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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey



    Think he meant: find one with prem experience who is available and good enough for the team.






    Firstly - Deco: <snigger>


    Secondly - no-one good enough for the team??? HE'S  BEEN PLAYING CARR!!! f****** Carr!!! If he can't find anyone better than THAT, he's a worse manager than i thought. And f*** Premiership experience, a new player has only got to replace f****** CARR!!




    The worrying thing is Allardyce seems to rate Carr in my opinion which isn't good news for us.


    hasn't done anything blatantly wrong so far... but you just know he'll do something stupid.  (carr, just so it's clear)


    he was s**** against Villa, and THEY were pretty poor. As he did whenever he's played for us in the past, he'll get raped off decent teams.


    Tbf he just didn't have the pace.. Anyway listen i'm not saying he's a good player, he's not, just saying his form has been good.. i would love to have carr sidelined as much as anyone;  i've just said though that there arn't any PL right-backs available, that's  why he's looking abroad. No team is going to sell us their good right-backs (ideally we should be getting first team regulars) with so little time left to find a replacement.


    his form has not been good - i draw your attention to the Villa game, m'lud.



    You can't use that game mind, nobody played particularly well.


    Eh? HE was not very good - you can't say he's been in good form if he's played badly.

  2. money will most probably be raised by man u, in the region fo 13mil boys, but thats only what iv bin told ;)


    What the f*** are we going to do with 13 million boys??? :frantic:


    Are they blind/disabled oriental boys? If so, we can make a shit load of shoddy merchandise for Ashleys shops.


    Or sell the boys in ebay.

  3. No major news on this today, I wonder if there is even any truth in the rumor of Fergie's interest in him, old red nose does not usually mess around if he is interested then a bid would be made.

    Could be he does not fancy paying £13mill for Oba and the press are just speculating because of Man Ures striker injury problems..


    The press? Speculating?? Wash your mouth out!



    I would think Fergie would be looking for a loan player more than a player to sign, the swap loan deal for 6 months with Owen going to them may not have been such a bad idea..


    When is Saha back?

    Not sure on that one like, and Rooney will be missing a while too, Ronaldo have a ban to see out also but where is Solskjaer? is he injured agian ?


    Thing is Martins will have to consider what will happen once Fergie has his players back fit, he will drop down the order but same could happen here once Owen is fully fit. So he can choose sit on the bench here or sit on the banch at Man Ure.


    i know what i'd do if i were a player with no particular ties to NUFC.


    Hint: i wouldn't be sat on the bench at SJP, except maybe once a season.

  4. I'd trust him with a secret.


    how big a secret?


    Pretty big I reckon. Maybe even that one about the time you and I did that thing. He's a secretive man you know.


    well, i wouldn't expect you to tell anyone OUR secret.


    The Fat Man couldn't trust him to keep quiet about the shady accounting "mechanisms", mind.

  5. Good player is Smudger.


    He's got 3 goals in his last 70+ competitive games now at club level.



    So, he really is a perfect replacement for Dyer.


    Dyer got 14 goals in his last 70 games at club level so I'd say not, then again he doesn't get stuck in like Snudger does so that doesn't matter.


    And 20 in the previous 216. He's a meastro!


    That wasn't quite the point I'm making, my point has always been to replace Dyer with a player with pace who can stretch games, we've seen in the past before we signed Bellamy and Robert how a team can be changed when you add it, we should have been looking to replace Dyer with someone with similar pace but more consistent in his football rather than a talentless grafter who gets stuck in.


    Dyer didn't stretch games. He scored very few, created even less.


    I know it's hard but look past your hatred for Dyer and see the bit I've highlighted, do you agree with that?


    No, i don't. I don't want a player who can run fast with the ball. I want a player to run fast with the ball and do something with it. Its not about more consistency than Dyer, its about more talent.


