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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey


    Its not a comparison thing. He's had money, the chance to choose his own players, tactics and formations. And they've been wrong.


    How can anyone think this is the man for us??


    Agreed but he can still turn things around very easily by changing tactics and formations and getting the best out of the players he has brought in, I'm not saying he will but it wouldn't take much to put things right on the pitch.  I still think we need some creativity though because even his best 11 has that missing, no matter who he picks or how he tries to play them.


    Edit, I'm not sure he is the man for us, I'm also not sure that he isn't, yet.


    He doesn't seem capable of realising his own mistakes, though, regarding tactics, formation or player selection. He's bought Geremi and Smith, and he's damned well going to fit them into the team......


    I cannot understand how anyone could look at the choices HE made against Pompey, Sun'lun and The Red Shite, and see a manager who is capable of learning from his own mistakes.


    He's not a novice, he's not new to the league - and neither are some of his poorly performing recruits - he's just not that good.

  2. Allardyce will want him to play in goal, and will slate him in the press then ask him toplay out of position.


    Can you see a player like him watching the Pompey, Mackem and Red Shite games, seeing Allardyce, and thinking "yes, THAT'S the man i want to work for".

  3. I know what you are saying NM if you didnt want him in the first place but there is evidence that he is a good manager. He got Bolton top 6, thats canny evidence.


    And his formaitons, tactics, player purchases and player selections for us? How does that work?


    I can not for the life of me work out what the fuck he was trying to do on saturday. I'm just saying that there is some evidence he knows what he is doing.


    He did well at Bolton, but that was his level of club, irrespective of some seasons overachievement.


    I have no doubt at all that SA is incapable of managing NUFC, especially based on the season to date.

  4. I don't think we have the right squad to play Sam's way, not the long ball attacking play any team can do that,  but the off the ball dropping back into two banks of four and closeting the door tactic.

    We would do better closing down higher up the pitch and winning the ball back as fast as we can. We have decent players as individuals but I do not think as a team we have the right blend no matter what 11 players he picks. If Sam wants to stay here and play on the deck football then he needs to sell players first and he has to be brave enough to do it. Then he must go out and buy the right players and not worry about the price if he has those kinds of funds at his disposal then spend it  all.

    The type of player he looks for in January will give us a good idea of how he see's us playing, if he starts looking for big bully boys then its off back to the Bolton boring style then he will get even more stick from the fans but if he is looking at players like Riquelme then he may just get the fans back on side.


    from the money he has spent so far, i have fuck all faith in his being allowed to spend any more cash.

  5. McLeish?!


    Oh dear oh dear. If we were to get rid of Sam I'd want someone a lot, lot better than McLeish. Top class manager he is not, about Allardyce's level.


    i think you're right, they're both no more than average, mid table managers. We need someone better than Fat Sam soon, though, before Ashley gives him any more money and then gets sick of bankrolling failure. We have a good owner and chief exec now, lets not fucking wast them!

  6. our squad is so small especially with the amount of injuries we get

    should we get rid of anyone in january?

    with a bench including carr and edgar i would be worried if we lost more players


    in january we must buy more than we sell if big sam decides to get rid of the shite


    Including many of the players HE bought?

  7. How many points did we have after 13 games last season and where were we in the league?  Send the taxi away, it's not needed at this time.


    Its not a comparison thing. He's had money, the chance to choose his own players, tactics and formations. And they've been wrong.


    How can anyone think this is the man for us??

  8. I'll lay my cards on the table I've had doubts about the big man since the Derby and Reading defeats, however I wasn't surprised by the Pompey defeat and yes I am daunted by the poor Liverpool performance.....But so what?!


    Football isn't a precise science witness the travails at Spurs and the ejection of Mourinho perhaps one of the greatest coaches in the world.


    What we need to foucs on is that SA is a manager who can get things right and has done at Bolton turning them into permanent PL fixtures.


    I have an inkling that the takeover of the club hasn't helped SA at all in the short term...Expectations trebled and he wasn't given a huge pile of money to spend. MA and Mort to a lesser degree decided to stablise the finances rather than take on a big spend on the pitch...For whatever reason behind the scenes or whatever the availability of players a relatively small amount of money was spent on an already rickety squad. It can be argued they haven't made up their mind about SA yet and of course this will have communicated itself to SA as it does when you work with people day in day out.


