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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Seems like a nice guy. I'm convinced.
  2. The moment I heard Charnley was going to be responsible for the appointment of a new manager I thought, 'Nothing is going to change then.'. Same old Ashley, hire lick-arses into positions they're not equipped to deal with, pay them cheap, replace when exposed as incompetent.
  3. Mr Logic

    Steve McClaren

    Mike Ashley, a fan's perspective.
  4. Mr Logic

    Steve McClaren

    We just lurch from one disaster to the next, with one common denominator - Ashley. I'm now clinging to the most hopeless of all hopes that the bridges are not burned with Garde.
  5. Stuck on with No More Nails though, that's all the tiles fucked.
  6. That's utter bollocks. There's thousands of football fans all over the country who love going to watch their football club and have done since they were small children. It's in their blood and despite how bad things get simply cannot stop doing it. I realise there is 3 more pages I haven't read as I respond, but... That is so spectacularly wrong I can't get my head around what you just said. Wullie's post is 100% accurate. Your statement regarding 1000's of football fans all over the country is irrelevant as we would all agree with that, you left out the bit about the club being a shambles from the top down and that fact systemically destroys the team from within. 90% of your 1,000's wouldn't enjoy that irrespective of loving the club since they were children. It's in their blood-and simply cannot stop going. Here you share the reasoning of a battered wife. You cannot make the connection between your continued support and the resulting pain you feel. Turning your back on the club at this juncture IS supporting the team, as it is done for the long term benefit of the team/club. You are NOT stopping the love affair, it is a hiatus in order to achieve something. How anyone can sit and watch a team that doesn't try to win, all the time thinking 'it's my team, I love them, I have to support them'. Well fine, support them in your heart, that's where all love affairs reside anyway. Use your brain for action, then perhaps you will find your love affair rekindled. Sitting and suffering WON'T change anything, action might.
  7. The people who think that showing up is about supporting the team seem spectacularly short-sighted to me. We're run by a ruthless business man who will only interpret a nearly full stadium one way. 'No need to panic, the mugs are still coming. Show signs of superficial change in the summer and business as usual next year'. One of the most disturbing things to me is Ashley barely needs to silence the press or employ odious people like Bishop, half the stadium does that job for him when those voicing discontent are told to shut up and sit down.
  8. Mr Logic


    He is a petty man, used to getting his own way and vindictive if anything thwarts him. When it comes to football he is also a stupid man. Eight years he's been here and he hasn't learnt a thing judging by his failure to secure Remi Garde. All he had to do was employ a manager that gelled with the recruitment policy and favoured attacking football. The majority in the stadium would have been content with that. He could have sat in the background and skimmed to his hearts content if the football was good. Hope this campaign ultimately has some positive effect.
  9. Is it 'state the bastarding obvious' day or what? Just felt I should be vehement about it.
  10. Carver's got to go. He's got Abeid scared of the fucking ball and thinks Ayoze offers less than Riviere.
  11. May have just been trying to rest him. He did look a bit battleworn last couple of games I thought. Carver's still a pleb like.
  12. Gouffran not total shit since he's no longer tied to left back with bungee cord. Two goals since Pardew left. Anyway we have a more attacking line-up and Pardew has reverted to type by all appearances, flair/skill on the bench and cloggers to the fore. Fingers crossed.
  13. That was a well worked goal but we've waited 75 minutes for it in an otherwise miserable affair.
  14. Wait till they hear they're at their most dangerous when they don't have the ball.
  15. After the goal they were the better team, After the goal? They were the better team for 40 minutes of the half man. ye on smack? Hull have been shocking, us slightly less shocking. No, San Miguel. I disagree, based on threatening the opponents goal I felt Hull were doing more.
  16. After the goal they were the better team, After the goal? They were the better team for 40 minutes of the half man.
  17. Mr Logic

    John Carver

    Palace game's going to be a walk in the park. Carver and the players know everything there is to know about Pardew and just have to waltz it over the line. We're so going to lose.
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