    I don't think Smith is a replacement for Dyer (at least, he shouldn't be), but then i don't think we need a replacement for a midfielder who was s*** on the wing, and offered v little in the centre.


    Agree with what baggio's saying, its what i was thinking when all of you wanted dyer gone. but to call smith  "talentless" is taking it too far. smith is a good player and his passion more than makes up for his lack of pace,  his passing game is often overlooked aswell; much rather have him than geremi, i mean we've seen smith play very well for manyoo and don't understand where all this negativity is coming from. He's highly rated by his own fans because of his great attitude and ability on the field.

    Im going to end up contradicting myself now, but yeah we really need pacey playmaker..


    we do need a pacey playmaker, but we needed one when we HAD Dyer.


    Smith is not highly rated by many Man Utd fans as a midfielder, but when played further up front he's viewed as doing alright.


    Yeah but we had the pacey part.



    Pace without end product of some kind is useless. Else Des Hamilton would've had the world at his feet.

  6. No major news on this today, I wonder if there is even any truth in the rumor of Fergie's interest in him, old red nose does not usually mess around if he is interested then a bid would be made.

    Could be he does not fancy paying £13mill for Oba and the press are just speculating because of Man Ures striker injury problems..


    The press? Speculating?? Wash your mouth out!



    I would think Fergie would be looking for a loan player more than a player to sign, the swap loan deal for 6 months with Owen going to them may not have been such a bad idea..


    When is Saha back?

  7. Yes we've had our problems just like any other club, and we acknowledge them and things for most part have changed.


    That cannot be said of the Liverpool fans, and that is the point, nothing else.


    Don't try and turn this into a glass house scenario, because it simply isn't about that and you should know it.


    It's just another excuse to have a few cheap shots over a non-news story and an idea a huge majority of LFC fans find distasteful. Take a trip to any LFC forum and you'll see comments describing it as eerie/mawkish and asking what is wrong with the current memorial. Or you can continue to spout inaccurate generalisations as it fits the stereotype you want to portray.




    I'm sorry, what happened in Athens again?




    That'll have been re-written by now. It'll have been the Greeks. And Millwall/Chelsea/Leeds fans who travelled across.

  8. Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


    That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.

    You couldn't actually hear it where I sit (NE Corner) at full-time. It's quite a 'sheltered' part of the ground with a low roof (I'm one row from the back). I only heard about it in the boozer afterwards.


    I don't know why, but that made me smile. Like it's for Speacials nad the old, or something. Sorry. :)

    It is ;)


    i know, but i wanted you to say it.

  9. Good player is Smudger.


    He's got 3 goals in his last 70+ competitive games now at club level.



    So, he really is a perfect replacement for Dyer.


    Dyer got 14 goals in his last 70 games at club level so I'd say not, then again he doesn't get stuck in like Snudger does so that doesn't matter.


    And 20 in the previous 216. He's a meastro!


    That wasn't quite the point I'm making, my point has always been to replace Dyer with a player with pace who can stretch games, we've seen in the past before we signed Bellamy and Robert how a team can be changed when you add it, we should have been looking to replace Dyer with someone with similar pace but more consistent in his football rather than a talentless grafter who gets stuck in.


    Dyer didn't stretch games. He scored very few, created even less.


    I know it's hard but look past your hatred for Dyer and see the bit I've highlighted, do you agree with that?


    No, i don't. I don't want a player who can run fast with the ball. I want a player to run fast with the ball and do something with it. Its not about more consistency than Dyer, its about more talent.


    I don't think Smith is a replacement for Dyer (at least, he shouldn't be), but then i don't think we need a replacement for a midfielder who was s*** on the wing, and offered v little in the centre.


    Agree with what baggio's saying, its what i was thinking when all of you wanted dyer gone. but to call smith  "talentless" is taking it too far. smith is a good player and his passion more than makes up for his lack of pace,  his passing game is often overlooked aswell; much rather have him than geremi, i mean we've seen smith play very well for manyoo and don't understand where all this negativity is coming from. He's highly rated by his own fans because of his great attitude and ability on the field.

