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Captain Underpants

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Posts posted by Captain Underpants

  1. Portuguese À Bola likning us to van Wolfswinkel. On my phone so cant give the actual link.


    Sporting having a shocker arent they? Financially knackered and doing as bad as us in the League.


    I think so, yes. But the article says they turned down €18m last summer.. Good player though.

  2. out of idle curiosity rather than actual expectation heres my list of realistic candidates in no particular order


    Mark Hughes-if he is the choice then he must have 0 say over transfers

    Nigel Adkins-not the choice I'd make

    Alan Curbishly-he's linked with everything else

    Laurent Blanc-outside chance imho


    I'd only want Blanc tbh. Adkins is probably a good manager, but wont take us further than midtable anyway. Even though thats what we all might have to settle for under Ashley..

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