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Captain Underpants

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Posts posted by Captain Underpants

  1. Cisse's goal V Southampton not available for goal of the season. 


    Wrote that in the box. Most of them were tap ins. Gouffran against QPR was on there :lol:


    I voted for that. Most important goal of the season.



    Me too.  :snod:


    I appreciate the sentiment but to not even list Cisse.



    This season though, i almost forgot about that goal  :(


    Makes it even more obvious that Pardew has to go. We cant even enjoy a really good goal on the basis that we're afraid of losing the game anyway.

  2. What did you all write as a question to Ashley/Llambias?




    I went with:


    "How much do you enjoy watching Alan Pardew's defensive, negative brand of football, and how do you think this style will help convince the technically proficient players like Ben Arfa, Cabaye and Coloccini that their footballing future lies with Newcastle United?"


    Not a chance in hell it'll get through! :lol:


    I also put 19 questions in the "One question to Alan Pardew" box. Mostly copy and pasted from my answers in the "Questions to Alan Pardew" thread from a couple of weeks back.


    We basically put the same question to Ashley, then.

    You just know that the question to be published is something like "When are you bringing Carroll back home" or "Will you have a beer with us in the stands again" ...


    Fuck you, Alan Pardew.

  3. Cisse's goal V Southampton not available for goal of the season. 


    Wrote that in the box. Most of them were tap ins. Gouffran against QPR was on there :lol:


    I voted for that. Most important goal of the season.



    Me too.  :snod:

  4. :lol:


    Cracks me up everytime when people add a little, "I hate you Alan." "f*** off Pards" etc  :)


    It's a, I know that feel, moment for a lot of us.



    Its a genuine feeling, though. Not just a forum inspired get-on-the-same-bandwagon type of feeling. I really do hate him. Bunch of french internationals and he has them playing awful, non-attacking, no-movement type of football.

    Its like watching a boat steering right towards a big f***ing iceberg and yet while it can steer away and safely save everyone onboard, it doesnt.


    It's more like we've just avoided a big iceberg and we're waiting to see where we're going now.


    Nah man, we scraped up a big hole on the side and now we're slowly sinking. But Kate Winslet will survive.

  5. :lol:


    Cracks me up everytime when people add a little, "I hate you Alan." "f*** off Pards" etc  :)


    It's a, I know that feel, moment for a lot of us.



    Its a genuine feeling, though. Not just a forum inspired get-on-the-same-bandwagon type of feeling. I really do hate him. Bunch of french internationals and he has them playing awful, non-attacking, no-movement type of football.

    Its like watching a boat steering right towards a big fucking iceberg and yet while it can steer away and safely save everyone onboard, it doesnt.

  6. “We played well in the first half,” added Pardew.


    “And, although we faded in the second, we rolled our sleeves up and dispelled some of the myths out there about us.


    Been happening all season, no matter who the players are. Either it's the tactics, or the players as a squad aren't nearly fit enough.




    Just hope that if we do replace Pardew in the summer, its not just him but the whole setup. Physios, coaches all of them.

  7. So what was Edwards "story"?


    same as Bird's.  Bit of a mutiny among the French lads.




    How the hell is that "a rather good Nufc story"?

  8. I feel pain. Its like a knife thats been stuck in between the ribs, slowly twisting itself deeper and deeper into the lungs to the point where it hits the lungs and your breathing collapses. He has to go. Massprotests, internet-abuse, fucking kidnapping- I DONT CARE! Just ultimately fuck off you useless sack of shit!

  9. I asked my 1 year old niece what she thinks of Pardew and she started crying.

    Granted, she doesnt quite grasp the concept of speaking without making animal noices yet, and she is apparently afraid of me for some reason,  but ill take it as a clear sign. Everybody hates him.



  10. Might be ridiculed for this but would anyone consider MON? We saw what he could do at Villa when he had decent players, delivering consecutive top 6 finishes. It all went sour at Sunderland but he also had good spells like their God Di Canio is experiencing now and it'll go wrong for him too. That club is destined to be embroiled in relegation battles no matter who's in charge. Moyes would be my first choice but I'm not sure how realistic that acquisition is. Martinez second choice but after him I'd have to say MON, I'm struggling to think of a better candidate that we could get.



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