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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. Who the fuck are the fans that want Shearer though? Even the Sam haters must want someone proven? Sky must fucking hier people to put a shirt on and spout that shite, i mean what are the chances that they keep meeting these mongs?


    The stuff is vetted before it gets aired, they might say it's live but it's not. So they just play all the ones that said what they want and don't play anyone intelligent.

  2. As said, Allardyce and Eriksson both took over at the same time, spent a similar amount on a similar amount of player and we are near the bottom while they compete for the CL.


    Sven had more cash to spend and we sold two of our creative players and didn't replace thm.


    Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


    Not a valid argument imo, Sam would have had his list of players he was keeping tabs on; and by all accounts (well one anyway) Eriksson just phoned a super-agent and asked who can we get.


    Sven had a year off to scout the players he brought in.


  3. The truth is we will not win the fuckin FA Cup, hence i would rather we lost if it means that fat c*** getting sacked on Monday.


    Aye, I bet binning yet another manager halfway through a season will make us dead attractive to the world's best managers.

    We aren't attractive anyway.




    With the exception of money, what makes this club attractive?


    Its warm-hearted fans?

  4. The fact of the matter is that our players stink! Wake up and smell the coffee for goodness sake!


    I knew once Owen came on we would get worse, just like we did against Chelsea. Yes he is more likely to score if he gets a chance but ultimately Martins attributes create more chances for the team on the whole even if he is less clinical.


    For goodness sake Owen and Viduka upfront? ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDIN' ME???


    The slowest most undynamic pair of players int he premiership up against Micah Richards and Dunne?


    Forget about it.


    Until we revamp our striking force we will be bloody useless.



  5. Name me somewhere realistically six miles away.  :razz:


    I just spent ages trying. And failing. :blush:


    The Town Moor is massive and vastly underused, 50 acres gone in one corner wouldn't be missed. There would still be an outcry from dutifully concerned local residents that stay miles away and live for just such an opportunity.



  6. I don't think a striker is a priority atm, even though I could think of a negative or two about each who currently holds that position; if they don't get good service they won't score so many.


    It's creativity in midfield we lack, that and a consistent team/gameplan would see considerable changes in fortune in quite a short period of time. (Better add the obligatory imo.)

  7. The thing that's beginning to get to me a bit is that all these quoted observers who criticize the fans for their expectations have all got the wrong end of the stick as to why the fans are unhappy. Why is there no-one to speak for us and put the matter in it's proper context.


    It's not immediate success we crave and lambast the mananger for the lack of. It's the style of goddamn play, we're like a championship side just promoted and trying to survive out first season, content to regard a finishing position above the relegation zone as a good result for the season.

  8. BF, the man who wanted Sir Bobby out that season we finished 5th...


    Another talking heed.


    Bit like yourself then  O0


    He's actually one of the better writers there are, and a canny bloke as well.


    He is and I don't doubt he's a canny bloke but it's kind of hard to agree with someone when you know they're coming at something with an agenda, i.e. something to sell and a personal dislike of the manager that stems back years. Not saying he's not entitled to have his say or that he's wrong in what he says as he obviously speaks for a large number who share his views, but I prefer to see balanced and unbiased views, especially from fellow Mags in the national media. All he's doing is adding to the hyperbole in my opinion.


    What fan of Newcastle, including you, can write with a balanced and inbiased view of a subject close to their heart? We are shaped by our beliefs and coloured by our opinions. It will be inherent in anything you write however much you care to believe otherwise. Only if you know you can withdraw to a mighty distance and view things in a detatched fashion can you argue otherwise.

  9. Lose his stubborn streak and concede that setting out to nullify your opponent should come second to trying to score against them.

    At the moment he seems to be hoping to capitalize on something whilst keeping a clean sheet.


    Communication would be nice too, he seemed to talk sense every time he opened his mouth at the beginning but increasingly it's all defensive twaddle. If we knew what he was trying to do we'd be far more understanding and patient. We might even understand what he says, we're not all the same as the Sky version of us.



  10. My Dad (only half tongue-in-cheek) reckons Allardyce knows he's not up to the job and is trying to get the sack. It would make his selections and comments make sense.

    My Dad (not at all tongue in cheek), said "fuck the lot of them, I can't be arsed with that club anymore"

    My Dad (tongue down his throat) has just choked to death, club's finally done him in.

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