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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Pathetic excuses for Owen by Andy Gray.


    what was said?


    Just excuses for every miss, almost as if getting there was enough. Nothing really, just wasn't harsh enough on him iyam.


    I'd rather miss them than not create them like.


    In fairness, Owen did better than any other forward we have would have been able to do, just by getting in those positions.


    That's fair enough. Still should have done better with them.


    Definately he should of, and thats not a defence of him.


    We'd be sat talking about how Martins never even gets in goalscoring positions if HE'D started instead of Owen.

  2. 6


    And still some will think that Northern Monkey is a mackem.


    Oh, yeah, i forgot it wasn;t allowed to be honest about the fact that Keegan isn't actually a great manager, and his appointment was nothing but a populist and transparent move.

  3. 3 points.


    And still some will think Keegan is some kind of world class manager.


    You're the only person on here who has included world-class and KK in the same sentence to my mind.


    Sorry, "top class" or whatever crap has been said.

  4. NE5 uses different usernames on his own blog and forum, I guess it's just something he likes to do.


    I thought it was to make his Howaythetoon forum look busier?


    Yeah, one day he can aim to have it as full of know-nowt foreign "fans" as ths place. Well, he can always dream.

  5. My ratings (6 = fair/standard)


    Harper -- 7, played fairly well, imo. 

    Beye -- 6, like all the defence, would be helped by a better pairing at CM

    Taylor -- 5.5, some good, some bad, and like Beye needs more help from the CMs.

    Faye -- 5.5, hasn't looked great since ACoN, wonder if he misses his old pal BSA?  But, also could benefit from more protection from midfield.

    Enrique -- 6, as all the defenders, needs more help from mid, BUT he looked decent and he's a helluva lot better than playing others out of position.

    Milner -- 7.5, has looked good last two matches, imo, and loads of effort.  Maybe KK is working his magic on this lad as well?  Whatever it is, keep it up Jimmy. 

    Butt -- 3.  If you watched the match, I needn't explain.

    Barton -- 4.5, some credit for good passes that would have been assists on another day, but the other 86 minutes didn't do enough to bump his numbers higher.

    Duff -- 5, looked improved on last few matches, but still not good enough to keep out Zoggy in his natural position.  Unless Zoggy plays in CM, then leave Duff at left.

    Smith -- 3.  See Butt.

    Owen -- 6.  Earned a 5.5 on the pitch for good positioning and compensating for the lack of a strike partner (has Owen EVER in his LIFE played well without a partner up front?), but .5 points back for being man enough to admit he should have done better, on national television and apparently in the dressing room.



    N'Zogbia -- 6, could play in CM against Liverpool?  Better than Butt, but then the comparison is hardly flattering to Zoggy.

    Martins -- 6.  The team played better before he came on, but that to do with Smith not going off not Martins coming on, imo.  Play Martins and Owen next week, get Owen a partner, get Smith off the pitch, and the team's top scorer back on -- three birds killed with one stone. 


    BArton made 2 good passes. And gave the ball away many, many more times than that. He was only JUST beaten to the "worst defender on the pitch" title by Butt.

  6. This thread is a chomp fest.




    aye, the teams current position is funny isn't it booboo




    That is exactly what he was implying. Have a Chomp bar for your efforts.




    Well done, you are now 11 years old.


    Got me there. You hit me where it hurts.


    It wasn't meant to be a cutting dig. It was meant to be a representation that i think you are juvenile.


    Thats nice.


    I forgot about your rapier-like wit. Ooh, i wish i hadn't spoken up now. :lol:

  7. I can see where this thread is heading, comedy gold.   bluelaugh.gif


    This thread has gone from being potentially brilliant, to being the same as all the others once the usual suspect(s) got involved.


    you're right of course, all it lacked was a "splash the cash you fat bastard"




    What the fuck are you on about?


    do you copy and paste every post you make


    No it's a serious question as you seem like a fully fledged flid that deserves his eyelids welded together.


    it isn't so difficult to work out




    I am going to wrap a shopping trolley around your head and smash a paving slab into your teeth.



  8. This thread is a chomp fest.




    aye, the teams current position is funny isn't it booboo




    That is exactly what he was implying. Have a Chomp bar for your efforts.




    Well done, you are now 11 years old.


    Got me there. You hit me where it hurts.


    It wasn't meant to be a cutting dig. It was meant to be a representation that i think you are juvenile.


    Potentially brilliant in a "made up secret source" kind of comedy way?


    Nail on head, nowt wrong with that either, especially the way things are going with our results.


    No, we all need a laugh. And until Keegan comes out again and says what an important asset Smith is in a relegation battle, we're not going to get one from NUFC.

  10. This thread is a chomp fest.




    aye, the teams current position is funny isn't it booboo




    That is exactly what he was implying. Have a Chomp bar for your efforts.