    Im going to end up contradicting myself now, but yeah we really need pacey playmaker..


    we do need a pacey playmaker, but we needed one when we HAD Dyer.


    Smith is not highly rated by many Man Utd fans as a midfielder, but when played further up front he's viewed as doing alright.

  10. Was probably just a few fans spread out across the ground. I'm surprised people are saying they didn't hear it, though.


    That'll be the ones who pretend to go, but actually base their match opinions on SSN and MOTD.


    Ooh, unsubstantiated inferences. Nice.








  11. No major news on this today, I wonder if there is even any truth in the rumor of Fergie's interest in him, old red nose does not usually mess around if he is interested then a bid would be made.

    Could be he does not fancy paying £13mill for Oba and the press are just speculating because of Man Ures striker injury problems..


    The press? Speculating?? Wash your mouth out!



    Think he meant: find one with prem experience who is available and good enough for the team.






    Firstly - Deco: <snigger>


    Secondly - no-one good enough for the team??? HE'S  BEEN PLAYING CARR!!! f****** Carr!!! If he can't find anyone better than THAT, he's a worse manager than i thought. And f*** Premiership experience, a new player has only got to replace f****** CARR!!




    The worrying thing is Allardyce seems to rate Carr in my opinion which isn't good news for us.


    hasn't done anything blatantly wrong so far... but you just know he'll do something stupid.  (carr, just so it's clear)


    he was s**** against Villa, and THEY were pretty poor. As he did whenever he's played for us in the past, he'll get raped off decent teams.


    Tbf he just didn't have the pace.. Anyway listen i'm not saying he's a good player, he's not, just saying his form has been good.. i would love to have carr sidelined as much as anyone;  i've just said though that there arn't any PL right-backs available, that's  why he's looking abroad. No team is going to sell us their good right-backs (ideally we should be getting first team regulars) with so little time left to find a replacement.


    his form has not been good - i draw your attention to the Villa game, m'lud.

  13. 1.What are the realistic ambitions now that Newcastle have been taken over by Mike Ashley? Top 6, not embarassing oursleves in europe.

    How long do you think it will take to achieve those ambitions? Hopefully next season

    What happens if those ambitions aren't realised? Goodbye Allardyce

    And, as Mike Ashley isn't - or at least hasn't claimed to be - a Newcastle fan, what do you think could happen to the club if he doesn't make the sort of money he's expecting to make from NUFC - after all this is a business deal and unlike John Hall he hasn't made any emotional statements about bringing glory etc etc? We don't know how much he expects to make, but presumably if he doesn't make as much as he wants, he'll find a way to get what he can, through a mixture of asset sales and selling the club.



    2.Why is Geremi captain? Surely Butt, Given or even Viduka would have made more sense. Viduka or Given wouldn't, but Butt or even Taylor would have made more sense. I think it was a mistake, made either because Allardyce made an error of judgement, or had to do soemthing to get Geremi to join.



    3.Under the current manager do you think that you can break the BIG 4's current monotony (or should that be monopoly) at the top of the premier league ? No.




    4.Would you watch a whole season of ugly long ball football (in the Bolton style) if it could guarantee your first trophy in many many years? Yes. I've watched years of shite performances and got nowt owt of it, so some success would be much appreciated, ta.


    5.What, in the Newcastle faithful's eyes, defines you as a "big club"? Nothing, in my eyes we are not. We are decent-sized club with a smattering of really good players, a good big ground, and the "potential" to be a bigger club. Bigger, not "BIG".


    6.Is Sam the man to finally break your trophyless barren spell? Probably not, if i'm honest, unless we get some luck.

    How long will you give him before the inevitable chorus of boos ring out around St James'? The manager should get until it becomes clear whether he is insisting on a formation to suit what HE wants, or the best he can get out of the players. By the ned of the season we'll properly know what his true plans are.


