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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The thing I love about Liverpool fans is the antipathy the scousers have for Liverpool supporters who don't come from Liverpool. The true scouser thinks that the only opinion about their club which is relevant is there own and 'outsider's' views are worthless.


    The scouser is currently stuck in a difficult situation (like seeing a car with nice wheels but no nearby bricks to leave the car sitting on!) because they are fuming at Benitez yet they are caught up in this bullshit about traditionally backing their managers, but are desperate to slag him off. Loving it mackems.gif


    They're actually right about that.

  2. I just can't understand how anyone has a "second favourite club" what the fuck is that all about.


    what about teams from other leagues?  :sad1: people surely can have a favorite from la liga or whatever.  just have to be all NUFC should we meet in the intertoto!   :indi:







    Why would you want to support a team form somewhere you weren't from?


    Second teams from anywhere is bad enough, but another in the EPL, as the first poster clearly has, is mental.

  3. Watched Miguel Veloso the other week playing for Sporting. Looked a good player, quite strong actually. Played as a DM, good first touch.


    Someone told me the Portuguese media were saying he's been linked with some big clubs but as far as i know, no bids have been made.


    I don't work in football but the boy looks quality to me, with athleticism to match.


    Manu want him, i reckon Carrick to us and him to them wouldn't be too off the mark in the summer.


    Why would Carrick move from a big club to an average sized one, at thispoint in his career?


    And for the love of God, don't try to say that all players have some kind of hero worship of Keegan, or some other blatant shite.

  4. i reckon another 2-2 draw. EEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. But for this to happen we must play emre, and martins if fit, plus have some youngsters floating about for pace and commitment and unpredictability.


    Erm, is that the same Emre who disappears in big games?


    Where did i say we coudl or shoudl sign the players i mentioned?


    I was specifically naming those players as examples of those who HAD settled in just fine, in response to your comment that this was not typical. You stated that "typically", in this country, Spanish players did not settle.


    It was nothing to do with who we shoudl sign, as you well know. However, i acknowledge that you may be uncomfortable having your facts questioned, what with them being based on fuck all, and so felt the need to pretend that a stretch of the discussion hadn't happened.


      So I asked (out of interest) who you think we should get from Spain?  I'm not planning on attempting to shoot down your answer.



    Unlike many on here, i don't pretend to watch every La Liga game, or use FM2007 and try to pass off performance in a game as real, so i have as little clue as anyone else as to who we should buy, be they Spanish, Dutch, German or any other nationality.


    No matter who we buy, idiots on forums such as this will immediately assume they are class, solely because they have signed for us.

  6. This coming from the bloke who believes Kevin Keegan hasn't watched a football match for 3 years.


    Pull the other one man, NM.


    Where did i say i believed that?


    You genuinely do just make stuff up as you go along, don't you. Pathetic.

  7. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be shit too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt shit?


    Straw man argument O0


    No, but they don't seem to exactly settle in here do they.  Arteta was used as a completely pointless example.


    He joined a club that many NUFC fans (incorrectly) see as being beneath us. And is ace.


    How many Spanish players have we had here who've done bad? Out of how many Spanish pro footballers? Personally, I like our odds of finding a decent one (assuming we tell Willie McKay we've moved house, and don't give him a forwarding address).


    As an extension of your argument, we wouldn't have signed Abdoulaye Faye or Beye, after our experience with Amady "Absolutely Cosksuckingly Awful" Faye.


    Paragraph 1 - He wasn't considered that good when they signed him.  Fair play to them for picking him up.  I'll say it again though, he'll not be coming here.


    Paragraph 2 - Every one we have signed


    Paragraph 3 - Another Straw Man argument.  I'm talking about Spaniards, who typically don't settle in this region, or even country.


    How many spaniards have and have not settled in this country? I'm intrigued, as you have clearly done some research, if you can talk about "typical" behaviour.


    Enrique, Marcelino, Luque, Morientes for a start.  Thats without trawling Liverpool's reserve side of the last 2-3 years mind.


    What about Almunia, Fabregas, Alonso, Campo, Torres?


