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Everything posted by SAK

  1. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11661_3014237,00.html Agent thinks still a possibility of a deal. Edit: Just saw Sicko2ndBest posted a similar story in the same thread, so not new news.
  2. It's just not the press. I was watching "You're on Skysports" earlier and a supporter from Belfast called in to say how he would like Shearer in charge. This just perpetuates the belief that the majority of fans want the same.
  3. Don't want Shearer, experienced proven manager everytime.
  4. Believe most are basing their opinion on displays for the Croatian national team who's matches ( albeit limited) are televised (Sky Sports, Eurosports etc).
  5. Whats to say the agent isn't just using us to drum up interest in his man or pressure another club to hurry a deal?
  6. On a different note...I'm watching Argentina V Boilva on SS1 and the commentator said (don't know his source) that Riqulme is available for £3M. Thats bloody cheap for a player of his class! I'll have him here at that price.
  7. That was never a free kick that lead to the goal. Chellini barged in to Hutton and then gets awarded a freekick.
  8. SAK

    Graeme Le Saux

    Getting 404 error?
  9. The current housing market bubble was caused by easy credit, with this now drying up a crash is now a possibility. Lax lending criteria and loans on extremely high income multiples have stocked house prices. With the markets spooked such lending practices are going to be reined in. Already other lenders such as Paragon (who specialise in Buy to Let) have decreased in share price.http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=PAG.L&m=L&d= The sector in general is down see Aliance and Liecster http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=AL.L and Bradford & Bingley http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=BB.L We've already had one small mortgage lender go bust just this week. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6987620.stm Maybe this could be the begining?
  10. can't have signed anyone,the transfer windows shut Very good
  11. How? Are you an ordinary shareholder?
  12. Northern Rock Announce press conference for 11am.
  13. Barclays had to borrow £1.6 Billion just a couple of weeks back. They tried to explain it as a glitch with the clearing system but no ones buying that story http://uk.biz.yahoo.com/31082007/214/barclays-confirms-1-6bn-boe-emergency-loan.html. To go off topic slightly the global money markets are in turmoil due to reckless lending practices. The main trigger at the moment is that the US housing market is crashing as loans which were given out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry are now being defaulted on. These mortgages were sliced up into packages ( called CDO's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collateralized_debt_obligation) and then sold onto investors (pension funds, hedge funds, other banks etc). Now these CDO's are practicly worthless and finacial instituations are holding bits of paper which were sold to them for 100's of billions. The banks don't trust each other as they don't know who is solvent and have stopped lending to each other http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/banking_and_finance/article2446026.ece. This has caused a liquidity crisis and forced the BOE to step in. The European Central bank and the FED have done the same by lending 10's of Billions. For institutions like Northern Rock they can no longer easily borrow money on the money markets. This will mean higher lending costs being passed on to borrowers. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/mortgages/mortgages/article.html?in_article_id=424240&in_page_id=1 Edit: For spelling.
  14. If they do go bust another bank would buy up their assets (loans) so debtors would end up oweing the money to someone else. For savers they would be covered by the FSA's scheme for 100% of their first £2000 and 90% of the remaining £33,000. The ones to lose out would be ordinary shareholders.
  15. SAK

    Women's World Cup

    Looks a bit Chris Waddleish to me? Talking of hair...that Jody Handley needs to do something about the old receding hairline.
  16. SAK

    Women's World Cup

    Ok lets get to the important stuff, are there any hot chicks playing in this tournement?
  17. Changed tiltle as soon as I spotted the mistake. Guess you were too fast for me.
  18. Title is self explanatory. For those interested.
  19. Was about to post the exact same thing. The c***. He barely could get the words out when we got the third. Cunt.
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