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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The idea of not selling some of the dross is unfirtunate. Yes, our squad is small, but some of its members are too shit to merit a place in it either way.


    The idea of buying in first team players is excellent. Only problem, is, most of the ones Fat Sam has bought so far have been shit. I don't hold out much hope that he's suddenly going to realise, and sign good players.

  2. So, the fans who refused to accept that we needed a new manager, etc, and that we needed to "give him time", suddenly think that after a draw (in which we were less shit than recently), we have the right man for us, we've turned a corner, etc?


    Question: if we don't get 7 points out of the next 4 games (12 points available), will the some of you make more excuses for Fat Sam and his players, or will you accept that its not good enough? I'm guessing there'd still be some who stuck to the "bedding in/hard games/yadda yadda" rubbish.



  3. read in the paper this morning that Carr's injured again and is doubtful..comeback lasted long, didn't it.


    A blessing, surely. I know as fans we often have rose tinted glasses, but to think that fat cunt is good enough is laughable.

  4. If Fat Sam pulls his head out of his arse, and plays the most fitting formation and players, we might scrape a draw if we are very lucky.


    If he does what he normally does, and concentrates on chewing gum and talking shite, selecting fucking random players in a shit formation, 0-3.


    Recent history tells us he'll go with the not-good-enoughs, and we'll get fucked.

  5. Liverpool everton?!  there were liverpool fans openly in the everton end this year.  Liverpool manu is bigger.


    You're right, but Liverpool Man U is a rivalry, not a derby. Different thing.


    I would say it's sort of a derby.  It cant be much further than boro to newcastle.  It's the battle of the north west.


    I get the impression that in the prem, the fiercest are us, sunderland and villa birmingham.  Obviously the old firm is huge, but has to have lost something, occurring 4 times a season.  I like that the mackems are a bit of a yoyo team, as even twice a season i think would reduce the magnitude. 

    I prefer the idea of being close, but actually different cities.  You're not just 'fighting' over an hereditary team you support, but it's city versus city.  All of newcastle, versus all of sunderland, everybody united. 


    No, you don't get it. Its not a derby. Same as us and Sun'lun isn't (and even if it was, it wouldn't be the biggest).

  6. 5 Live's talking point later this morning - Are Newcastle an impossible club to manage?


    At the minute it would seem so.


    Only if the manager isn't good enough.


    Yes, he's better than Roeder or Souness. Yes, we need to show consistency and stick with a manager. But only the RIGHT manager.


    As fans, there seems to be soem fucking stupid idea that anyone who wears balck and white, or manages the club, deserves no criticism, and is automatically top class. THEY AREN'T. And at the moment, there is a lot of criticism being justified of a number of players who are mid table quality at best, and a manager who is patently out of his depth.


    I heard last night on Sky Fat Sam saying "its judged over 38 games not 14"......this follows his made-up stat about the best 10 game start ever, or soemthing stupid......and you're wrong, Sam - the SEASON is judged over 38 games. But a team and a manger are judged on a rolling basis on performance. And yours has been shite.


    I'd like to know if he will resign if/when we are still 10/11th at 38 games. He's spent £25m, played HIS tactics, etc. But of course he won't. I can't blame him, if i got paid loads of money to do a job i wasn't up to, i'd milk it as well. But that doesn't make him any less full of shit.


    Whats his net spend though? and weren't the sales needed for the good of the dressing room?


    I think we've got to got through the pain barrier to get better.


    He might never play pretty football but he might make us a far more effective outfit next year if we stick with him.


    I don't believe anybody will walk into the club and have us playing well within 15 games, winning games, entertaining the public and have the press lauding over him.


    We've got to give him time for the long term good of the club and the good of it's short term reputation.


    Fact is, i don't think he is up to it long term, full stop.


    He's not a manager who needs time to bed into the Premiership, neither are some of his signings.


    We NEED to get a really good manager in. Sticking with one who is not good enough will do NOTHING for our reputation, as we will be for even longer a mid table club.


    And his net soend is irrelevant - he has bough players to the tune of £25m, and they haven't been good enough. Like him.


