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Everything posted by MW

  1. Why the hell did graham and Sinclair not start? Assumed they were injured
  2. People are complaining? Swansea dont look like.scoring at all. Let them have the ball 40 yards out. Be patient and wait for opportunities on the break, they will come
  3. Get the fuck in. Wish foreign Tele didnt lower the fans noise
  4. Vasco de gama 1 up in Lima in copa lib. Commentators are class. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  5. Who does the winner of this tie play?
  6. Run straight to the ref to get him sent off. Cunts
  7. Except being a consistent diver I think we're second best away. Can't think of anyone else really. Spurs are alright
  8. I know an exec season ticket holder so I get them for my mate every now n then. If I got nothing better to do and its not too much effort il go along
  9. Been in there away end a few times. Its class
  10. Man utd goal will result in a quality celebration behind the goal. Hopefully get to see it
  11. Before the fake death last night, I had a couple 'bad gateways'. Related? Only for a bit
  12. I hate FF. Used to pick a team and never look at it again, n now I don't bother and hate those that do
  13. Can't help but like Bellamy. Think he enjoyed his football here the most
  14. Want Europe so bad. Typical jobs iv seen offer 25-30 days holiday. Definitely set 10 aside for that, more if progress allowed it Be absolutely devastating if everton nicked it
  15. I feel the same. That dive has got rid of any sympathy I felt
  16. MW

    Alan Pardew

    I actually wouldnt be outraged if Ferguson got it. The position they're in with that squad, vs man city, is impressive
  17. MW

    Alan Pardew

    Would have pards ahead of him. Many teams have come up and had good seasons
  18. Good from krul not to put his hands in. Many keepers would have and would have been kicked by Carroll
  19. MW

    Alan Pardew

    Who was top? I would love to think that the likes of ba and tiote dont want to leave. They must surely be enjoying our progress. Give us another season I say. They clearly love it here
  20. The atmosphere when it was like that today (i havent seen it, but I know exactly what it was like) should be always. Whats wrong with booing like that if it gets it going. Doesnt everyone always love when the mackems come to town and we intimidate the shit out of them? Il have that over what the next 2 home games are gunna be like every time
  21. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. When I realised the date after 5 minutes of being stunned I was v relieved. So fucking good at keeping up to date. Was questioning where the hell I would get my news from, tv shows none of my friends watch, learn what the fuck is going on with fringe. One thing that made me laugh was the thought of people all round the world being so affected at that one moment when they first read it.
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