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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Fucking commentators. Oh for a breath of fresh air - someone who doesn't spout cliches and myths but does a little research.
  2. Saw that, hoping it was just halftime looming. We'll see second half if the Pards teamtalk has disappeared or we defend more all half.
  3. Newcastle only won because Burnley had such bad luck with injuries. /London Press
  4. Perez is sooo good. Imagine Cabella Perez Ben Arfa. Pardew is such a dried up wankstain.
  5. Shackles off, did anyone say that yet. Enjoying this thoroughly. Hope Wullie is watching this, did he go to the game?
  6. Not my work btw, it's this guy: But it mirrored them? I thought it was spot on. It still hasn't really sunk in yet, the cunt is gone!
  7. Not worried about new manager bounce then? Wonder what odds you'd get on how long before Palace fans start booing.
  8. Mr Logic


    Wow! They were magnificent.
  9. Not as happy as I thought I'd be. Delighted for a short time then my thoughts turned to speculating about the future. The chance of it getting much better seems quite remote. Just hope the football improves, which isn't difficult as it was almost non-existant before. So that in itself is worth cracking open the Jagaermeister that's been sitting in the fridge for a couple of months.
  10. Whoa! What a story to wake up to. I'm not even going to think about this, if it falls through I'd be devastated.
  11. I was thinking this during the game. When we look decent(ish) it's actually because the other team are disjointed for whatever reason. Come up against a decent to good side playing with a familiar system and with a degree of confidence we're always going to look mediocre at best - with the odd bit of magic thrown in.
  12. Honest to god I don't think Pardew even realises it was him, and no-one else, that changed the dynamics of the game. When he brought on Riviere for Cisse it came with instructions, sit back, deep, defend. The players were up for it and in an attacking frame of mind. They had to adjust whilst Everton took the game to them more. Everton score and our arses started to twitch. We were pure long ball and zero support to the front men, whereas earlier we'd been playing quite well when attacking. There was no need to change anything, like for like and more of the same. Wanker! Poor Cabella, French international gets 4 minutes here and there - all he's fit for in Pardew's masterplan, meanwhile Gouffran plays week in week out with the illusion of graft. I'm not even one of those that will call Gouffran shit, because he's having to play an entirely new role under Pardew. He is shit in the role he's given, doesn't mean he's a shit footballer.
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