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Everything posted by MW

  1. Same punishment if it was a bloke he'd punched? Genuine question I'm not too familiar with the law
  2. My mate went n said at half time there was a bit of riot with police hitting them with batons. Also said some of them broke into the kiosk n started pulling themselves pints whilst the workers went n hid in the back
  3. Paid the 3 years up front. Was always gunna renew anyway, might as well just get it out the way. Got too many away points to throw away by not renewing as well at the end of next season
  4. I think its time for someone to get that Simpsons picture with the angry mob out again
  5. Thought Owen had a shit game, but it was a great goal
  6. What's the worst that can happen with a failed appeal? I'm not aware of it making anything worse, might as well
  7. Anyone see that bird shit on clarke carlisle
  8. Going down for this, looking forward to it and should be a good night out afterwards.Got a feeling we're gunna get beat though
  9. My mates going in the away stand, say they have big plans for baloons, thel probably get confiscated when there walking in tbh
  10. They're gunna raise shitloads of money there
  11. When the players ("assets") are sold, the value of the club doesn't go down, cos we receive a cash which replaces the asset (assuming we sell that at their value which is a question mark)
  12. MW

    Players in public

    Was in a cab to the match on saturday, saw nolan and gutierrez coming out of the team hotel onto a very flash black coach
  13. Harewood was absolutely shocking on sat, can't believe it took so long for him to be subbed.
  14. MW

    Players in public

    Anyone heard of Malcolm Goodman? Played for Spurs and Palace must be about 30 odd years ago, says he's working with Darlo and the mackems now. I've never heard of him but had my first lecture with him today n he told us that.
  15. Notts County have sacked their manager
  16. MW

    Football Riddle

    Charlton Villa Northampton Dunno bout the other 2
  17. MW

    Football Riddle

    Managers to win the league, that was too easy
  18. Christ when i read the home page it said "Michael Owen gets in.." Thought he was gunna be in the england squad
  19. There would so much shit in the press, we would get the piss ripped out of us, but yes I would take him back, we were doing well when he left. He rejected £4m presumably because he wanted to win the case and prove that he was right, he's got £2m, and if we had him now I would be 100% confident of promotion
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