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  1. 80

    Anthony Gordon

    Wish he'd done something more forgivable like getting banned for a season for gambling on games.
  2. 80

    Dogawful Officiating

    Please continue your comedy act. Do you think that if VAR becomes so efficient, maybe driven by AI, that referees start being made redundant that we should then scrap VAR? To make sure they don't face the stress of a life on benefits.
  3. 80

    Dogawful Officiating

    https://www.theguardian.com/football/2025/feb/28/grassroots-clubs-hold-key-as-norway-prepares-for-historic-vote-to-scrap-var What is it about VAR that makes authorities so determined to force it on the game?
  4. 80

    St James' Park

    This would seem to contradict the spirit of Brad Miller declaring a new stadium would involve having 'lots and lots more seats' than a redeveloped SJP at the stack meeting. Part of me wonders if it's part of a campaign of lowering expectations so that when a final, bigger plan is revealed it picks up additional pro-move momentum, that they're obviously still worried about.
  5. I didn't have high hopes, but what a load of waffle.
  6. Personally I'd think "that's weird, guess it's Murphy playing a cheeky 'welcome home' trick on a mate. Glad the referee didn't notice".
  7. I agree, but Anderson actually does on this occasion To be clear, I'm not calling for a red. As I said in my original post, on balance of evidence I think it was a rib between mates. But if they hadn't been mates it would've been a different story, similar to helping someone off the floor and pinching their skin as you do it.
  8. Of course. You still haven't dealt with my Bruno observation though... In a world where Schar was sent off against Southampton, it's obvious Anderson was at risk of a red if Murphy had been more devious. He looks back at Murphy's face and then aims his hand at it.
  9. Don't remember it right now, do you mean Tottenham? Think that one illustrates the difference - his face and body was fully turned away from the player, focused on the ball and was as much to do with the other player bending forwards and lowering his head to arm height as they both ran and tussled. And yet Tottenham were still very very upset over the situation.
  10. If it was Bruno you'd have people crawling on their bellies on here to bemoan how yet again he's gotten away with a red for needlessly violent conduct. I agree with @healthyaddiction. He unnaturally looks back at Murphy before he raises his arm to clip him. If Murphy drops Brereton style, he's off.
  11. If it was virtually any other player in the league, we'd be screaming for a red. I suspect it was some sort of non malicious inside thing, because it would be too weird otherwise, but he did get lucky.
  12. 6 points and a loss at Brighton, then.
  13. 80

    Lewis Hall

    Get the impression his Dad wouldn't have it.
  14. Looks like he's missing Mehrdad to play with.
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