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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. So it;s wrong to think that people should support the club of the place that they are from. Fantastic.


    In my opinion - and i know that my opinion is not particularly well-thought of, but 'meh' - it's not about people being "glory hunters", thats clearly not the case (although i think we did attract some when the first Keegan reign looked like it was going to produce something) at Newcastle. I just genuinely don't understand why anyone woudl want to support a team from somewhere that they are not from (or have a strong familial link to).


    With foreign fans, its probably more understandable, what with the all-pervasive coverage (and undeniable quality) of the Premiership, but lets face it, its by-and-large an arbitrary decision to support NUFC for these fans. And thats what i don't get, i suppose - the arbitrary nature of SELECTING a team to support. For me, its an almost tribal thing - its about where you're from, not the selection of a team because of certain players/managers/strip colour or whatever.


    But hey, I'm clearly a bad person for thinking that way.

  2. How can you judge Carroll as being Premiership quality? How many games has he had? how often have you seen him play in the reserves and juniors? Good job you are not working in football or else no players would make it through the youth system into the premiership.

    He just likes a whinge man. Leave him to it ;)


    Mind your fucking business, then.

  3. I would pee myself laughing at you lot if Carroll was brought on and scored on Saturday, infact I hope it happens. It would be great to see what you would all say about him then.


    Yes, because scoring in one game, would definateky make a player good enough, he would prove himslef to be a star then, eh.


    Not at all, but it would be nice for him to say, "My last two goals for Newcastle have been against Manchester United and Juventus."


    It still wouldn't make him a premiership quality player. Even Shambles had the odd decent half a game, and he was ball-achingly shite.

    She just said as much tbh.

    Northern Monkey, how can you judge Carroll as being Premiership quality? How many games has he had? How often have you seen him play in the reserves and juniors? Good job you are not working in football or else no players would make it through the youth system into the premiership.


    Aye, we should play our resaerves and youth players in the Premiership, even if they clearly aren't up to it. After all, all we need is passion and committment.

  4. i hate that people say you should support where you come from. it blatently doesnt work like that. Im Manc born and raised and so are my mums side of the family. My dad is from Blackpool. I have no affiliation with Newcastle really. (grandad born there but raised in manc from like 7 or summet). Iv supported Newcastle since being about 6 years old which was about 1992 and the only reason i started was my older brother supported them. He still does now n all but people always slate me for not supporting Man Utd or City n its a joke. I feel nothing for them clubs. Yeah, it would be f*****g great to win stuff like Utd but i dont care. The only teams that i really care about from near me are Blackpool cos of ma dad n Bury cos they r near me n they are f****d. Newcastle by a million miles tho.


    Maybe it doesn't nowadays, but it SHOULD.

  5. I coul probably play for my local team if I wanted, so you'll forgive me for finding someone else to focus my support on.


    Does this make me an evil gloryhunter then, Northern Monkey?


    Who said evil gloryhunter, or are you just the kind of f****** cretin who likes to pretend people have said things when they haven't?


    IMHO, you support the team from where you come (or have strong familial ties to). Thats how i was brought up, thats how things should be IN MY OPINION. If you choose to SELECT someone else to support other than your local team, thats up to you. But don't expect everyone else to think you're f****** ace to do so.


    I have no family ties to any footballing cities or teams, all my relatives support either Liverpool or Man U. Should I be supporting them then?


    Ireland, where I come from, has no football league of any standard worth watching to me, and my local club is comprised of players I played against and was every bit as good as as a youngster.


    Who, in your opinion, should I be supporting then?


    Genuine questions by the way, try to remain somewhat composed and courteous in your response if that's at all a manageable goal.


    Support who you want. I'd just rather people who supported my team where those under the definiton i have already given.

  6. - Uniting the current squad and backroom staff till the end of the season, restoring morale and confidence


    - Getting the team to score regularly from open play


    - Avoiding relegation


    - Dealing with fan frustrations and expectations


    - Identifying correct transfer targets that will transform the squad


    - Replacing the current so-called key players like Given, Butt and Owen


    - Assuming we dont have that much cash to burn figuring how to get the most out of limited or underperforming players like Milner, Geremi and Barton


    - Keeping N'Zogbia


    KK will be needing all his experience and more to sort this one out.







    If we don't, he's fucked.

  7. I would pee myself laughing at you lot if Carroll was brought on and scored on Saturday, infact I hope it happens. It would be great to see what you would all say about him then.


    Yes, because scoring in one game, would definateky make a player good enough, he would prove himslef to be a star then, eh.


    Not at all, but it would be nice for him to say, "My last two goals for Newcastle have been against Manchester United and Juventus."


    It still wouldn't make him a premiership quality player. Even Shambles had the odd decent half a game, and he was ball-achingly shite.

  8. He's a fucking cretin.


    Anyoen who feels sorry for this waste of space must have fallen for the "ooh, poor gazza, best player, fighting demons, yadda yadd" bollocks from the pathetic tabloid press.


    Gazza broke and living in a flat above a chippy - good.

    Gazza falls off wagon and falls over trying to lamp a photographer - boring.

    Gazza sectioned for being a cock - fuck off Gascoigne, you're a wanker.

