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Everything posted by MW

  1. He is. He was in a right state on Thursday, could barely stand up at about 4pm, not a clue how he made it to the game like. neither do i, i just keep going. its a problem i'm trying to resolve, i dont want what happened in bruges to happen at the next ones
  2. MW

    NUFC Songbook

    Excellent, I said a while back that we should rip this one off of Man City and thought I heard it get a brief airing over the stream on Sunday. was going on for ages thursday night after the match in town
  3. Me bottom right with my back to camera in the black top. see the first window on the right? im the guy to the left of it with one arm up singing with my eyes shut
  4. I kept losing everyone, got left behind on the escort back as was on the phone, then managed to find 4 others and we walked back into town, took fucking ages. And I missing the escort to the ground but managed to catch that up pretty quickly. Kept thinking I lost my ticket, particularly as they kept checking tickets I had so many pockets I couldn't find it. I remember their 2nd and our goals, not much more from the match. On the first night I managed to lose everyone, so just teamed up with some others. Spent ages trying to get a cab back. Ended up going into a newsagent and a takeaway place and getting them to call me cabs. Then once I got back to the hostel, if you we're at Bauhaus st Christopher's and saw someone sleeping in the hall, that was me, I had the best sleep by all accounts as the others had a twat in the room. Started Thursday on this 12% shit don't think I could finish it. After the match went back to the nice place we turned into a shithole, met up with this bird I met travelling, bumped into gupter and had to leave the bird as I could barely open my eyes, too shattered. Get back to the room, someone was in the bed I had claimed, but then remembered I hadn't used it the night before so someone else was in it, so I ventured up to a top bunk, woke up with a football sized bruise on my thigh, barely able to speak and hopped on a train to Amsterdam
  5. http://i.imgur.com/tixXb.jpg sneak into this one with the back of jill's head and neesy
  6. I assume all of the Bruges stories etc are somewhere in the match thread? Was fucking mental
  7. MW

    NUFC Songbook

    Man utd sang it for park. But yeh I'm for it. Dont like cabaye song, sounds shit should be left to the other 2 for now
  8. 1. 2-1 2. 2-0 3. 2-1 4. 2-1 5. 1-0 6. 2-1 7. 0-1 8. 2-1 9. 2-1 10. 2-1
  9. Gotta leave the house in 7 hours, not packed and round my mates having beers watching the election
  10. there's no part on the ticket where you pull off like here. just barcode on mine. where abouts is everyone? im Zuid, block 422. are those who spent £25 something else?
  11. with the different prices, are our fans seperate? can imagine a lot of swapping occuring if so
  12. MW

    NUFC Songbook

    i hope this cattermole song stops. it was fairly amusing at the mackems but im hearing it every game
  13. I thought Demba's first at Norwich last year was better personally. it was class also. not sure which i think was better atm. i think the one today was more difficult to do what he did
  14. odds too temping, £5.38 on us
  15. Really thinking outside the box when it came to team of the day
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