    But, if we beet Brum, and maybe one other team over the next 5 games, we'll paper over the cracks, pretend he's good enough, and stick our heads in the sand whenever we look at the league table, making excuse after excuse for the sgite we produce.*



    * That wasn't meant to sound like a line from a kids book, that last bit, but it reads that way, very rythmic.

  7. I quite like the fact he's come out in the open and not tried to hide the fact there's players unhappy.


    Having said that, if Souness had of I would have been slating him.


    Maybe it's because I hope Allardyce has got more about him and can actually positively motivate the players as well as fall out with them.


    One thing is for certain, the first team squad has needed a culture change for a long time and it needs somebody to stand up and let players know what is and isn't acceptable.


    They're playing games with him now to see how far he can be pushed. I imagine they did the same with Roeder and he bottled it.


    Its like 2/3 year olds pushing their parents to see what they can get away with.


    Flog a few Sam, that'll show them. Even better, release them if nobody is interested. See ya Baba.


    As long as he doesn't replace them with the quality of Geremi and Smith.

  8. Sorry if this has already been posted, but it is canny funny!




    Boro in shock Ronaldinho link

    Reported bid from Teesside


    Middlesbrough are reported to have lodged a bid for Barcelona superstar Ronaldinho.


    Reports in Catalunya, including their leading daily Sport, claim that despite all the rumours surrounding Ronaldinho and his future, Boro are the only firm bidders so far.


    Milan and Chelsea are known admirers and look set to go head-to-head to land the 27-year-old - if and when he is made available by Barca, who continually insist that he is staying at Camp Nou.




    Now lowly Boro - who have a firm liking for Brazilians having signed eight over the past decade - have seemingly made what appears to be a cheeky bid for Ronaldinho as reports state their offer is as low as 15million euros (£10million).


    Boro, whose support has continued to dwindle this term, would love to have a repeat of the Juninho era, which although was destined to failure, saw sell-outs at The Riverside on a weekly basis - interest which the club has not been able to rekindle.


    However, even though Boro's bid has been acknowledged - it seems doomed to failure as even if Barca accepted, Ronaldinho is highly unlikely to sacrifice his Barcelona career for a team which now has only memories of European football rather than ambitions of it.


    :crazy2: :frantic:


    The chemical levels are obviously reaching dangerous levels down there!!!!!  ;D



    Yet WE got affronted when people (rightly) chuckled at our Rooney/Ronaldo/other lies "moves" leaked by Fat Fred to keep the fans in line.

  9. 5 Live's talking point later this morning - Are Newcastle an impossible club to manage?


    At the minute it would seem so.


    Only if the manager isn't good enough.


    Yes, he's better than Roeder or Souness. Yes, we need to show consistency and stick with a manager. But only the RIGHT manager.


    As fans, there seems to be soem fucking stupid idea that anyone who wears balck and white, or manages the club, deserves no criticism, and is automatically top class. THEY AREN'T. And at the moment, there is a lot of criticism being justified of a number of players who are mid table quality at best, and a manager who is patently out of his depth.


    I heard last night on Sky Fat Sam saying "its judged over 38 games not 14"......this follows his made-up stat about the best 10 game start ever, or soemthing stupid......and you're wrong, Sam - the SEASON is judged over 38 games. But a team and a manger are judged on a rolling basis on performance. And yours has been shite.


    I'd like to know if he will resign if/when we are still 10/11th at 38 games. He's spent £25m, played HIS tactics, etc. But of course he won't. I can't blame him, if i got paid loads of money to do a job i wasn't up to, i'd milk it as well. But that doesn't make him any less full of shit.

  10. one point out of a gazillion recently. the manager making up "facts" about the first 10 games, then after a season where a number of our wins were ones in which we should have lost, we go and play better, but lose.


    Manager not good enough, squad not good enough, and we're going to get humped on Wednesday.


    "give SA time"....."we need consistency"....."Barton will be immense for us"......"Smith, he's a good signing"......


    ...all wrong, and all things we'll be suffering for until we wake up to the fact that our manager is out of his depth, we need to give THE RIGHT MAN, not this one, time, and that a number of our players are not fucking good enough.



    But hey ho, we'll cheer them to defeat on Wednesday night again, with fans vocal support during the game papering over the cracks of our position.


