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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. 3 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    Anyone writing Tonali off is an utter moron. His NUFC career has been a complete mixed bag so far. There's evidently a good player there, but he's going to need time and patience. Basically see Gordon all over again.

    I agree with your sentiment but I don’t think stating that he’s playing poorly is the same as a write-off. He doesn’t yet look like he belongs - he’s the big name signing so scrutiny inevitable. It doesn’t help that I think his natural body language is languid.

  2. 15 minutes ago, simonsays said:

    Fair enough.  I've seen enough to think he has a lot of potential.  Judging his performance tonight is fine, but to say you don't see what people see in him based on one performance is harsh in the extreme - unless you are basing that on his cameo against Chelsea and his pre season too?

    I was at the Chelsea match and the match in phila where he played, and now this. Based on that sample - which you are right to point out is too small to reach a meaningful conclusion - I don’t yet see a player that I rate.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Rod said:

    Well I'm going to have to say it as nobody else will.  Jacob Murphy ....... just get rid.  Not because of that first half miss by the way.  He's put this level of non performance in for FIVE years now.  I can count on one hand the positive contributions he has put in all that time.

    Got to have a squad and players who are happy to not start while carrying out instructions properly. He’s been a good squad player under Howe. Limited player but I can’t see how anyone would conclude that under Howe he’s been anything other than a net positive.

  4. 1 minute ago, simonsays said:

    Perhaps not a game when we are getting passed to heath by the best team in the world.  I think I'll reserve judgement rather than writing him off

    I haven’t written him off, just said I don’t see what some members see in him. The players Man City have out tonight are not best team in the world. Miley’s first touch looks poor and he’s losing his marker frequently. Perfectly reasonable to judge the performance.

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