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Everything posted by MW

  1. He should make way for mourinho if he wins it this year
  2. Are there any wigan fans there at all? Didnt see any segregation where away stand normally is
  3. Both these play decent football, could be alright
  4. Anything interesting said on goals on Sunday?
  5. perfect reason to wack some money on it
  6. Honestly, what is Richards doing there. Idiot
  7. MW

    Other clubs' transfers

    ah right, thought he had gone. didnt actually click on the link that was posted a few days back
  8. MW

    The Liverpool Thread

    from a mackem Your fans were Shite yesterday, yous never sung 1 single song, just to rub salt in the wound, man utd are best away fans I've Sean at SOL in recent years. There showing yous rite up in every deprtment. Hahaha. MONS red n white army. Ftm! Sack dagliesh n get big fat geordie Bruce in, (he'll sort the job)
  9. the norwich wigan one ? i was just coming in here to check which was on with it
  10. good shout, but i wasnt old enough to appreciate it and wasnt there rob lee equalising at wembley was carnage, was right up the top directly behind it, noise was unreal
  11. as a single moment as being at a match, i dont think that will ever be beaten. until we score a last minute winner in the cup or something
  12. We really, really need to beat norwich
  13. Fulham must have about 10 away wins in premier league history
  14. MW

    MLS 2012

    Yeh keep it in here so we dont have to read it
  15. Ferguson completely cut off
  16. Someone needs to get an angle of de jong Doing watch out badass
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