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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. I think Redknapp could put together an excellent team if he had the money behind him.


    He's bought a lot of physically dominant players with plenty of pace at Pompey, the sort that can play the shit teams off the park and boss the better teams about too, he's also got the balance right throughout which is something Allardyce never looked like doing here.




    So is the Portsmouth job the first one he's had money to spend then? I assume he never had so much at West Ham..

  2. Just a point about this 'mutual agreement' thing. Considering how shocked he appeared to be I suspect he was 'asked' to take a severance offer, his agreement allowed the phrase to be used - rather than sacked, which is really what has happened.



  3. I would love to have Defoe here but I think our main area of concern now is in the midfield.To be honest,I dont think anyone of them could improve our squad significantly but getting a new midfielder,probably Routledge would not be such a bad thing to do now.Our whole midfield looks dead at the moment.But I dont like the feeling that we are buying players that are unwanted anymore,its like finding food to eat from the garbage container,if it is still good enough to eat though.


    I know what you mean about looking at rejects but our hands are tied pretty much at the moment. The other option is to look at smaller clubs and get their prized assets, however, I am sure there would be many that would criticise that policy as well. THe two players that we have been heavily linked to Brown and Diarra at least are good young players that the clubs that they play for don't really want to leave, its not as if either is on the transfer list. Defoe would be different he doesn't want to leave but again that could work in our favour, if the guy is pushed out he would be even more determined to prove Spurs wrong!! Well thats my positive spin on things anyway!!


    Brown is 28.


    Good video of Chelsea players taking the piss out of his lack of English. :lol:


    He calls Geremi his second daddy in that video.  He's signing for sure. 


    Well, certainly hope his footballing skills don't take after his father.


    Geremi was alright until he started following Allardyce instructions, took a few weeks and lo he was visibly a poorer player.

  5. Didn't he play against us in the Carling Cup when they beat us 2-0 down there?



    Arsenal: Fabianski, Justin Hoyte, Eboue (Diaby 64), Senderos, Traore, Diarra  O0 , Denilson, Song Billong, Walcott, Bendtner, Eduardo (Perez 90).

    Subs Not Used: Mannone, Lansbury, Gavin Hoyte.


    Goals: Bendtner 83, Denilson 89.


    Newcastle: Given, Beye, Taylor, Rozehnal, Jose Enrique, Milner (Butt 70), Smith, Faye, N'Zogbia, Ameobi (Emre 60), Martins.

    Subs Not Used: Forster, Geremi, Edgar.


    Att: 60,004.


    Ref: Howard Webb (S Yorkshire).

  6. Didn't want to start a new thread, maybe we could rename this Anal Watch or something similar. Posting snippets as he comes out with them.


    What a shit-stirrer he has become of late..


    United were not happy when The Chronicle revealed in September that Taylor had turned down their offer of a new contract.


    They still do not like the Taylor camp talking about it.


    But on Friday The Chronicle revealed that United had bid for Wes Brown, who has turned down a £50,000-a-week deal at Manchester United.


    United must have been prepared to pay Brown more than that and Taylor has every right to wonder why he has not been made an offer he finds acceptable.

  7. Thank you for a somewhat long and constructive post. Always nice to see good old loyal fans around. I can't defend other people's views and opinions, but I can tell you mine. Being a foreigner, coming from Norway, I started to support Newcastle because Alan Shearer signed for you. Back in 1994 when he was playing for Blackburn, his side went to Norway during the summer to play against the Norwegian side Vaalerenga (Vålerenga). This was actually a big attraction of the famous Norway Cup, which is played every year at Ekebergsletta close to Oslo. I was lucky enough to personally shake his hand, and talk to him for a couple of minutes after the game. Later on that evening, at the age of 10 (still not knowing what EPL was), I were to decide which team to support in England. The final choice became Alan Shearer and Blackburn, with Man Utd on a good second place (Man Utd does not have a place anymore ;) ) The rest, well.. it's history..


    I've never been in Newcastle, never seen a live game, but I see almost every match the team is playing on TV ... the rest I pick up from internet forums and news....My best moment's got to be the Kelloggs commercial with Keegan and Newcasle :lol:, and the worst is sacking Sir Bobby Robson (so ashamed) :-[.

    After the takeover, I honestly expected us to do what other takeover-clubs do (like man city and my "Swedish  neighbour" Sven Göran) buy and transform the club - totally. Some part of me actually expected us to do a Chelsea - which today would have suited me well. But that didn't happen.


    Instead we were going another way, buy clever and buy long-term, now... how can any of you say we have done that? Yes, we have 2-3 good signings this summer (faye, beye and enrique), but it's this 'other way' I don't understand. I don't think Man City has just splashed the cash playing Russian Rullette - Sven Göran has proven he can rebuild a club given just part of the summer (even coming in later than Allardyce).


    Futher, one can draw a comparsion between Sam Allardyce and Joey Barton with the headline : You get what you pay for. Most Newcastle fans want attacking (almost gung-ho) football with fast, technical players dribbling the oppositions butt off in true Asprilla style - Allardyce does not have such a working philosophy. You clearly see that from the players he have brought in (trying to stabilize - yes  but not aiming to play attracting and attacking football). Moving over to Joey Barton believing he would stay out of trouble was nothing but hope, you think Vinny Jones would turn into a good boy if we brought him from Wimbledon? Nope, again, you gt what you pay for.