    7.There are a lot of bridges over the Tyne. Which one would you most like to throw Mackems off ? How many mackems are there available at the time? We can get more on the Tyen Bridge than the Eye, obviously. If its easier, we can do it off the Queen Alexandria bridge, if the Mackems can't afford the metro to town.

  14. Good player is Smudger.


    He's got 3 goals in his last 70+ competitive games now at club level.



    So, he really is a perfect replacement for Dyer.


    Dyer got 14 goals in his last 70 games at club level so I'd say not, then again he doesn't get stuck in like Snudger does so that doesn't matter.


    And 20 in the previous 216. He's a meastro!


    That wasn't quite the point I'm making, my point has always been to replace Dyer with a player with pace who can stretch games, we've seen in the past before we signed Bellamy and Robert how a team can be changed when you add it, we should have been looking to replace Dyer with someone with similar pace but more consistent in his football rather than a talentless grafter who gets stuck in.


    Dyer didn't stretch games. He scored very few, created even less.


    I know it's hard but look past your hatred for Dyer and see the bit I've highlighted, do you agree with that?


    No, i don't. I don't want a player who can run fast with the ball. I want a player to run fast with the ball and do something with it. Its not about more consistency than Dyer, its about more talent.


    I don't think Smith is a replacement for Dyer (at least, he shouldn't be), but then i don't think we need a replacement for a midfielder who was shit on the wing, and offered v little in the centre.



    Think he meant: find one with prem experience who is available and good enough for the team.






    Firstly - Deco: <snigger>


    Secondly - no-one good enough for the team??? HE'S  BEEN PLAYING CARR!!! f****** Carr!!! If he can't find anyone better than THAT, he's a worse manager than i thought. And f*** Premiership experience, a new player has only got to replace f****** CARR!!




    The worrying thing is Allardyce seems to rate Carr in my opinion which isn't good news for us.


    hasn't done anything blatantly wrong so far... but you just know he'll do something stupid.  (carr, just so it's clear)


    he was shite against Villa, and THEY were pretty poor. As he did whenever he's played for us in the past, he'll get raped off decent teams.

  16. What's the point in blowing money on a player just because he's better than Carr? It's not much of a yardstick. Unless he's significantly better than Carr, I'd rather we didn't bother.


    we NEED a competent right back. We do not have one at the moment. Therefore we HAVE to buy one. We cannot keep playing Carr, it's as simple as that.

  17. The obvious way of using the four strikers is for either Viduka or Shola to pair up with either Owen or Martins in a 4-4-2.


    Personally, I'm not completely sold on that in the long term, because the best role for the second striker in a 4-4-2 is to link with the midfield eg Beardsley, Rooney, Bellamy. You have a target man and a creator, rather than two strikers side by side. I don't think Martins or Owen are well suited to that creator role, any more than the wider role in a 4-3-3.


    So yes, Houston we have a problem which Allardyce will have to face up to. The three best players for a 4-3-3 are Duff, Shola and Milner, but that leaves you with a lack of pace. That's what I'd go for at the moment, but it's not ideal.




    And a lack of ability/committment/fitness, in places.

  18. Good player is Smudger.


    He's got 3 goals in his last 70+ competitive games now at club level.



    So, he really is a perfect replacement for Dyer.


    Dyer got 14 goals in his last 70 games at club level so I'd say not, then again he doesn't get stuck in like Snudger does so that doesn't matter.


    And 20 in the previous 216. He's a meastro!


    That wasn't quite the point I'm making, my point has always been to replace Dyer with a player with pace who can stretch games, we've seen in the past before we signed Bellamy and Robert how a team can be changed when you add it, we should have been looking to replace Dyer with someone with similar pace but more consistent in his football rather than a talentless grafter who gets stuck in.


    Dyer didn't stretch games. He scored very few, created even less.

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