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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Do you think these comment's about "a new appointment in terms of scouting" and "more of a european flavour to our set up" is a reference to a Director of Football?
  2. SAK

    Claudio Ranieri

    Why would he trade up a team which is top of ligue 1 and doing well in the Champions League for one that is at the bottom of the premiership?
  3. Totally against Roeders appointment. A previous poor track record as a manager, no formal coaching qualifications , not a big name manager that could attract top quality players. Could see us regretting The Fat One's stupid decision.
  4. For a free transfer he would be a good signing. Would offer more attacking threat from midfield than Emre or Parker. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=423927&CPID=23&clid=175&lid=10&title=Dhorasoo+linked+with+Spain
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