    We are where we should be in the league, with this manager and a squad like this. But maybe if we give Sam more money, he'll come good. After all, he's only spent £25m so far........

  11. Barton shoudl shut his stupid fucking mouth.


    I don't personally boo, although i have occasionally been heard to shout "{insert name of sub-par player] youu're shite".


    But anyone who has actually been to games like Derby away, Red Shite home, Sun'lun away, has every right to boo at the end if they see fit - I and most other right minded fans who have ben to these games know the frustration.


    However, one thing is for sure - players who are good enough, and try, and don't rely on false managerial platitudes to get by, don't get booed. Yes, the likes of Shola, Barton, etc have been booed - they've been/are shite. I can't recall anyone really booing Shearer, Rob Lee, etc, though.


    If the manager/players fucks up royally, we should be able to tell them what we think. Anyone who thinks we shoudl just thank them for being our manager/players, keep our mouths shut and never complain about stuff at the game is a fucking idiot, and doesn't deserve to be called a fan.......its about passion, committment and ability. If some players or the manager don't have enough of these, they should be vocally told so, and then they should fuck off.


    Yes we need consistency, yes we should support the team during the game.......but supporting a manager who is not good enough, or cheering after the game for players who have massively let us and themselves down, is fucking stupid, and fans who go on liek that deserve the likes of Allardyce, GEremi and Smith.

  12. after recent performances (if not all season) i'm beginning to think SA is on a Souness style mission to be sacked. He is doing exactly the same shite...crap formations and players out of position.


    Today his subs simply took the piss.


    Its not that he wants to get sacked. He's just not big or good enough to admit he fucked up, and do something different.

  13. i would go..........




    beye    rozenhal   faye    enrique


    milner     butt     emre    n'zogbia


            viduka    martins



    playing butt as a more defensive midfielder and emre as the more advanced.




    i would normally give a prediction as to allardyce's team but i have given up trying to work out what bizzarre formatioin he is likely to try this time.


    Thing is we've tried that midfield so many times and it just gets turned over everytime.


    If we had a bit more steel and height in the middle we could rough it up a bit more.


    Viduka and Martins as a partnership just doesn't work for me, where Smith and Viduka would imo with Martins breaking in from a wide position.




    Smith? Nah. He's not a good enough striker. Much as i have little time for the Fat Convict in comparison to really good Premiership strikers, he's a much better bet alongside Martins than a Smith/Viduka combo.


    I like madras' formation, with the possible removal of Emre, just in case he does his impression of the Invisible Man again.


    Its away from home so thats nailed on


    Aye, probably. Against a decent enough team as well.


    Scratch the "possible", lets not pretend he's not a bottler when it comes to big games. We could try Barton. At least he'll try, even if he is overrated.

  14. i would go..........




    beye    rozenhal   faye    enrique


    milner     butt     emre    n'zogbia


            viduka    martins



    playing butt as a more defensive midfielder and emre as the more advanced.




    i would normally give a prediction as to allardyce's team but i have given up trying to work out what bizzarre formatioin he is likely to try this time.


    Thing is we've tried that midfield so many times and it just gets turned over everytime.


    If we had a bit more steel and height in the middle we could rough it up a bit more.


    Viduka and Martins as a partnership just doesn't work for me, where Smith and Viduka would imo with Martins breaking in from a wide position.




    Smith? Nah. He's not a good enough striker. Much as i have little time for the Fat Convict in comparison to really good Premiership strikers, he's a much better bet alongside Martins than a Smith/Viduka combo.


    I like madras' formation, with the possible removal of Emre, just in case he does his impression of the Invisible Man again.

  15. I honestly haven't seen anything to prove to me otherwise.  What he did at Bolton was very good, but hardly brilliant. Is he better than Souness and Roeder? Probably,  but not by much.  He seems very arrogant in the souness vein , and that hubris is whats hurting us.  Maybe he'll wake up one day and realize he's not at bolton anymore, but he hasn't really shown any indications that he'll do so.


    How many tier one players do you think he has to work with?


    I can only think of one and he seems permanently crocked.


    he spent a lot of money. Are you telling me that he bought players he knew wouldn't be good enough? No, these are his idea of players that can do a job for us. He was wrong.

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