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Captain Underpants

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Posts posted by Captain Underpants

  1. :lol:


    "thank god we're not in europe"


    ffs man how ridiculous does it sound.


    just sack the f***er.


    I thought that was the idea of actually aiming for a top four/six place, to be in Europe? For him just to say that should be a justification of sacking him. Fucking clown.

  2. I'd much prefer Benitez over Martinez


    So would I but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of Martinez in charge. Probably the second best option IMO, due to his PL experience.

    Rene Girard would be an exciting option, but I think that option is more of a risk..

    Just anyone but Pardew.


    ..and fucking Pulis, Bruce, McClaren, O'Neill and all the other hoofball british managers out there.

  3. Is he still here? The fuck is this. I need some proper rumours and twittertwatter bullshit about him leaving to make it through the day at the office tomorrow!


    Fuck off Pardew!

  4. Gouffran looked our most likely to score, this useless c*** takes him off....clueless



    Yep, truly is a f***ing idiot, does he even take any notice of what's happening. And what the hell does he write in his little dumb pad.



    Jonas I love you. Would you be my valentine?

  5. His Subs baffle, he takes off a playing well Gouffran but leaves on a having a crap game Cisse (not entirely his fault, no service). Takes off Mbwia and puts unsubable Jonas at LB.


    As if we didnt know it before the game. It seems it doesnt matter how well of a game Gouffran is having, nor how many goals he scores. He WILL be substituted during the game. Jonas? Probably Pardews player of the season.


    If i hear Pardew saying something along the lines of "next year we'll be going for it" ill fucking give up. Clueless man.

  6. Jol at Newcastle would be brilliant. Love story no doubt.



    Please explain to me what makes you think that?


    I haven't watched a lot of Fulham this season, but the way he did things at spurs struck me as a man who Newcastle fans would take to.


    He has a weird romantic philosophy and seems to be very attack minded. It saddens me that his reputation seems to have fallen due to this season. Their squad is f***ing s****.


    Fair enough. I just dont think he's any better than Pardew and thats the problem for me. Its a sideways step.


  7. Could it be about Huddlestone?


    People seem to think it might be him in the pictures from Colo's party, might be why.


    Probably putting 2 and 2 together and getting 24 mind. :lol:


    Swap for Cabaye.





  8. Steve McLaren  :kasper:




    Bimpy I love you. You just epitomized my feelings exactly. McClaren, man..  :jones:

  9. The day we can close this thread will be a thing of beauty. I pray that the radio show cancellation is a good sign


    has the phone in been cancelled?


    Read somewhere that its been postponed. Cant remember why, though. More time to prepare some new, unexciting excuses, perhaps?

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