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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. It's hard to imagine two people less deserving of the opportunity. Keegan walked out on us, and Shearer has kept us dangling on a string for the last few years.


    Dangling on a string? I don't recall Shearer asking anyone to hold onto anything, never mind a bit of string. If you've been dangling on a string it's because you chose to - don't blame Shearer for that. :)

  2. Keegan would probably make the ideal interim manager if the club were going to wait until the summer. Otherwise probably not the right choice. I see quotes attributed to him today on both BBC and Sky, not sure if they're a re-hash of earlier comments though.

  3. Jose Mourinho, would be a big mistake. Not the biggest perhaps - but I would dread it the most for the sheer backlash of frustration as 40,670 plus, (approximate figures), realised he wasn't the messiah they thought he was.


    Take it elsewhere. This thread is for posting photos of total knackers.



  4. Why doesn't he shut up and get on with delivering us these promises? Because all I can see right now is a managerless club with a barren transfer window ahead.


    If he hadn't said anything the board forum would be full of people wringing their hands and weeping, asking "Why doesn't he come out and say something."


    It's only the second time he's given an interview about the club and you're asking him to shut-up?

  5. Exactly, and it's fair enough that you're looking at the bigger picture and suggesting alternatives.


    Like I've just posted elsewhere, I'm actually disappointed that Redknapp said "no" because he's obviously been the first to have been made a firm offer and therefore was Mike Ashley's first choice.


    All I'm hoping for is that we have a Plan B and a Plan C, or a shortlist of decent candidates at least, much like England did. Not too many people were upset with Capello after The FA couldn't get Jose.


    Fair points all of them.


    I just wonder if the zero sum game might be wait four months and get a high quality candidate by using time and thought and all appropriate channels or get a reasonable man now. I'd be happy to wait. Realise most won't go for this.


    Waiting would be a big risk, obviously, which is what worries me most about it. I realise threads are overlapping here all the time, but I can only repeat the same sort of sentiment to what I've been posting elsewhere. I believe that we will act now and that it will probably be for the best, taking everything into account, but then I believed that Redknapp was a formality... :idiot2:


    Waiting might be a big risk with Pearson and Round in charge, but what if, and it is only WHAT IF, SBR could do it for 4 months, or even Keegan agreed untill May. That would work wouldn't it?

  6. I think they'd be wise to look for an interim manger until the summer now, someone willing to step in and hold the fort until it becomes clearer who may be available and interested. Scrabbling around for a manger in a hurry now is hardly likely to result in the ideal candidate.


    Putting yourself in this position by sacking your manager without a replacement ready and waiting in the wings was a major dropped bollock and it wasn't what anyone expected of the new regime.


    Let's hope they learn from this and the mistake is never repeated.


    I'm with you mate, agreed.  :thup:


    Modesty at it's finest.


    No other bastard replied to it and I was getting desperate the idea got some recognition.  :-[

  7. I think they'd be wise to look for an interim manger until the summer now, someone willing to step in and hold the fort until it becomes clearer who may be available and interested. Scrabbling around for a manger in a hurry now is hardly likely to result in the ideal candidate.


    Putting yourself in this position by sacking your manager without a replacement ready and waiting in the wings was a major dropped bollock and it wasn't what anyone expected of the new regime.


    Let's hope they learn from this and the mistake is never repeated.


    I'm with you mate, agreed.  :thup:

  8. Maclaren won won more trophy and got to one more european final than Redknapp and Allardyce.


    seriously Smac isn't as bad as you think- his teams are organised and tough to beat. He'll win games but entertaining? hand on heart, can list on one hand the number of games i walked away from the riverside with a spring in my step under him.


    steve round, his no.2 of choice, is already there as is Paul Barron.


    Wouldn't you be better getting SBR to mind the shop until the end of the season?


    We'd be better getting someone in like that for the short term and setting out to capture who we really need in the summer.

  9. I think they'd be wise to look for an interim manger until the summer now, someone willing to step in and hold the fort until it becomes clearer who may be available and interested. Scrabbling around for a manger in a hurry now is hardly likely to result in the ideal candidate.


    Putting yourself in this position by sacking your manager without a replacement ready and waiting in the wings was a major dropped bollock and it wasn't what anyone expected of the new regime.


    Let's hope they learn from this and the mistake is never repeated.

  10. Ashley is about to employ a manager he believes in.


    The acid test comes with how he backs him, this is how he will pass the first test


    so simple. so correct. Why does it take so long for people to understand.



    I'd prefer he backed a manager that was significantly better than the one he just sacked. Why does it take so long for people to understand.



    Agreed, but nothing is that simple. Dalglish had a track record better than Alex Ferguson at the time, and he flopped.


    Sometimes its a matter of the 2 pieces just being right for each other. Does he have the right personality for your club ? Is he good in front of the camera [important to Newcastle this one]. What sort of football does he play [important because its been proven AGAIN that managers who bore the pants off people don't last long when they aren't winning.


    I've never like Redknappy for being a cockney tosser etc etc etc but I can see some positives. Wenger has always been my number 1 choice though, and with hindsight although Allardyce had certain qualities that were right for a Newcastle manager, the fact that he couldn't shake off his small time club mentality, and try to play the right type of football that you must play at the high level if you want to succeed at that level, has been his downfall. I think that Redknapp does play this type of football. So it all rests on how much he is backed and how well he uses the money, and yes, how long he is given. But I think if he struggles in his first few months he will get some slack because it may be that we can that he may be on the right lines. Hopefully.


    If its Harry, he has my backing, and even a week ago I never thought I would say that about him. But thinking about it now ........




    That's the definitive answer for me.


    And in answer to the thread title. No way. Parky you may well have just started Worst Thread of 2008. ;)

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