    You do realise you are in a thread about realistic transfer targets?  Whether we like it or not, at least 4 of that 5 wouldnt have turned down the blubs they did go to to come here.  Like I said in my opnion we shouldn't bother with any more Spaniards.  Obviously that doesn't fit with your opinion so it must be wrong.


    I quoted those players as those who have settled into this country, as a direct response to YOUR post regarding those who had not - following on form one where you made a statement about "typical behaviour". But please continue to shift the point of the discussion backwards and forwards if someone points out that you have made a groundless comment.




    We are in a thread about players we can realistically expect to sign


    I said I wouldnt bother with any Spaniards


    We're not likely to attract players of the calibre of Alonso, Fabregas and Torres in our current predicament.  I wouldn't sign any average Spanish players.


    I think that we'd be better off trying our luck elsewhere.  I really dont understand what your problem is with me thinking this?


    Backwards and forwards?  I'm not shifting the point backwards and forwards, realistically I wouldn't sign any Spaniards.  Perhaps I should just keep posting "I wouldn't sign any Spaniards" rather than trying to develop a discussion about it?


    When i tried to discuss your post of you no signing any spaniards/the "typical" behaviourof them, you suddenly said the thread was about realistic targets. There was me thinking that threads evolved.


    So, what are you basing your "typical" not settling in on, then? Just a feeling you got, when you thought abotu it for 5 seconds?


    The three out of three we've had here are what its based on (I admit I am assuming Enrique is struggling to settle in here, but it would explain why he isn't playing, his communcation certainly appears to be poor.  I admit thats an assumption).  There's a fair list of Liverpools spanish flops in here now, to compliment your 2 successes they've had though.


    You've missed the point though.  I'd certainly take Torres, Alonso and Fabregas.  They however are exceptions,  anyone would take them, but we're not going to attract that calibre of player.  Out of the players we can most likely attract, I'd not be spending much money on Spaniards.  At the level we are at at the moment, I'd rather we spent our money elsewhere.


    Like I say,  thats nothing more than my opinion.


    Attempting to constructively move this on though are there any Spanish players you'd think we could and should sign?


    Where did i say we coudl or shoudl sign the players i mentioned?


    I was specifically naming those players as examples of those who HAD settled in just fine, in response to your comment that this was not typical. You stated that "typically", in this country, Spanish players did not settle.


    It was nothing to do with who we shoudl sign, as you well know. However, i acknowledge that you may be uncomfortable having your facts questioned, what with them being based on fuck all, and so felt the need to pretend that a stretch of the discussion hadn't happened.

  8. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be shit too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt shit?


    Straw man argument O0


    No, but they don't seem to exactly settle in here do they.  Arteta was used as a completely pointless example.


    He joined a club that many NUFC fans (incorrectly) see as being beneath us. And is ace.


    How many Spanish players have we had here who've done bad? Out of how many Spanish pro footballers? Personally, I like our odds of finding a decent one (assuming we tell Willie McKay we've moved house, and don't give him a forwarding address).


    As an extension of your argument, we wouldn't have signed Abdoulaye Faye or Beye, after our experience with Amady "Absolutely Cosksuckingly Awful" Faye.


    Paragraph 1 - He wasn't considered that good when they signed him.  Fair play to them for picking him up.  I'll say it again though, he'll not be coming here.


    Paragraph 2 - Every one we have signed


    Paragraph 3 - Another Straw Man argument.  I'm talking about Spaniards, who typically don't settle in this region, or even country.


    How many spaniards have and have not settled in this country? I'm intrigued, as you have clearly done some research, if you can talk about "typical" behaviour.


    Enrique, Marcelino, Luque, Morientes for a start.  Thats without trawling Liverpool's reserve side of the last 2-3 years mind.


    What about Almunia, Fabregas, Alonso, Campo, Torres?


    You do realise you are in a thread about realistic transfer targets?  Whether we like it or not, at least 4 of that 5 wouldnt have turned down the blubs they did go to to come here.  Like I said in my opnion we shouldn't bother with any more Spaniards.  Obviously that doesn't fit with your opinion so it must be wrong.


