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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Out of those, I'd have, in order:












    What impresses you about David Moyes?


    I liek the way he goes about things. He's quietly built up a nice effective little squad, containing a number of players, despite what some of us might be stupid enough to think, that are better than our equivalents.


    I can't agree abotu the "big players" thing, because there is little evidence of Allardyce being any better at that, other than his abilities to get faded starts to perform relatively well.

  2. So, on that basis anyone who is over 27 is shite and past it. Nice One!


    Owen is still as good as he was at Real Madrid and Duff is still as good as he was at Chelsea.

    In order to recreate the form they showed they need to be FULLY FIT and be utilised and managed properly.


    FFS, anyone plays a few bad games for us (despite how fit they are) and they're labelled as shite.


    And which expert on the subject was it that told you Mourinho let Duff go easily? I suppose Alan Shearer is you next door neighnour is he?

    Why the fuck else would he leave the League Champions? It's not like he was earning a pittance there.


    I suspect we're paying him more than they did. And who told you Mourinho wanted to keep him? No-one, like i thought.

  3. Realistically could he go to jail?  That would be utter shite if he did like.  Would we be due some sort of compensation of whatever?


    Theoretically, i think he could. But he won't.


    And no, we would get no compensation, why would we?


    There still seems to be this opinion that he can be great for us. I can only assume that the people saying this never really watched him play before, or accept that we are going to remain a mid table team.




    Will we have taken out "Employee is a knobhead who attacks team mate cover"?

  4. In the summer we only had a net spending of around £10m. Am I the only one who would like to see Ashley well and truly get his wallet out and flex some of the financial muscle we know he has.


    I personnally think he should just say to Allardyce here's £40m go and spend it 2 or 3 top class players.


    Dear god, I don't want Allardyce given £40m, based on the £25m or whatever that he's already spent.

  5. I have every faith in Big Sam. Once he has signed the players to fit into his favoured 4-3-3, and Duff is back from injury we will start flexing our muscle.


    He is frustrating the hell out of everyone at the moment (including me) but i believe there's method to his madness.


    I'd have been happy with Moyes, O'Neill or Hughes in the summer if we hadn't gone for Allardyce.


    We'll be pretty much where we are now, at the end of the season, i reckon.


    Alalrdyce has shown some of the quality of his transfer acumen, and its patchy to say the least.

  6. The reason Duff wanted to leave Chelsea was because he wanted regular first team football. He loves the game, is still passionate about it, and wants to play as much as he can - so much so that he left the best team in the land (at the time) to get it.


    For that reason alone he is exactly the kind of player I want at Newcastle United. The fact that on his day he is one of the best in the world at what he does. Granted we haven't seen the best of him yet but we will.


    I also think he'll fit perfectly into a 4-3-3, will create plenty of goals and will probably score a few as well.














    Couple of things -


    The "loves the game" thing is in direct contrast to the inferences of former NUFC players who are still associated with the club, regarding his not being arsed, and picking/choosing when to play. Still, i'm sure you know better than them about the motives and feelings of a man you don't know and have not met.


    Also, the "one of the best in the world" tag - how does that square with his pre-injury shiteness, and the fact that Chelsea let him go so easy?


    Oh, and that midfield would be a fucking nightmare. You've dropped our best wingers, and selected a 433 solely to accomodate a few players, haven't you.

  7. Realistically could he go to jail?  That would be utter shite if he did like.  Would we be due some sort of compensation of whatever?


    Theoretically, i think he could. But he won't.


    And no, we would get no compensation, why would we?


    There still seems to be this opinion that he can be great for us. I can only assume that the people saying this never really watched him play before, or accept that we are going to remain a mid table team.

  8. God knows what he will do for this one, look for a home draw probably.

    I would go with











    DO we have to play Beye and Cacapa?


    Who do you suggest?


    I'd try Geremi at RB, at least its somewhere he's played before. And i'd have Roz and taylor in the middle.

  9. A multi-paced dribbling winger who can his man guessing when cutting-in or when beating his man on the outside, but more importantly he's two footed and has a tendancy to cut-in on a dime and shoot ie. a right-sided version of Robert, and Robert could shoot with his right as a last resort although the "The Robert is s****" pack will steadfastly disagree with this.


    I'll be happy if Duff walks into starting line-up, on the right side that is. He's a better option on the right than Milner.... who lacks Duff's pace off the mark, lacks Solano's guile and decision making on-the-ball, and ultimately is still hit & miss with his delivery from out wide.


    Duff, with his aforementioned strengths and pattern of play, will still inflict more damage on the opposition than the naturally right-sided Milner imo.




    lmfao. Have you seen Duff play on the right? He was shit.

  10. jesus boys, give duff a break. He was injured and had to play. He played alongside utter shite, with no tactics and no hope going forward, at least now we have a direction. If you take duff, and give him direction, a clear job, and tell him his only thought is to get the ball, run at the defender and make things happen, things will. Mourinho didnt want to keep the guy just for fun! dont write the boy off, if you do, he will only feel pressure and crack


    Mourinho wanted to keep him so much that he left to join an average-sized club. Or, more realistically, Mourinho didn't want him and he left.