    Well done, you are now 11 years old.

  11. I can see where this thread is heading, comedy gold.   bluelaugh.gif


    This thread has gone from being potentially brilliant, to being the same as all the others once the usual suspect(s) got involved.


    Potentially brilliant in a "made up secret source" kind of comedy way?

  12. I heard a rumour (can' say who from, cos he's as made up as every other ITK's sources on here) that no-one on here gets f*** all insider information, and they just make crap up.


    But is that more true than any other rumour?


    Its got a lot more evidence behind it that the "ITK"'s

  13. During the week Keegan was quoted as saying something abotu Smith and his committment, battling etc.


    Frankly, Smith is an absolute crock of shit, and he can fuck off. And, to be honest, any manager who insists on picking him despite seeing him play is a fucking idiot.






    I wonder how many people would see KK walk if he were to stick to playing Smith every game next season.


    I know i'd rather he'd leave the club as i simply couldn't trust his judgement.


    Hopefully its just keeping an 'asset'  :rolleyes: sellable until the summer.


    If he continues to play him, for me it'll just be yet more evidence that he should never have come back, and that his "success" with us and citeh was luck, and that his other bad managerial performances were the real KK.


    Can't see how playng Smith makes him saleable - surely his value is plummeting every time the likes of he and BArton play??


    Honestly go ask god why but people still rate him outside of the club.


    I think its the worker attitude, managers and fans love it, they see it and think wow, what a fuking worker even though they are doing shit he never stops. They fail to realise its partly because of him were playing so shit and go away with the opinion that he's half decent.


    His mental approach to the game will see us recoup every penny we paid for him in the summer, i have no doubt. (that's if we want to sell him)


    If we don't get rid of him, Keegan is a cunt, i honestly think that. He's not even good enough to be a squad player (you need players on the bench who can DO something when they come on).


    I pity the next club who sign him. If e got £3m back, we'd still be robbing someone.

  14. During the week Keegan was quoted as saying something abotu Smith and his committment, battling etc.


    Frankly, Smith is an absolute crock of shit, and he can fuck off. And, to be honest, any manager who insists on picking him despite seeing him play is a fucking idiot.






    I wonder how many people would see KK walk if he were to stick to playing Smith every game next season.


    I know i'd rather he'd leave the club as i simply couldn't trust his judgement.


    Hopefully its just keeping an 'asset'  :rolleyes: sellable until the summer.


    If he continues to play him, for me it'll just be yet more evidence that he should never have come back, and that his "success" with us and citeh was luck, and that his other bad managerial performances were the real KK.


    Can't see how playng Smith makes him saleable - surely his value is plummeting every time the likes of he and BArton play??

  15. During the week Keegan was quoted as saying something abotu Smith and his committment, battling etc.


    Frankly, Smith is an absolute crock of shit, and he can fuck off. And, to be honest, any manager who insists on picking him despite seeing him play is a fucking idiot.



  16. Imagine if Everton fans had had the same mentality as you HTT when Howard Kendall returned second-time...they'd have went down had they kept him.


    Just because he did well first time (Taylor at Villa is another prime example), shouldn't mean we should just sit back and expect things to pick up, whether it's now or the summer.


    So what's the answer then, sack him? Howay, you must have an answer. If not shut the f*** up and stop your bitching which is pointless. He's our manager, he's only been here a s*** and a shave, he's inherited one of the worst group of players we've had the misfortune of seeing represent our great club and needs far more than 7 games to turn this s*** around. Now is not the time to start squealing like a bitch. Get behind the manager, a man who built this club up only for tossers to destroy it. Now he has to start all over again and fix their mess with again, one of the worst squads to represent us in our Premier League history. Whether he turns us around in the summer or whatever doesn't matter for now. It's all about staying up and getting behind people, most of all KK.


    You're a complete tool, "Coach". I'm not saying sack him, we shouldn't have appointed him. But I though this was about "opinions". My opinion is he's finished as a manager and has been for the last 4-5 years, and I don't need pricks like you telling me that I have to get behind him and should give him slack just because I don't agree with you. You're in support of Keegan, great. I'm not, but I don't need twatty arseholic comments from you telling me how I should think.


    You think he's finished, you didn't want him here and you don't support him so again what is your answer?


    It's not upto me. It's no good changing now, too late this season. I say the board admit they got it wrong in the summer, and appoint a manager who can then spend the summer doing it his way.


    I'm with O-nut btw. Shouldn't have been given the job in the first place, but I'll get behind him.


    I agree with HTT. I think Keegan is a top class manager[.b] and he will turn it round given the time and resources to do so. To start judging him after 7 games is in my opinion pathetic. 


    Honest question - based on what?

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