    Also over the last week we're beginning to see the now familiar 'leaks' to the papers about senior players not being happy with training and whatnot...Well it is rumoured Owen and maybe Given don't get along with SA but they are doing the club and the support a huge diservice if they are whispering to the papers. If the players think they can escape criticism by deflecting it onto the man under pressure whatever case they may have it is cowardly and beyond contempt. Some of them just haven't been good enough this season.


    SA isn't a tactical genius but he has proven that he knows what works on the pitch and what doesn't and in time he will prove this. He was brought in by FS to stabalise the club when we were in financial stress but suddenly finds himself at the heart of unrealistic expectations unmatched by realistic spend.


    We need to get through this tough period and try and measure our criticism...Of course there have been blunders on the pitch and as others have said Villa and Everton under new managers went through similar barren spells but they respective managers got through it and were supported through it and the rewards came later.


    I for one will wait to see what happens during the Jan window, but I'd like to see Mort and Ashley step upto the plate.



    SA's tactics have been very very wrong this season, how can you say he's "proven" he knows what to do?? Its not as if he has proven it in a different league, and needs time to adjust. His tactics have been terrible most of this season so far.


    He has spent a fair bit of money. Regardless of what he has recouped, he has shelled out a lot of money, and the players he has brought in have not, in the main, been any good - including the ones with Premiership experience, who should have needed fuck all time ot get used to the league.


    His player selection and formations have been wrong. Fact.


    He seems to be refusing to admit his complicity, talking about having to tell the players a few home truths after the Red Shite game - no mention on if he gave himself a deessing down for the wrong tactics, formation and players.


    IT IS AN ACCEPTED FACT THAT WE NEED TO GIVE THE RIGHT MANAGER TIME. I would argue that we should only give time, however, to the correct manager. I don't think it is SA, so the idea of giving him time, and even more money, is not valid to me. Get in the right man, and yes, lets get behind him and give him time. But nothing i've seen from SA in the past or at NUFC leads me to think he's the one for us. Does anyon ereally think he's the one to get us top 5, then top 4 long term, honestly? And if so, based on what??

  9. f****** joke in the ground today. the fans were more arsed about booing Gerrard than they were about getting behind the lads.


    To see that lanky streak of s**** Crouch geta round of applause from the gallowgate not just when he warmed up but when he came on the pitch was a f****** joke.


    we got more and more like Engerland with every f****** game.


    if you only come to the match to boo and whinge then you might as well piss off shopping with the missus and use your energy in eldon f****** square.


    things may be going wrong on the pitch but its the attitudes in the stands that makes me sick. its a f****** joke.


    Crouch played his heart out for England and thoroughly deserved his warm welcome. To do otherwise is frankly laughable.


    pathetic. He might have played well for England but its no reason to applaud an opposing player. I've never done that in over 40 years and I don't know anybody who has.




    And no one is going to force you too, either. If thousands around you are of a different mind to you, then maybe you should just accept this is the way it is and it's you with the  backward logic. Alternatively you could just stop whining like a woman.


    it isn't the way it is. I've not seen it in over 40 years. If you want to applaud ie encourage opposing players, thats up to you. We were facing a possible 5 or 6 goal thrashing and you advocate this ? Get a life.




    Get a life? I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself, because you're ranting about much of a nothingness.


    If I were you (god forbid) I would be thinking, OK, annoys me a bit but I guess most people are of a different opinion to me so I guess that's just the way it is.


    No one was encouraging or supporting the Liverpool players, you'd be an idiot to think this is what it was. It was simply a mark of respect.


    Did you say the same when Les Ferdinand done a lap of honour and the ground was on its feet? Surely we shouldn't have encouraged this Tottenham Hotspurs player, this would be outrageous, to you wouldn't it? This ENCOURAGEMENT of the opposition...


    you're comparing Les Ferdinand to that twisty faced c*** Gerrard???? Muahahahaahahaahah!