    He has never played well for us consistently, even before he got crocked. The Zog is a far better bet at left wing in the long run, so expect the team selection genius of Allardyce to continue to make the same mistakes, and we'll have anyone but the Zog on the left.

  11. Might as well hold on to Owen cos if we sold him,we would get nowt!But I will go fucking mental if he walks back in to the team again ahead of Oba,who was doing pretty good!This is Obas big chance now and I really hope he takes it with both hands,after all he is our top scorer he deserves a chance ffs!


    I'd like to see him and Martins play togetherm considering how poor Viduka has been overall.

  12. Pretty sure I have said it before but I knew people would expect him to come in an perform miracles. He hasn't been good, he has shown one or two glimpses of what he can do but I didn't really expect much else.


    Sums this forum up thought really "Well 3 games in and what the fuck has he done!!!".


    No, this forum was more "Jory Barton, he's world class, wait till he settles in, he'll be bloody brilliant".


    And he won't, he won't at all. He's a decent player, who belongs in an average, mid table team. So YES, he is right for us.


    I can't remember a single post claiming he was anything more than a good player, feel free to pull some up if you find any though :thup:


    there's one on the page before this. and a number from when he first signed. Happy to help.

  13. I'll be surprised if we don't get turned over in the next three games no matter who Sam plays or what formation he uses.


    Fat sam will really find out what pressure means as we drop down towards the relegation zone. Hate to say it but that's how I read it.

    I disagree,we normally raise our game against the better teams!Im not frightened of Liverpool at all!They havent being great this season besides that 8 nil win with about 6 of the goals being huge deflections!Hopefully they wont play Crouch!Blackburn away will be the toughest as we are fucking awful away!Would be happy with a draw there.As for the Arsenal match...they have to lose some time!!Lets get behind the lads for once!!Come on!!! :clap2:


    And let me guess, its wrong to question ALlardyce and his stupid decisions because "he's the manager, we have to give him full support no matter what".


    Not frightened of liverpool? Have you SEEN us play?? 11th flatters us overall this season.

  14. I have no idea who elmander is but if he fits into Fat Sam's tactical plan of hoofing high balls then hopefully he is at least 12 feet tall.


    Or doesn't mind being left on the bench in favour of a player who is out of position, not as good as you in YOUR position, and much needed in his OWN place.


    Nice one "Big Sam", you're the one for us....4th position is nailed on this season.

  15. I think that the Red Shite are going to rape us like the new kid on D Wing.


    I'm looking forward to the results of Allardyce's Random Side Selector, but most of all I'm hearing him praise the sub-standard lads he spent money on, in direct opposition to the way the game actually went.


    0-3, if Allardyce continues to play nearly half the outfield out of position.


  16. God knows what he will do for this one, look for a home draw probably.

    I would go with











    DO we have to play Beye and Cacapa?

  17. Pretty sure I have said it before but I knew people would expect him to come in an perform miracles. He hasn't been good, he has shown one or two glimpses of what he can do but I didn't really expect much else.


    Sums this forum up thought really "Well 3 games in and what the fuck has he done!!!".


    No, this forum was more "Jory Barton, he's world class, wait till he settles in, he'll be bloody brilliant".


    And he won't, he won't at all. He's a decent player, who belongs in an average, mid table team. So YES, he is right for us.

  18. A separate competition for women only is sexist and as such should not be endorsed or subsidised by the FA in any way. Women should be able to compete with male footballers for places in the full England squad.


    Equality for all.


    The thing is though, FIFA won't allow women in mens squads.


    They can say it's because women are not as physically strong enough, but personally I think it's because the men in suits are scared in case a few are actually good enough to get in. They want to keep the delusion of grandeur.


    good enough to get in??? Jebus. Amady Faye would get a game for a girls team, THATS how bad they are.


    No-one really gives a fuck about womens football, for good reason - they're shit.

    When you say no one, what you actually mean is YOU don't give a fuck about it, but yet you felt the need to make the same point more than once.


    Newsflash - There are billions of people in the world, outside of N-O and they don't all think like you.


    Lots of people do give a fuck about it, and maybe that scares you because it threatens your small minded view of the world.


    No, i can honestly say, hand-on-heart, that I am not in any way "threatened" by the (incorrect) idea that womens football is some kind of mass populist sport.


    There are indeed several billion people in the world. And there are millions of people who woudl exploit a large audience for womens football if indeed it existed. But they haven't, because it doesn't.


    It's shit. They're not very good at football, in comparison to a game that IS genuinely popular.

  19. The difference being with Newcastle I think it's just teething problems for want of a better phrase and will get better. The national team however are in need of massive overhaul, when they got rid of the swede the whole lot should've gone. Turd Grip, McLaren and any other hangers on, instead it's just a continuation of the last days of Sven. Uninspired and unwatchable.


    Why will NUFC get better? Do you expect Allardyce to suddenly become more flexible, stop trying to jam square pegs into round holes, and gain some new-found ability to amend the style of the team based on neccessity, not just blindly stick to one style?


    As for England, the problem is the head coach and the FA, nothing else.

  20. COme on, FM-tastic posters. Not seen enough "he's got the right blend pf pace and teamworking to make him ideal for us" type postings. Do what you normally do, make this shit up if you have to, just pretend you know what he's like!! The forum seems dead without your sycophantic ramblings.

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