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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey


    What are you basing this expected upturn on?


    He might base it on what Keegan did to our form when he was here last time, he might base it on the transfer record of Keegan when last here.  He might base it on the way we've tried to play recently and the fact that he'll (Keegan) have time during the next couple of weeks to work with the players, and get to know those who he's hardly been able to work with so far.


    So he's basing it on what a man who left 10 years ago did. There's at least as much evidence pointing the other way too.

  2. I think another one of our problems is the 'vocal' kiddies supporting the team out there who don't really remember Keegan's last run in charge - we were a lot worse than this for the end of the season the last time he started with us, he didn't really start work properly until that following summer when he bought his own players in and got them all working to his ideas. We were only ever going to be treading water til the summer, I really wish the knobbers out there would stop playing in to the presses hands and just have some faith that everything will fit in to place once this season's out of the way - get out there and get supporting your team you wasters.  :rolleyes:


    That's the f****** past man.


    It's 2008, not 1992.


    You must be one of them then? If not then you must have a real short memory.


    What are you basing this expected upturn on?

  3. Keegan needs time to stamp his mark on the squad and obviously that's not going to happen until next season. So stop whining and lets support our club! The traveling support were loud and most of the time we were as good as, if not better than the noise coming from the Holte End!


    There's only one Kevin Keegan came from the Villa supporters at the end, but we didn't care if they were taking the piss... we joined in (Obviously from a different stand point)! In Keegan we trust... come on lads!


    Yes, having the loudest fans is defiatley enough to make us a great side.

  4. All those who did the "shit performance against Bolton; firts game, doesn't count.....can't count Arsenal, cup game.......can't count Arsenal, big club.....judge us against Boro, and Villa etc" thing - hmmmm.


    We aren't a big club, we aren't a top 4 club, but now it looks like we aren't a top 6 club either.


    Too many of the players ("Barton he's class"...."you don't get to be Lyon's captain by being shit") are not good enough, the managerial appointment was a mistake, and the fella in charge of new talent is a very very average lower league manager.


    We are not going to be troubling the big boys for a while, i fear.


  5. FAO Beyewatch and like minded souls.

    We have to desist from attacking the manager, He simply has to be given time.

    KK has a wealth of experience which has only been enhanced with age.

    Do not fall for the media peddled line that he does not understand the game or is out of touch.

    This is precisely how they want their poisonous intent for our clubs demise to be spread by planting these spurious opinions within our own ranks.

    You are doing their work for them. Shake yourself out of it and get behind KK for the rest of this season.

    If we can stay up you will see him work his magic next year with Ashleys backing and we will enjoy making the press eat their words as he puts us back at the top where we belong!!!


    Based on what evidence, exactly?

  6. Milner is - in my opinion - good enough to play in a top 6/7 team. As this is the level to which we should be aspiring, i think we should keep him.


    i find it interesting that many NUFC fans (some who only seem to watch games on the TV, often only highlights) seem to feel it appropriate to slate a player, whilst "bigging up" others who have hardly even played yet as definately brilliant.

  7. cant believe anyone thinks Shay Given is a brilliant keeper, we're just used to his standard after 10 years


    he's decent, no better

    Ya...voted twice on the pfas team of the year [2002+2006]with such a s*** defence in front of him as well!!I think thats our fans mentality...dying for a chance to shoot the players down..needs to stop!Name the keeper you would prefer to have here who we could sign n place of Given?


    name the keeper we could sign?


    what the f*** does that have to do with whether or not Given is a brilliant keeper?

    Well...you said Givens only an average keeper so I presume you would prefer a different keeper?


    of course i would


    i'd also prefer a different striker to Owen and a different DM to Butt


    In fairness, we have only one player who i'd REALLY want to keep, and only a handful i'd keep if we were a top 6 club.


    As for tomorrows game: i think we might scrape a 1-1 draw, as Villa seem slightly subdued recently. This woudl be a good result for us, i reckon.

  8. This is the problem of modern football.


    Players earn shitloads everywhere, so the financial aspect doesn't matter. ALL clubs have s*** loads of money, so don't need to sell. Unless you are moving to an established CL team, there is really very little point in moving, sit tight until you DO get an offer from Man U, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool.


    That's what I'd do if i were Bentley, and that is exactly what I bet he does.





    I think that's what he'll do too. Especially since I saw an article recently where he was saying he loves living in the countryside in the north west, doesn't miss London at all and has family in Lancashire. I reckon he will wait for United or Liverpool to make a move.


    He could live in Surrey if he signed for Chelsea or Hertfordshire  if he re-joined Arsenal. Both them  countys are where the training grounds are & have great countryside.




    I would bet the mortgage on him not going to Arsenal. Wenger won't spend £12-15m on a player he developed and let go for buttons. I don't think he'd want to go back either. He said recently how he  didn't like the atmosphere at the club and didn't enjoy going to training etc


    Don't see a place for him at Chelsea really. Unless they sell SWP just as he's starting to perform consistently for them.


    I dont see him joining Man Utd or Liverpool because of the Lancashire countryside.


    I'm not convinced that what someone is supposed to have said in an article should REALLY be taken as gospel.

  9. Taylor gets a hard time on his forum but he made two great blocks from goal bound shots today one of which I don't think Given (on current form) would have got anywhere near. There are many on here that choose to ignore any positieves in his performane and focus on any of the negatives to feed there own bias and opinion. I'm not a Taylor super fan but if you are picking faults in certain aspect you should also give a balanced opinion and give praise where it was due instead of sweeping statements about someone who puts 100% into the cause. That can't be said of all our players!


