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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Champion and Burley don't believe in the facade of unity at our club. Keegan doesn't have the control, Milner sold behind his back, problem won't go away, Dennis Wise in fact in control. I wish Setanta had a fanzone option.
  2. Fucking McManaman - "James Milner was on of their best players, definitely their best winger". Jonas, N'Zogbia, Geremi....
  3. I hate the fact horse-fucking fat mong John McGruick (I don't know his name is spelt) supports us and in instances represents us on TV.
  4. Saying out intersting? Hes on in a minute with the pre match. He was on the pitch walking around looking at the floor shaking his head and talking to himself without anyone there lol LOLZ @ THAT!!!!!!!!1!!!!11!!!1!!!!!!!!!111
  5. McManaman: They'll be looking to pass it out to their wingers. Of course, James Milner was their man wide man. How? It's no wonder there are so many idiots in circulation here when people actually/think these things. Young, English, work rate = super amazing.
  6. Ameobi to be all over Gallas and Toure for the 1st. Fabregas to equalise. Nile Ranger at the death. 2-1 to the Toon HOWAY SHOLA!!!!!!! People say I can't act.
  7. Get your coat, put it on, hail yourself a taxi.
  8. The only depth ashley is interested in is the depth of the notes in his wallet. We are now officially a selling club,With no ambition, Back to the dark days of lord westwood, Keegan would have walked away from newcastle if he didint need the money. Oh be quiet man. You know that skill of saying what we're all thinking? Wullie's got it. Aye, £12million for a totally average player who has never done much outstanding to go reinvest in more/better players... man, we lack ambition.
  9. Why do people keep saying he was one of our best players? Becasue he is. He was the best player on the pitch at Coventry. Set up one goal and scored one himself. One game. I'll go out on a limb and say for every good game he plays there are about ten that he's average.
  10. We haven't lost one of our best players. He's been in around the first team safely for the last three years without ever becoming a rock of our team. Occasionally he produces a good goal or an assist, but by and large he's pretty average. I only care about his depature from a lack of squad depth point of view. I don't like Geremi either but he's more effective as a winger. Fair enough Milner has been handy so far as a support striker but when everyone is fit he wouldn't play there. Even if we don't sign a replacement I won't be losing any sleep.
  11. I don't even hope Smith comes good - I've got 2 £20 bets that he won't score a single goal this season, whoever he plays for. £40 in the bank.
  12. Arsenal's record in 5:15/5:30 kick offs is crap, according to a fan at work. If Fabregas wasn't back I would have said we could quite feasibly win, their midfield two at Fulham were pants. If they play like they did last week we should be alright, but if they up their game and are looking to prove that they haven't become shit then I can't see us getting more than a draw.
  13. Lest they forget their manager is the biggest thug ever to grace the Premier League. Do I remember rightly that Richardson was in bother for something?
  14. In answer to the title question: Alan Smith. There's no reasoning for this, I just hate him with passionate depths I never previously believed I had.
  15. How people can make that kind of statement based on 2 or 3 games is beyond me. I'm just saying that I believe that. Not on their games here, on their history elsewhere. You can tell when players are good, they are. Fair enough it's a bit hyperbolic. I'll rephrase: Jonas and Colo could turn out to be 2 of the best signings we've made in our Premiership history, time will tell. I'm optimistic.
  16. The sad thing is that you actually think this.
  17. Why has nobody really chimed in that the team are playing well right now? Yes, we could do with a few more players. Yes, the Milner situation is a bit of a downer. Yes, it's frustrating that Ashley doesn't seem to spending as much as others thought he might, but get a grip. We'll be fine and better off in the long term. How people can complain about signings when we have Jonas and Colo on board is beyond me - I believe that these two could turn out to be two of the best made in our Premiership history. Furthermore, how many teams have bought big this summer in terms of instant impact on their first team squad? Compared to everyone else we're ahead/not too far behind. The squad is thin, they know it. It's not like they're leaving it deliberately to piss us off/mess the team up, they are aware they need to strengthen but want to do so in a structured, sensible manner with players who will have an impact, play for the shirt and not just sit and pick up massive wages. Personally, I think Mike Ashley's mint.
  18. And here I was thinking this was going to be a poll about the the best PANIC! AT THE DISCO song. Hmph.
  19. It's either of the many theories going on here. If he's just come out and said it, he wants to force a move, probably get more wages at Villa/wants a change/whatever. If it's been in place for a while, let him play a few games and hopefully perform well to up his value (it's come off the back of his best perofrmance so far which was last night), leaving it till the last minute so it doesn't drag on/force Villa's hand so he hasn't got time to have a strop etc, then it's been quite cleverly handled. Personally I don't think there's a big conspiracy, he's probably been thinking it for a while and has now spoken to O'Neill. Basically, if we have a replacement lined up, I couldn't care less. He's alright, but I'm always disappointed when Zoggy has to play left back as I think he's miles better. Even more so if we can squeeze a large fee out of whoever wants to buy him/by leaving it so late the club who wants him is desperate and offers us silly money/a player. However, if valuation isn't met/there's no replacement, we can probably just keep him and I doubt he'd be banished to the reserves or whatever. I really don't think we'll let him go without sourcing a replacement.
  20. Is he hoping to putt his career back on track?
  21. If the Mackems were going to beat anyone, glad it was that player-stealing bunch of overpriced noncebags. Wonder what Modric is thinking right now.
  22. Problem is we can only meet their dull 4-5-1 with our own impotent 4-5-1 because Milner and Duff aren't strikers. That doesn't mean bring Smith on.
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