    I'm pretty undecided as to wether Sam is the man to turn things around. I have no doubt what so ever that he is a very very good manager, and that he can handle pressure. In fact he, as anyone else, can be successful. And I think he will turn things around at our club given time, but he will do it the way he is confident of doing it - and that's where my uncertainty about Sam really is. I don't want us to play boring football with long balls (In true Egil "Drillo" Olsen style) Hoofing the ball up to a tiny Oba Martins and an unfit Owen, who both clearly aren't shaped to reach the "Crouch height", and then hope for the best - or look at it another way : So Sam can later on comment on SSN - "We pumped the ball up, unfortunatley Martins and Owen weren't there to get it, but we defended well and just conceeded / didn't conceed". My point is - you get what you pay for and people do their job in accordance to their abilities, their experience - in short they way they are confident of doing it. Just the way you do our every-day-job, right ? You do it the way you know it worked yesterday.


    People here complain about the way we are playing, the way things have turned since the summer - it's a transformation - a transformation into the Allardyce style (see above - the way he knows he has succeeded in the past). And I think that the players we see that don't play well, is the players that will leave sooner or later. Not because they aren't playing well, but because they can't adapt to Sam's style.


    So will a different, and maybe more reputated manager, do any better? Well, for once, if *he get the financial backup needed, and in truth that's expected from Ashley. Maybe. We might build ourself a team of stars.

    Will we see a different style of play? Certainly.

    Are we guaranteed success? Not at all. But logically speaking - a more reputated manager will have greater experience handling different aspects and his successess in the past should give him a better chance of succeeding now.


    *he and him = referring to a new manager.


    In other words, I highly doubt Sam Allardyce is the man to turn Newcastle into the playing side most people would like to see. But he will succeed at the things he's good at.


    Thanks for reading. *puh*


    Well said imo.


    In terms of entertainment, which is what we would all hope for, Sam's unlikely to deliver - short or long term. I believe the majority of the current negativity has come about from that realisation. In the summer everyone was on a high, the majority at least. Gone was the old regime, new owners and a new manager - positive transformations were the order of all expectations.


    It's the football that has crashed everyone back to earth. There would be nowhere near the amount of negativity if we had just a few more points on board from watching good games.

  8. We need more than some badly-daubed bed sheets and a dossier on the UK's best golf courses this time round imo.


    Would we? I don't think so. If the previous campaign came to the attention of Shepherd then a new one would almost certainly come to the attention of the new regime who have already stated their intention of 'listening'.

  9. Not with Hitzfeld, but if there was a manager out there now that we identified as the most likely to succeed. Would a campaign akin to the previous one have more effect? Shepherd called it a betting scam or something. Would the new owner/chairman listen any differently?


    My patience with Sam has evaporated despite efforts to maintain it. People are saying he is still a good manager, that you don't become a poor manager overnight. I think he has revealed he's good at what he does and is incapable of change and/or adaptability. You have to work with what you've got and right now he insists on playing something that isn't working.


    What people say about Sam can also be applied to the players, in fact it's far more applicable. You don't become a poor player overnight, assuming you were a good one in the first place. Even the most jaundiced view would concede the majority of our players are decent or even slightly better than that. They're not playing like that though. Why? Sam even has a clinical psychologist on the team, but there is little sign of teamwork or team spirit.


    None of us can really claim to be qualified to judge what is wrong as we're not privvy to even half the information we would need to even guess that. But we can all see there is something wrong. And we can also see that it remains wrong, game after game.


    The man in a position to correct it is not taking any steps to do so. Of course he probably is, but the route he has selected is so long that the incremental steps to improvement are so small as to be invisible. We just see the same thing. Crap football with no creativity or spirit.  So we stick with Sam, and 2 full seasons or more from now we are starting to win more than we lose, but the football, ugh! Painkillers all round cannot offset the full effects of it.


    So if there was to be a change.. could we influence it? Let's face it, in the history of football what club has ever asked the fans whom they should employ as manager. It's maybe about time that was changed.



  10. Am I the only person that sees the sarcasm in...


    Oh, and those fans, they're the worst of the lot, aren't they? Just because 52,000 of them turn up for every game at St James Park and as many of them as possible grab tickets for away matches, doesn't mean they know anything about football. How, after watching for year after year, could they know what's best for Newcastle United F.C.?


    The guy is actually defending our right to complain the way I read it.

  11. Am I the only one that is getting annoyed with Bobby coming out with stuff all the time? He's IMO beginning to come accross a bit bitter being critical all the time.


    Maybe Allardyce should shit himself when its too late in the 75th minute and throw 3 subs on as well.


    I appreciate the good he did for the club, but after all, he set the ball rolling towards the shit we are in now.


    Not really all of the time is it?


    It's becoming more and more frequent.


    I'm sure Bobby wants what's best for the club but what he's doing is not going to help.


    Sometimes, having made mistakes in the past is what allows you to see more clearly now.



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