  9. Notice the word 'Should'

    KK has had plenty of time to prepare for this one..Should be tactically superior on Sat because of his masterminding the last 2 weeks. I reckon a 2-1 home win :idiot2:


    However, is man u in better physical shape by playing yesterday or are we in better shape from resting come Sat??


    \erm, we ARE talking about KEVIN Keegan here, yes? A tactically superior? Masterminding? Jebus, you're in for a shock.


    Even with the word "should" in there, its a mental stretch.


    I can't think of one area (other than "seats just below cloud level") where we are better than Man Utd.

  10. I coul probably play for my local team if I wanted, so you'll forgive me for finding someone else to focus my support on.


    Does this make me an evil gloryhunter then, Northern Monkey?


    Who said evil gloryhunter, or are you just the kind of fucking cretin who likes to pretend people have said things when they haven't?


    IMHO, you support the team from where you come (or have strong familial ties to). Thats how i was brought up, thats how things should be IN MY OPINION. If you choose to SELECT someone else to support other than your local team, thats up to you. But don't expect everyone else to think you're fucking ace to do so.

  11. KK has had plenty of time to prepare for this one..Should be tactically superior on Sat because of his masterminding the last 2 weeks. I reckon a 2-1 home win :idiot2:


    However, is man u in better physical shape by playing yesterday or are we in better shape from resting come Sat??


    \erm, we ARE talking about KEVIN Keegan here, yes? A tactically superior? Masterminding? Jebus, you're in for a shock.

  12. 4-0 to the scum.



    one goal from them and the floodgates will inevitably open.






    depends who we play. someone like carroll or edgar will keep their heads up and i also notice emre always tries till the end but others such as butt and owen do look even slower when we are losing.


    Part supposition, part totally made up.

  13. A correct one though.


    Alan 'no goals' Smith or Andy 'never had a proper chance' Carroll?


    Stephen 'the useless fuking retarded cock sucking dwarf' Carr or David 'I need some fuking games' Edgar?



    you know why andy carroll never had or probably will never get a proper chance.........................because he's not good enough.


    i've heard the same thing said about joe allon,paul brayson,paul robinson and michael chopra...."you never know till you try them" pile of shit. tell you what,you never know i might have been good enough just wasn't given a chance.


    Chopra never got a chance but was clearly good enough, or at least better than what we've got.


    Scored more goals in less games than Smith this season, in a so called worse team. Owen's got one more in about the same games, Viduka 2 more and our top scorer 3 more.




    No, he was never good enough. He was as weak as piss.

  14. I just can't understand how anyone has a "second favourite club" what the f*** is that all about.


    what about teams from other leagues?  :sad1: people surely can have a favorite from la liga or whatever.  just have to be all NUFC should we meet in the intertoto!   :indi:







    Why would you want to support a team form somewhere you weren't from?


    Second teams from anywhere is bad enough, but another in the EPL, as the first poster clearly has, is mental.


    My lads both support Newcastle - both born and live in London. Are you saying they shouldn't? Given that I'm from Newcastle and the local EPL team is West Ham, their choice makes total sense to me.




    My thought has always been that you support the club from the place you come from, or that uyou have a strong (i.e. not - my Nan met Supermac in Filey once) connection to. So if i moved to London, my kids would quite possibly support NUFC. But THEIR kids, if they stayed there, less likely to do so. And thats all well and good.



  15. Some may see it as being an unwanted return to the past, or trying to relive a recent era by bringing back certain some figures back into the mix - much like Keegan's re-appointment, but a return of Steve Black would be a positive step forward for the club.


    In his field, and they're judged on keeping players motivated & physically running at near-full capacity for most of a season's campaign, he is a rare gem.


    Steve Black? I am not sure if he is a myth or a genius. The Falcons pack for years has been weak & physically got done over in most games. Some members of the pack under his regime looked fat & not muscular. The falcons often got wiped out in the 2nd half or late on in games.


    iam going with Myth,  iam sure he is good at what he does but i dont think he's the god of fitness he gets made out as on here.


    He gets bigges up way beyond his actual ability.

  16. Hmm.. Im just gonna :eek:  before the match...


    I'm sharing hoiuse with two crazy man utd fans, and they always invite a bunch of other man utd fans whenever they play a match. :-[


    Now that's pressure... can't fucking stand it. I'll go home earlier if we are 2 or 3 goals up ..


    Hmm, i wouldn't be expecting to be getting home too sharp, if i were you.


    Erm, is that the same Emre who disappears in big games?


    We have never exactly played to his strengths have we. allardyce left him o the bench and he has been unlucky with injuries. the fact remains though that he is the best passer at our club as well as being the most creative


    Undeniably, he has disappeared in big games, and that can't be blamed on anything other than himself.

  18. get smith to start a fight with ronaldo and ghet them both sent off. then we win


    That's actually not a bad idea.


    Maybe he can be useful for once and break the annoying little cunts legs.


    "lets see how many goals YOU score after breaking your leg in two places. :angry:" -Alan Smith


    He'd still be a better player than Smith.


    And even without Ronaldo, they are still a gazillion times better than us.

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