    I quoted those players as those who have settled into this country, as a direct response to YOUR post regarding those who had not - following on form one where you made a statement about "typical behaviour". But please continue to shift the point of the discussion backwards and forwards if someone points out that you have made a groundless comment.




    We are in a thread about players we can realistically expect to sign


    I said I wouldnt bother with any Spaniards


    We're not likely to attract players of the calibre of Alonso, Fabregas and Torres in our current predicament.  I wouldn't sign any average Spanish players.


    I think that we'd be better off trying our luck elsewhere.  I really dont understand what your problem is with me thinking this?


    Backwards and forwards?  I'm not shifting the point backwards and forwards, realistically I wouldn't sign any Spaniards.  Perhaps I should just keep posting "I wouldn't sign any Spaniards" rather than trying to develop a discussion about it?


    When i tried to discuss your post of you no signing any spaniards/the "typical" behaviourof them, you suddenly said the thread was about realistic targets. There was me thinking that threads evolved.


    So, what are you basing your "typical" not settling in on, then? Just a feeling you got, when you thought abotu it for 5 seconds?

  9. Like other people I'm a bit worried about all these departures. I also wonder who's behind them and why, if it's Keegan I hope it's not a case of: "I don't understand what it is you do, see ya later". Otherwise, it could well be a repeat of getting rid of the reserves the last time he was here.


    Whilst I agree it's rather disconcerting to see so many leave, what evidence is there to suggest they were doing a good job? The man who employed them has been sacked for not being good enough.


    Who knows, you're right. Its just a bit worrying really.


    Assuming/hoping it's Keegan that's said these people's services are expendable, at least he's taken a few weeks to take stock and see what he thinks. Often when a manager leaves their entire team of staff leaves right there and then too.


    Not sure how Keegan is qualified to know if the head of sports medicine is doing a good job or not, same goes for a masseur and a physio.


    He's the manager, if he doesn't know, who else does? ???


    How does being the manager of a football team make him medically qualified though?




    No-one else is probbaly medically qualified either. So is the sports science guy unsackable?


    No he's not, but if you'd read the rest of my post you'd have seen what I think about that.


    I did. I still don;t see the relevance of the point that KK is not medically qualified.


    The point being that many of the people who have left do technical jobs. If he is just getting rid people who do things that he personally doesn't understand, regardless of whether they have a positive effect on the team, or not, then that's bad. If they are replaced then that would suggest that he thought that the previous people simply weren't doing a good enough job, if they aren't then that suggests that he thinks we don't need anybody filling those roles. If that's what he thinks then I think he's wrong, the game has moved on from 1996... ...blah, blah, blah, what I've already said.




    Maybe he wants different roles - not necessarily no roles related to spors science, etc, but different ones. Or maybe he wants rid of some of that fat cunts minions. Or maybe he's managing the team/staff as he sees fit.


    He'll stand or fall by his decisions (i know which i expect), so we'll see.

  10. I've not really paid much attention to the situation but are there really Liverpool fans calling for Benitez' head?


    The other week there were a succession of people ringing 606 saying it's a myth that most are behind him tbh.


    Oh dear. First sign of trouble and some want him out?


    No, not the first sign.


    First real, real sign, then? I know he's made mistakes in the past and that but it only seems to be the last few months where he has really been questioned by some.


    Not the first real sign either, no. They aren;t being fickle, particularly, if that was what you were driving at.


    Wasn't exactly. I just find it strange from an NUFC-fan perspective is all.


    There have been murmerings from Red Shite fans for a while, as Benitez hs shown himself to be more and more stubborn, entrenched and seemingly obsessed with proving the viability of a (failing) rotation system. He's also used the media to cintinue his spat with his bosses (Shite fans are very precious about not washing their dirty linen in public), and apparently lost the dressing room to an alarming degree.

  11. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be s*** too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt s***?


    Straw man argument O0


    No, but they don't seem to exactly settle in here do they.  Arteta was used as a completely pointless example.