    Erm, no. I'm comparing applauding opposition players.




    No, you're not, You're comparing applauding Ferdinand with applauding a liverpool player who has never been a legend for NUFC. But thanks for trying to justify your weak argument anyway, appreciate it.


    I wrote the post, I will tell you what the point is. Not the other way round.


    NE5 said you should not applaud opposition players, and has never seen it in 40 years. I pointed out that the WHOLE GROUND applauded Les Ferdinand, (and rightly so) as a mark of respect, which was only a few years ago. It's normal and it also shown him to be a hypocrite.


    Swallowed that? Now naff off, you little spastic. I can't be arsed with you son.


    "Naff off you little spastic"!!???!! That's genius. A poor insult, and a derogatory inference to the mentally impaired.


    As it happens, I think YOU are ace, and not at all a "fan" incapable of seeing the truth in front of them if Fat Allardyce came over and had it tattooed on his huge head.


    I'm guessing you don't go to the game, and before you start about it not mattering, etc, you're wrong.


    it MUST be past your bed time, probably time you turned in, mate.


    Sorry, I do appreciate your contribution but this ends here.


    Last word is yours on this matter as I haven't time to play message tennis with you, so go ahead.


    "A poor insult, and a derogatory inference to the mentally impaired."


    Sorry, didn't mean to offend your sort.


    I wish i could come back against that one, but it is such a beautifully crafted piece of insulting genius that I have to bow to your superiority. Maybe, when I'm 11 like you, i'll be that good, I can only hope.


    Oh, and regarding the booing/applauding thing - you're either incredibly lacking in knowledge, or you've missed the point. Who knows, but the X FActor results show is on ITV2, so you can think about it while you watch that.

  10. In a strange way the arrival of Ashley has become a millstone around SA's neck it really has been a lose - lose for him. He didn't get big money and at the same time expectations trebled.


    Allardyce thanked Mort for giving him the most money he'd ever had to spend, or words to that effect.


    Not saying that much though is it.


    Didn't he spend something like £6m net?


    But what did he SPEND, on players HE wanted?

  11. Its true that changing managers a lot does us no favours, but the simple, undeniable fact is taht if the manager is not good enough, sticking with him will NOT help one bit.


    And Allardcy isn't good enough.


    He's proven this for me through:

    * Management of certain players

    * Randomly putting players out of position

    * Very very bad formation choices

    * Very very bad tactical choices

    * Bad player selections

    * Bad substitutions

    * Bad signings

    * An inability to accept he's wromg and change

  12. f****** joke in the ground today. the fans were more arsed about booing Gerrard than they were about getting behind the lads.


    To see that lanky streak of s**** Crouch geta round of applause from the gallowgate not just when he warmed up but when he came on the pitch was a f****** joke.


    we got more and more like Engerland with every f****** game.


    if you only come to the match to boo and whinge then you might as well piss off shopping with the missus and use your energy in eldon f****** square.


    things may be going wrong on the pitch but its the attitudes in the stands that makes me sick. its a f****** joke.


    Crouch played his heart out for England and thoroughly deserved his warm welcome. To do otherwise is frankly laughable.


    pathetic. He might have played well for England but its no reason to applaud an opposing player. I've never done that in over 40 years and I don't know anybody who has.




    And no one is going to force you too, either. If thousands around you are of a different mind to you, then maybe you should just accept this is the way it is and it's you with the  backward logic. Alternatively you could just stop whining like a woman.


    it isn't the way it is. I've not seen it in over 40 years. If you want to applaud ie encourage opposing players, thats up to you. We were facing a possible 5 or 6 goal thrashing and you advocate this ? Get a life.




    Get a life? I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself, because you're ranting about much of a nothingness.


    If I were you (god forbid) I would be thinking, OK, annoys me a bit but I guess most people are of a different opinion to me so I guess that's just the way it is.


    No one was encouraging or supporting the Liverpool players, you'd be an idiot to think this is what it was. It was simply a mark of respect.


