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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. If its true that the deal is off then what the fuck are Bolton playing at? The lad obviously wants to go, we wnat to sign him - its serious sour grapes from their point of view not selling to us.


    Small time charlies. I hope they go down


    The same could have been said about us on a West Ham board over the Dyer saga a few week back...


    I wonder if we've tapped the player in question up weeks in advance to a move being made as well?


    Fair play if we have done and now Bolton won't sell to us.


    made up shite to justify our actions? Check.

  2. Middlesbrough are shite and i'll be miffed if we don't win. If we attack like we attacked at Bolton, and forget this long-ball bollocks, we'll beat them comfortably.


    and if we play with the same style as we did on Saturday, we'll not win.

  3. Why not just play Smith off Owen and Martins?

    Like the sound of that,but dont think Owens anywhere fully fit yet!I would play Ameobi ahead of Viduka not because I think hes better but Vidukas looked fucked in the first 2 games,be a great sub to bring on though!


    Why woudl he be great as a sub? Does he play differently (i.e. acceptable) when he comes on?

  4. Still, nah for me. :lol:


    I see Smith as a solid, hardworking player who'll consistently give you a decent/good contribution and can be called upon to play in midfield or up front as part of a two, but with everyone fit I don't see him as being a very good player in any particular position, rather a good player in a lot of different positions.


    Not someone you can build an attack around.


    He's not actually a particularly good footballer though. We should have spent the money better.

  5. Just announced sky sports that martins can go to arsenal or manure for £13 mill


    Surely he can go anywhere for £13m??


    Not under fergies rule IE heinze

    PS dont shoot the messenger.  :-[


    You're misunderstanding the situation there.

  6. They believe what they want to believe, well usually what the tabloids infer because of their low IQs.


    Again what happened at Athens, what happened at Villa, what happened to the toilets etc at Old Trafford, what with Alan Smiths ambulance?


    Yeah, evil tabloids are at work, they are to blame.  :rolleyes:


    Grow up and take some responsibility for your fans actions for a change instead of blaming everyone else.




    You tell me what happened?


    hahahahaaha!!! You know what happened. Scumbag redshites attacked and robbed their own, tried to force their way past turnstiles, threatened to cause another Hillsborough, and then wined like smacked bitches about it.


    Unless of course they've already fucking re-wrote history. Classless wankers.

  7. 3 pages and no one has said anything on how given when a stonewall decision goes against Chelski - they have 4-5 players surrounding and abusing the referee.


    c***s. Twats. And then that dickhead Mourinho has the gall to call his team "pure and naive". Mellow, my arse... he is one of the biggest cheating scumbag manager.


    How can you say that? Mourinho is a great manager who has never cheated or ask any of his players to do so.Yes I admit some of the players might cheat before,but I dont think that he instructed them to do so.


    They may not use those words, but they lie just as much.


    I strongly believe he does... his comments about his team never diving and being too innocent, are typical hypocrisy from him. The man has no class.


    Well,its only right for him to protect his players from any criticism.Other players from other teams have done the same thing before but I never hear their manager coming out and say that there are divers in their team whatsoever.


    First point : Wegner criticized Eboue for his theatrics when they pale into insignificance compared to what Joe Cole, Arjen Robben and Didier Drogba regularly put on, especially when playing a top four team.


    Second point: None of them, Benitez, Ferguson and Wegner have the gall to come out and say crap like "we are a pure and naive team blah blah blah..".


    no, they just say other lies.

  8. Please take Martins and give us the money to buy Anelka.


    I would not be upset if this happened. Not entirely sure it would be as simple as that, mind.


    Why the feck don't Man Utd just buy Anelka? Or Berbatov? O0


    Cos then Spurs have no manager, and no player who helped force him out, Now THAT would be funny.

  9. Moody and Moodier. They probably will try and bid for him, like. If the full extent of this £11M is getting reinvested, and they don't just have £4-5M of it left after Mido's purchase.


    Mido and Aliadiere for Viduka and Yakubu... not brilliant.


    much as i have little time for Viduka, thats class that. I'd forgot about Jeremie "Its all Wengers fault, boo hoo" Aliadiere. :lol:

  10. Emre always sits deep, way to deep. You never see him playing off the front two.


    Viana did a similar thing when he played, they sit deep to try and dictate the play. Neither are remotely holding midfielders though. It just creates a huge gap behind the the front players.


    Sorry, i meant "should not", not does not.

  11. Best avatar, ever. That kid in the red reminds me of someone.


    As for Yakubu to Everton... they are looking more and more interesting by the transfer.


    Here's hoping 'Boro splash it on someone utterly toss.


    Well, Mido is nailed-on to explode in a shower of cake and sulking at some point.....


    Exactly, somebody else of a similar nature would be delightful. I've heard there's a lad called Luque available for about £5m.


    Its a shame Anelka has come good, he'd have been a great accompaniment to Mido a while back.



  12. It'd be like someone like Jeff Winter or Paul Durkin coming out slagging off Jens Lehmann for two sh*t mistakes in the last two matches.


    Jeff Winter! <shakes fist angrily>

  13. Best avatar, ever. That kid in the red reminds me of someone.


    As for Yakubu to Everton... they are looking more and more interesting by the transfer.


    Here's hoping 'Boro splash it on someone utterly toss.


    Well, Mido is nailed-on to explode in a shower of cake and sulking at some point.....

  14. So anybody actually think Faye will be a first teamer?


    Geremi, Butt, Barton and Emre are all midfielders who sit deep.


    Taylor, Rozenhal, and Cacapa in defense.


    Emre doesn't, Smith has done.


    geremi is going to get played no matter what, despite being out wrost midfielder on Saturday.

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