    He joined a club that many NUFC fans (incorrectly) see as being beneath us. And is ace.


    How many Spanish players have we had here who've done bad? Out of how many Spanish pro footballers? Personally, I like our odds of finding a decent one (assuming we tell Willie McKay we've moved house, and don't give him a forwarding address).


    As an extension of your argument, we wouldn't have signed Abdoulaye Faye or Beye, after our experience with Amady "Absolutely Cosksuckingly Awful" Faye.


    Paragraph 1 - He wasn't considered that good when they signed him.  Fair play to them for picking him up.  I'll say it again though, he'll not be coming here.


    Paragraph 2 - Every one we have signed


    Paragraph 3 - Another Straw Man argument.  I'm talking about Spaniards, who typically don't settle in this region, or even country.


    How many spaniards have and have not settled in this country? I'm intrigued, as you have clearly done some research, if you can talk about "typical" behaviour.


    Enrique, Marcelino, Luque, Morientes for a start.  Thats without trawling Liverpool's reserve side of the last 2-3 years mind.

    Enrique, imo, has been one of our better players as of yet and there's nothing to suggest that he's out of sorts with Newcastle so I'm a little unsure as to how you can come to the conclusion that he's unsettled.


    Erm, he's been ok, but he's shown some worrying defficiencies. But that hasn't stopped NUFC fans from putting on their balck and white tinted specs, and saying he's got superhuman strength, incredible passing, or some other such made up crap.

  12. I've not really paid much attention to the situation but are there really Liverpool fans calling for Benitez' head?


    The other week there were a succession of people ringing 606 saying it's a myth that most are behind him tbh.


    Oh dear. First sign of trouble and some want him out?


    No, not the first sign.


    First real, real sign, then? I know he's made mistakes in the past and that but it only seems to be the last few months where he has really been questioned by some.


    Not the first real sign either, no. They aren;t being fickle, particularly, if that was what you were driving at.

  13. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be shit too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt shit?


    Straw man argument O0


    No, but they don't seem to exactly settle in here do they.  Arteta was used as a completely pointless example.


    He joined a club that many NUFC fans (incorrectly) see as being beneath us. And is ace.


    How many Spanish players have we had here who've done bad? Out of how many Spanish pro footballers? Personally, I like our odds of finding a decent one (assuming we tell Willie McKay we've moved house, and don't give him a forwarding address).


    As an extension of your argument, we wouldn't have signed Abdoulaye Faye or Beye, after our experience with Amady "Absolutely Cosksuckingly Awful" Faye.


    Paragraph 1 - He wasn't considered that good when they signed him.  Fair play to them for picking him up.  I'll say it again though, he'll not be coming here.


    Paragraph 2 - Every one we have signed


    Paragraph 3 - Another Straw Man argument.  I'm talking about Spaniards, who typically don't settle in this region, or even country.


    How many spaniards have and have not settled in this country? I'm intrigued, as you have clearly done some research, if you can talk about "typical" behaviour.


    Enrique, Marcelino, Luque, Morientes for a start.  Thats without trawling Liverpool's reserve side of the last 2-3 years mind.


    What about Almunia, Fabregas, Alonso, Campo, Torres?


    You do realise you are in a thread about realistic transfer targets?  Whether we like it or not, at least 4 of that 5 wouldnt have turned down the blubs they did go to to come here.  Like I said in my opnion we shouldn't bother with any more Spaniards.  Obviously that doesn't fit with your opinion so it must be wrong.


    I quoted those players as those who have settled into this country, as a direct response to YOUR post regarding those who had not - following on form one where you made a statement about "typical behaviour". But please continue to shift the point of the discussion backwards and forwards if someone points out that you have made a groundless comment.

  14. Like other people I'm a bit worried about all these departures. I also wonder who's behind them and why, if it's Keegan I hope it's not a case of: "I don't understand what it is you do, see ya later". Otherwise, it could well be a repeat of getting rid of the reserves the last time he was here.


    Whilst I agree it's rather disconcerting to see so many leave, what evidence is there to suggest they were doing a good job? The man who employed them has been sacked for not being good enough.