    Did you say the same when Les Ferdinand done a lap of honour and the ground was on its feet? Surely we shouldn't have encouraged this Tottenham Hotspurs player, this would be outrageous, to you wouldn't it? This ENCOURAGEMENT of the opposition...


    you're comparing Les Ferdinand to that twisty faced c*** Gerrard???? Muahahahaahahaahah!


    Erm, no. I'm comparing applauding opposition players.




    No, you're not, You're comparing applauding Ferdinand with applauding a liverpool player who has never been a legend for NUFC. But thanks for trying to justify your weak argument anyway, appreciate it.


    I wrote the post, I will tell you what the point is. Not the other way round.


    NE5 said you should not applaud opposition players, and has never seen it in 40 years. I pointed out that the WHOLE GROUND applauded Les Ferdinand, (and rightly so) as a mark of respect, which was only a few years ago. It's normal and it also shown him to be a hypocrite.


    Swallowed that? Now naff off, you little spastic. I can't be arsed with you son.


    "Naff off you little spastic"!!???!! That's genius. A poor insult, and a derogatory inference to the mentally impaired.


    As it happens, I think YOU are ace, and not at all a "fan" incapable of seeing the truth in front of them if Fat Allardyce came over and had it tattooed on his huge head.


    I'm guessing you don't go to the game, and before you start about it not mattering, etc, you're wrong.


    it MUST be past your bed time, probably time you turned in, mate.

  13. I got the feeling today that there was no attempt to even get behind the team.


    even during the darkest days of Roeder I don't recall such an apathetic attitude in the ground.


    it's almost as if the fan base are willing Sam to fail.


    we are 13 games into a complete overhaul of the club. yes, today was a shambles and it is a gutter to get twatted at home 2 games in a row. but did anyone honestly expect us to take the points today ???? they are a far better team than us. fact.


    and having 50,000 people whinging and whining after 10 mins isnt going to inspire the side to overcome the odds and take something from the match.....


    Atmosphere is reflected from the team. How the f*** can rack up a mountanious atmosphere when the team is as passive, distant, unwilling, and plain rubbish as that? We were stunned. We play these f****** players wages, they should be trying at the very least, even if attainment is 1% effort should be 110% every game. I do believe they are not confident with the current style and BS has not won them over entirely but that's just me throwing ideas into the air with regards to the root of the problem.


    what were you expecting today ?


    for us to put liverpool to the sword and dazzle them with our attacking prowess whilst at the same time frustrating them with our solidity at the back.


    we were up against things before the whistle even blew.


    anyone who didn't realise this is living in a fantasy land.


    so it would have made sense to get behind the side and at least give them some vocal encouragement whilst they took on a difficult task.


    but no.


    what do the majority do.


    boo our players, sings songs degrading our manager, cheer the players in red shirts.


    it is fucking backwards man. I was ashamed to be in the home crowd today.


    Bolton beat manure today, we didn't have a go.


    the losing mentality has to go, if we want to achieve anything.


    ...and they beat ManU by going back to SA's system.


    Not entirely, no. Although they DID do some things we didn't today - have a manager capable of doing an appropriate job, and players who were up to the task.

  14. ;D


    Honestly, this board is ridiculous. Kids like NE5 and HowaytheClown have nos business at SJP.


    Can't be arsed reading too much upwards, too many idiots - what is your point? Do you think we shouldn't be booing players and a manager whgo are nowhere near good enough, or were you advocating applauding opposition players?


    Oh, and if you're calling NE5 childish, you're about 2 World Wars too late.

  15. Not to pick a scapegoat or owt but how bad was Martins today? We were laughing at his efforts in the second half! Thats how bad it got!  mackems.gif


    What a load of fucking shit, laughing at one of our players TRYING out of a squad of players not trying, you used a smiley called mackems, you should be fucking sitting with them every week in the SOL with that attitude.


    In fainress, I've laughed at Smith and foremerly Ameobi a number of times. It can soemtimes seem the only way to not go mad watching these pieces of shite play for us.

  16. f****** joke in the ground today. the fans were more arsed about booing Gerrard than they were about getting behind the lads.