    It's actually the opposite. Many people overrate him because he's a Geordie (albeit a Cockney one).


    One of the blocks he made he shouldn't have had to, if he was awake and marking like he should've done in the first place.


    And yet Faye, who has doen that sort of thing at least as much as Taylor this season, if not more, is lauded as a "beast", and a top player. Odd.

  10. Still think the best strike partnership we have from the current squad is Smith playing just behind Martins.


    Smith is a s*** targetman imo, too small and average in the air to be a strong aerial presence, but handy when dropping off and linking up because his touch is consistent. That compensates for Martins' inability to consistently link up with the midfield.


    Bring Owen off the bench.


    Smith creates very very little, though. If we are happy pretending that our second striker doesn't have to score goals (although this puts a fucking ridiculous amount of pressure on the other striker, as you'd want 25 goals from the front pair, ideally), then he MUST create chances for the main striker.


    But although Smith wins some headers, etc, he's shit at actually directing them anywhere.


    I don't know why we persist withthe myth that Smith is a good enough player, just waiting to be given his "right" position. He's been crap in every position he's played for us, with three (from memory) decent halves in total so far.

  11. Faye, Barton, Duff are the class players.


    Beye and Enrique not seen enough of yet. Milner I suspect we're not using correctly.


    Everyone else is replaceable.


    9 league starts, and Faye is "class". But Beye, who has started more than half as many games again, you have not seen enough of. Weird.

  12. from the past 5 games then stephen carr, tbh hes been class


    Did you like the way he jumped like a fat leprechaun's grandmother for Boro's goal?

    He is an old, useless player who has no business in this league.  We are the only ones daft enough to employee him.  I have my doubts about whether he'd even end up at a Championship club if we cut him loose.

    whats he done wrong that other players have done better? hes been our best defender in the past few games just people hate him from the past so much they dont realise, a bit like shola, before hes even started to play everyone libs the fucker


    Like Shola, people just know he's shit.

  13. u can't complain fans who pay over £40 want to boo, they pay their money their can do exactly what they want


    we haven't won in over 7 games now


    i cant complain about people complaining? the difference is i'm trying to do something constructive that will HELP the club, you know, support? dont mention ticket prices to me, if you consider it too expensive dont pay and dont go, its not like paying to see a band, you're not guaranteed anything in sport and people need to remember this, you're exactly the sort of person i'm fighting against.


    I don't personally boo, but how do you suggest fans, who go to the game and - rightly - feel let down, get across the point to the manager and players that some players simply should not be playing for us, and that certain performances are not acceptable?


    thats a very good point, i've often wondered that myself, we seem to have a group of people in charge of the club now who are more open to discussion, with mort meeting various fans and people from message boards etc. there could and maybe should be a way to do that, but the fact of the matter is i dont imagine kevin keegans gonna start taking tips from us, do you?


    there was obviously the episode with him explaining about selling cole and he does seem a manager who's more open to talking with fans than others, but i feel pretty sure he knows more about managing newcastle than any of us, with maybe the exception of having not seen our current players play as much as we have. this is where faith comes in, i think for various reasons a lot of us have lost faith in our club, having been continually let down, its understandable. but if we're gonna put our faith in anyone then surely keegan's as good as anyone? dont we even trust HIM anymore?


    i dont expect everyone to applaud every single thing we do, or pretend nicky butt isnt shit, i just think booing is pointless negativity, totally pointless, dont you think keegan knows who's not been on top of their game and who needs to improve? it all just comes back to having faith in him, or anyone, to do the job.


    the booing under allardyce, as much as i hated it, wasnt surprising, thats why i didnt make this thread until now, i just really dont want to see us go to the point of no return where its acceptable to boo at half time and the end if we're not winning, never mind losing, thats not support, doesnt matter how anyone dresses it up.


    Not saying you're wrong, but i would hate for us to be a club where the fans applauded mediocrity, and didn't put pressure on players to perform.


    If we are to buy the stuff about the "twelth man" and how our support is important, and be given that responsibility, then we shoudl also be able to vent our frustration in some way, should we feel it.I don't believe for one second that the club would benefit from us, as fans, smling inanely and furiously applauding the likes of Geremi and Ameobi for being crap.


    yeah i know i agree with you mate neither do i, do you consider booing to be constructive? not spoiling for an argument btw, genuinely interested as you seem like an intelligent enough guy


    I don't think booing is constructive per se - but in context, i understand it. When there has been a rank performance (Derby, for example), I completely support the right of any of our fans to boo. I don't think that solely playing for us shoudl make a player immune from criticism, or that the team as a whole shoudl be utouchable just because its NUFC.


    HOWEVER, i do believe it has a time and place, even in these circumstances - after a game, not during. Although i reserve my right to shout during the game, be it positive or negative, because its still about passion and feeling.

  14. One of my favourite playerst. I think he can do a decent job, by scouting Italian talents.


    Yeah, I can see how being a great player would make you think he'd be a decent scout.


    Well I didn't say that. Learn to read man, ain't you english?


    Oh, sorry. What were you basing your statement that you thought he would be a decent scout on? Do you have soem other experience or knowledge of him, other than that you used to like him as a player when you watched him on TV?

  15. given, beye, faye, taylor, maybe enrique, milner, duff, emre, barton, nzogbia, martins, owen ... anyone else? i probs forgot a major one  :idiot2:


    from the past 5 games then stephen carr, tbh hes been class


    Carr hasn't been class. He's been acceptbale - i.e. less utter wank than normal.


    Jesus, we have to take our heads out of our arses, we look fucking stupid when we big players up just cos they play for us, when its shit like Carr.

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