    Who knows, you're right. Its just a bit worrying really.


    Assuming/hoping it's Keegan that's said these people's services are expendable, at least he's taken a few weeks to take stock and see what he thinks. Often when a manager leaves their entire team of staff leaves right there and then too.


    Not sure how Keegan is qualified to know if the head of sports medicine is doing a good job or not, same goes for a masseur and a physio.


    He's the manager, if he doesn't know, who else does? ???


    How does being the manager of a football team make him medically qualified though?




    No-one else is probbaly medically qualified either. So is the sports science guy unsackable?


    No he's not, but if you'd read the rest of my post you'd have seen what I think about that.


    I did. I still don;t see the relevance of the point that KK is not medically qualified.

  15. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be shit too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt shit?


    Straw man argument O0


    No, but they don't seem to exactly settle in here do they.  Arteta was used as a completely pointless example.


    He joined a club that many NUFC fans (incorrectly) see as being beneath us. And is ace.


    How many Spanish players have we had here who've done bad? Out of how many Spanish pro footballers? Personally, I like our odds of finding a decent one (assuming we tell Willie McKay we've moved house, and don't give him a forwarding address).


    As an extension of your argument, we wouldn't have signed Abdoulaye Faye or Beye, after our experience with Amady "Absolutely Cosksuckingly Awful" Faye.


    Paragraph 1 - He wasn't considered that good when they signed him.  Fair play to them for picking him up.  I'll say it again though, he'll not be coming here.


    Paragraph 2 - Every one we have signed


    Paragraph 3 - Another Straw Man argument.  I'm talking about Spaniards, who typically don't settle in this region, or even country.


    How many spaniards have and have not settled in this country? I'm intrigued, as you have clearly done some research, if you can talk about "typical" behaviour.


    Enrique, Marcelino, Luque, Morientes for a start.  Thats without trawling Liverpool's reserve side of the last 2-3 years mind.


    What about Almunia, Fabregas, Alonso, Campo, Torres?

  16. how is Bentley unrealistic? if we put in a big enough bid he'd jump at the chance imo.


    Why? ???


    he plays for blackburn and this is a far, far bigger club with more potential and the ability to offer bigger wages. where we are in the table this season isn't that relevant. not to say we'd get him, but if we were the only side in for him i couldn't see him turning us down.


    They're a smaller team than us, certainly - we are an average sized club, they are not. More potential? More money, certainly, but lets not pretend we are anywhere fuckng nearrealising our "potential". Some fools thought Bramble, Dire, Shola et al had "potential" - but it didn't stop them being of very little value to us.


    But with a new, well established manager at the helm in the form of Keegan, there is arguably alot of promise for next season's campaign and I'm sure players such as Bentley could be swayed because of this.


    Are you? You think they'd take a backwards step in the hope that a manager (for whom they have no particularly positive feelings that we are aware of, and who has poven to be a pretty medicore manager since a brief moment of apparent genius at NUFC over a decade ago) will turn around a club that has not done anything for a long? Keegan is not well-established manager in the sense of being a great manager, so why woud a player like Bentley want to coem here, other than money? And if we accept that signing for the money is perfectly reasonable, i hope that we have the honesty to accept also that these players may well have more genuine feeling for their country than their club - because if we acccept the former and not the latter, we will be bigger c***s than Gasuso.


    I agree, Keegan's not particularly well established in terms of what he's achieved but he carries quite a strong reputation. He's held in quite high esteem among players that he's managed - Anelka being one example and so maybe this could act as an incentive in playing for Newcastle. I don't see why Keegan can't turn the club around  - he's done it not just with Newcastle but with Fulham and City also and with the strong financial backing he now has, you couldn't completely write off him taking us into the top 6 and in this respect Newcastle do show mroe potential than the likes of Blackburn.



    Like i say, financially we have more potential. But they have a better manager, imho.


    I don't know how much KK is held in "high esteem" by players, or indeed why this would be so. In reality, he did ok at citeh, nothing spectacular overall - i think Fulham is the only job he's left on a high for a while, and that was to move to a job in which he was way, way out of his depth. I don't see why KK would be that much of a draw these days - the glory days are a long, long time ago.


