    Lose at Sunderland without attacking them will lose him a LOT of patience the fans might have stored up for the new regime.

  9. Sam needs to resign before he is sacked, simply not good enough for NUFC.




    There's actually an element of truth about it, however far-fetched it may sound right now. Sam's coaching at the highest level here, allegedly, and if he can't see the pressure he puts the defence under by playing with no width he must be in the wrong job. The players clearly have a different mind-set away from home also, they look less self-assured and more prone to mistakes. Clearly the psychologist isn't earning his pay either. Lose at Sunderland like that and there's many that will never forgive him.

  10. More nervous about this game than any other so far. This is the litmus test for Sam from my point of view, if he sets out with another Derby-type limitation debacle I will lose another smidgeon of confidence in the man.


    Hoping Parky is right with his mind-games opinion.

  11. So if you lost a leg in an accident, would you still take this p*** out of someone that had lost their leg and a couple of fingers just because their that bit more disabled?



    Naa, I think I would go on incapacity benefit


    Hilarious btw, you really should be on Channel 4.




    I'm to busy lmao at that guy in your sig, I think I'd pay just to watch what he was going to do next. :D

  12. Defensively Reading look rough as fuck at the moment, even if it's been mainly away from home, we should still be looking to go at them. Play the same again imo.


    Couldn't agree more, let's hope Sam does also and not play for a point and come home with nothing. :(

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