    To see that lanky streak of s**** Crouch geta round of applause from the gallowgate not just when he warmed up but when he came on the pitch was a f****** joke.


    we got more and more like Engerland with every f****** game.


    if you only come to the match to boo and whinge then you might as well piss off shopping with the missus and use your energy in eldon f****** square.


    things may be going wrong on the pitch but its the attitudes in the stands that makes me sick. its a f****** joke.


    Crouch played his heart out for England and thoroughly deserved his warm welcome. To do otherwise is frankly laughable.


    pathetic. He might have played well for England but its no reason to applaud an opposing player. I've never done that in over 40 years and I don't know anybody who has.




    And no one is going to force you too, either. If thousands around you are of a different mind to you, then maybe you should just accept this is the way it is and it's you with the  backward logic. Alternatively you could just stop whining like a woman.


    it isn't the way it is. I've not seen it in over 40 years. If you want to applaud ie encourage opposing players, thats up to you. We were facing a possible 5 or 6 goal thrashing and you advocate this ? Get a life.




    Get a life? I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself, because you're ranting about much of a nothingness.


    If I were you (god forbid) I would be thinking, OK, annoys me a bit but I guess most people are of a different opinion to me so I guess that's just the way it is.


    No one was encouraging or supporting the Liverpool players, you'd be an idiot to think this is what it was. It was simply a mark of respect.


    Did you say the same when Les Ferdinand done a lap of honour and the ground was on its feet? Surely we shouldn't have encouraged this Tottenham Hotspurs player, this would be outrageous, to you wouldn't it? This ENCOURAGEMENT of the opposition...


    you're comparing Les Ferdinand to that twisty faced c*** Gerrard???? Muahahahaahahaahah!


    Erm, no. I'm comparing applauding opposition players.




    No, you're not, You're comparing applauding Ferdinand with applauding a liverpool player who has never been a legend for NUFC. But thanks for trying to justify your weak argument anyway, appreciate it.

  17. Dear Sam Allardyce,


    Yet again - as for the majority of games this season - you selected the wrong formation, wrong tactics and wrong players for this game. Your substitutions were then shite.


    Please, please fuck off, and take shite like Smith and Geremi (who you made Captain of our team before he even kicked a ball for us) with you.


    I Thank You,


    NM, and other NUFC fans who don't buy the "suck pur manager and payers' cocks just because they are employed by NUFC, they must be good enough" idiocy.

  18. f****** joke in the ground today. the fans were more arsed about booing Gerrard than they were about getting behind the lads.


    To see that lanky streak of s**** Crouch geta round of applause from the gallowgate not just when he warmed up but when he came on the pitch was a f****** joke.


    we got more and more like Engerland with every f****** game.


    if you only come to the match to boo and whinge then you might as well piss off shopping with the missus and use your energy in eldon f****** square.


    things may be going wrong on the pitch but its the attitudes in the stands that makes me sick. its a f****** joke.


    Crouch played his heart out for England and thoroughly deserved his warm welcome. To do otherwise is frankly laughable.


    pathetic. He might have played well for England but its no reason to applaud an opposing player. I've never done that in over 40 years and I don't know anybody who has.




    And no one is going to force you too, either. If thousands around you are of a different mind to you, then maybe you should just accept this is the way it is and it's you with the  backward logic. Alternatively you could just stop whining like a woman.


    it isn't the way it is. I've not seen it in over 40 years. If you want to applaud ie encourage opposing players, thats up to you. We were facing a possible 5 or 6 goal thrashing and you advocate this ? Get a life.




    Get a life? I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself, because you're ranting about much of a nothingness.


    If I were you (god forbid) I would be thinking, OK, annoys me a bit but I guess most people are of a different opinion to me so I guess that's just the way it is.


    No one was encouraging or supporting the Liverpool players, you'd be an idiot to think this is what it was. It was simply a mark of respect.


    Did you say the same when Les Ferdinand done a lap of honour and the ground was on its feet? Surely we shouldn't have encouraged this Tottenham Hotspurs player, this would be outrageous, to you wouldn't it? This ENCOURAGEMENT of the opposition...


    you're comparing Les Ferdinand to that twisty faced cunt Gerrard???? Muahahahaahahaahah!

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