    I think your 'grief' came from booing a manager who'd only been in the job 5 minutes.


    Shows how little people understand then. The performances were being booed, the decisions, the situation. That doesn't equate to "NUFC fans want Big Sam out after 5 minutes". if anything he enjoyed more support than not and away fans always sang his name. People were shocked when he was sacked and many wondered whether it was the right thing to do.


    You must have been going ot different games to me.

  18. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be shit too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt shit?


    Straw man argument O0


    No, but they don't seem to exactly settle in here do they.  Arteta was used as a completely pointless example.


    He joined a club that many NUFC fans (incorrectly) see as being beneath us. And is ace.


    How many Spanish players have we had here who've done bad? Out of how many Spanish pro footballers? Personally, I like our odds of finding a decent one (assuming we tell Willie McKay we've moved house, and don't give him a forwarding address).


    As an extension of your argument, we wouldn't have signed Abdoulaye Faye or Beye, after our experience with Amady "Absolutely Cosksuckingly Awful" Faye.


    Paragraph 1 - He wasn't considered that good when they signed him.  Fair play to them for picking him up.  I'll say it again though, he'll not be coming here.


    Paragraph 2 - Every one we have signed


    Paragraph 3 - Another Straw Man argument.  I'm talking about Spaniards, who typically don't settle in this region, or even country.


    How many spaniards have and have not settled in this country? I'm intrigued, as you have clearly done some research, if you can talk about "typical" behaviour.

  19. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be s*** too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    Just saying it's ridiculous to write off an entire nationality due to one or two flops. As NM points out, start doing that and we'll end up with nobody.


    I'd be quite happy if we never signed another Spaniard again.




    even fabregas?


    Yes lets spunk £60m on one player.




    A BRILLIANT player, though, you must admit.


    What nationality WOULD you have us buy? What nationality have we bought that isn't shit? Peruvian? Paddy?

  20. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be shit too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt shit?


    Straw man argument O0


    No, but they don't seem to exactly settle in here do they.  Arteta was used as a completely pointless example.


    He joined a club that many NUFC fans (incorrectly) see as being beneath us. And is ace.


    How many Spanish players have we had here who've done bad? Out of how many Spanish pro footballers? Personally, I like our odds of finding a decent one (assuming we tell Willie McKay we've moved house, and don't give him a forwarding address).


    As an extension of your argument, we wouldn't have signed Abdoulaye Faye or Beye, after our experience with Amady "Absolutely Cosksuckingly Awful" Faye.

  21. Kind of worrying that we are losing back room staff when in a relegation battle, best time for this kind of shit would be in the summer tbh


    I'd say its more Keegan wanting to concentrate on the football rather than all this sports science and statistics bollocks.


    Based on?

  22. Like other people I'm a bit worried about all these departures. I also wonder who's behind them and why, if it's Keegan I hope it's not a case of: "I don't understand what it is you do, see ya later". Otherwise, it could well be a repeat of getting rid of the reserves the last time he was here.


    Whilst I agree it's rather disconcerting to see so many leave, what evidence is there to suggest they were doing a good job? The man who employed them has been sacked for not being good enough.


    Who knows, you're right. Its just a bit worrying really.


    Assuming/hoping it's Keegan that's said these people's services are expendable, at least he's taken a few weeks to take stock and see what he thinks. Often when a manager leaves their entire team of staff leaves right there and then too.


    Not sure how Keegan is qualified to know if the head of sports medicine is doing a good job or not, same goes for a masseur and a physio.


    He's the manager, if he doesn't know, who else does? ???


    How does being the manager of a football team make him medically qualified though?




    No-one else is probbaly medically qualified either. So is the sports science guy unsackable?

  23. The Sevilla guy is Diego Capel, amazing this year and young


    We should not be signing any more Spaniards.


    Aye, that Arteta would be shit too.


    We won't be getting Arteta


    So he's the only spanish player who isnt shit?

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