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Everything posted by MW

  1. MW

    Loïc Remy

    Remy is a great option for them to have and will play a good amount
  2. probably supportive for a lower attendance against man city
  3. They've done bloody well there
  4. Is this guy any good? Know nothing about him
  5. These cunts are gunna let me down.
  6. Ozil constantly plays the wrong pass and loses it
  7. What was that stat they just said about 14 years and games between South American teams?
  8. The fact he's done it 3 times suggests that he's got serious mental issues if he does that instinctively. He should probably see a therapist
  9. She was great Edit: was on about the girl on camera. Have no idea which 17 year old you're all on about
  10. blatantly giggs but anyway
  11. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/06/luis-suarez-biting-prop-bet-norway
  12. What was Clarke Carlisle saying about bathroom talk and shouting freds name out
  13. Clarke Carlisle Wrong thread
  14. MW

    The England Thread

    As you say it have no idea why Sven got so much criticism. We always have a good account of ourselves
  15. Suarez is giving 100% for Uruguay just like he does for Liverpool. Don't be so bitter and get over it. We don't have a player as good as him. They won
  16. Today is normally an exciting day. Dreading it already
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