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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. To be honest he's got 'Steve Bruce signing' written all over him.
  2. Apparently God's got a son who's pretty nifty too, rising through the ranks at some team in the Israeli league. Why won't we turn the table? My friend who took a wrong turn in North London and ended up at White Hart Lane decided to get out for a piss and overheard an evening standard salesman informing an OAP who was passing by that Juande Ramos is set to quit and take up his long-standing life goal of being an astronaut. Apparently, this is after Daniel Levy hinted he may not have a job anymore after last year's disappointing finish and has instead lined up a team of former talismanic Spurs trio Gary Mabbutt, Jason Dozell and Darren Anderton, the latter expected to be the team's physio. It's equally as reliable and just as worthy of discussion. Idiots.
  3. The words 'Sunday' and 'Sun' mean I'm not too excited.
  4. We bought loads of players in very quickly last season at the then manager's recommendation. Only2 out of the 7 really turned out to be worthwhile, and Geremi's OK. Have some hindsight man. OK it' frustrating that there's more talk of selling players and cutting wages than us going for players, but did you ever think that these money-saving measures would be to free up a few more funds to transfers as well as putting back on a decent budget? I would doubt, considering his investment and paying off Shepherd's debts, that Ashley is going to not allow us to sign anybody. We clearly will move when we consider it necessary - tried for Modric, which came out of the blue because, thank God, gone are the days of Shepherd telling the press who were are going for before it's done - and it's no bad thing signing up young talent for the future. We all agree that we need immediate first-team players, but there's a lot of pressing stuff that needs to be sorted out first. Let Keegan have a sit down, evaluation, chat with everyone about who he wants/who they have targeted and we'll move from there. If we don't sign anybody before the start of the season I will eat my laptop. You can hold me to that.
  5. Chelsea. I just think this is over the top. It's so simple. Shola and Smith are crap, so sell. Carroll is young and doesn't seem all that so loan. Then by 1 or 2 more strikers. The problem with Viduka and why we all notice his injury record is because we depend on him, because those who play in his place are awful (see above). We clearly need to keep Viduka because when he's fit, he scores a few, and his contribution to our attacking play is immense. Physically slow but mentally so much quicker than loads of defenders in the league, clearly got a goo dthing going on with Martins and Owen. Fair enough, he's on fat wages, but there are so many players at our club who are on huge money and should go before him: Smith, Duff, Barton, I presume Cacapa gets a lot of money, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith.
  6. Perhaps somebody will tempt him into a training groun dbust-up or McDonalds brawl a la Barton and the British judicial system will come to our rescue. One can only hope.
  7. Theregulars


    Peter Beardsley/The cartoon child on Haribo packets Ruud Van Nistelrooy/The mum from Malcolm in the Middle David Rozehnal/Lord Voldemort
  8. Echo the fact that he's way better than Alan Smith.
  9. Rozehnal: Wasn't bad, wasn't great, 2/3 centre backs at the club who were better/more suited to the English game. Was poor on a few occasions. Lazio really aren't all that, and why are you upset anyway if, as would have been likely, he would't have played for us? Perhaps could have improved, don't know - ruined his chances when he had a hissy fit about not playing in his position. Love Emre, transfer hasn't gone through yet, hope it collapses. But as good as he undoubtedly is, he doesn't show it for us enough even when he does play, and o average he's missed at least half the season each time. Would like to keep him in the hope he gets fit and just because he's clearly better than all our other central midfielders, but if we're going to get someone as good/better who actually plays, you can't complain. People moaning about lack of activity - clearing out players is the first part of the activity. Our wage bill is ridiculous and we need to clear it up a bit before we can go in for others. Simple. If we weren't signing anyone I doubt we'd get rid of anyone.
  10. You've got to ask why he's playing for a poor team in Spain with his reputation - think it's clear he's past the form he showed at Valencia. May be an interesting signing for his creativity, especially considering the ridiculous decision to sell Emre. Wouldn't mind having him here but if we're going on the vibe of signing young, promising players, sense it does not make.
  11. Reckon Beye might switch to no2 now Carr is gone.
  12. Definitely buy. Squad player? He's a lot better than Geremi, at least as good as Milner, yonks better than Smith and beats Barton by not being in jail alone. As good as/better than what we have. Would like to see what hes capable of as part of a better team than Birmingham.
  13. I work at the England Cricket Board - the new kits are all pretty good, although the Test kit is more like whites Henman would wear at Wimbledon. The Twenty20 one is basically just a rehash of a Liverpool kit.
  14. Theregulars

    Arda Turan?

    The season ended about 2 weeks ago. Players, managers, maybe board members, I don't know - they're all taking holidays. Let's not panic yet. Thus far the Ashley regime has appeared very well thought-out - like them or not, the appointments like Wise, Jimenez and Vetere suggest that we're putting a sensible structure in place. Let's get the chairman thing sorted out first. Ashley and the board will know who Keegan and the others want. They've made it very clearly that the last regime left us in massive debt and gone are the days of paying over the odds for players and silly wages, and spot on too if you ask me. This is going to be a summer of hard negotiations for transfers. We're not just going to wave a chequebook at some stop-gap foreign name. It didn't work before. I'm sure these is some interest in the kid but perhaps they are waiting to see what others bid. If someone else matches the 16 million Euros, maybe we'll increase. Until then, why would we? And until other offers don't start materialising, Gala are going to hold out.
  15. Theregulars

    Arda Turan?

    Some people on here are mad - here you all are, stating clearly that you realise agents and other clubs will mention other teams being interested to jack up the price. Yet as soon some are mentioned, everyone starts getting tetchy. Here's the thing. We may be interested in signing him, no bid has been made, he would be interested in coming to England, the price seems to be 16million Euros. Those are the facts, it's not too interesting. It's not even June yet.
  16. Is there anyway we can do a deal with the jail and have Alan Smith sit out Barton's sentence for him? Everyone's a winner that way.
  17. Why do we have so many players who were good somewhere else or who should be good on paper, who all turn out to be useless as soon as they pull on a Toon shirt? It's maddening. Duff belongs in this category. He's had two years, done nothing, has shown no signs of improvement, it's mad that he kept Zoggy out of the team for a while. Get rid if we can make any money out of him. There's no point keeping him as a squad player because then he isn't likely to achieve the improvement he needs to in order to justify his presence here. I'm sure if we keep Zoggy he's a better prospect and we can pick up a better left winger anyway, and Milner's more useful than he is on that side too. No brainer.
  18. As soon as he came on I said to my mate "game over now". He's utter tripe. His two piss-poor clearances actually led to the second goal as well. I don't know how many times I've aired my view on just how utterly useless this pillock is. He can't tackle without fouling, can't shoot without missing, and can't pass without giving away. He's supposedly a good header of the ball but I think he beat Terry once. The gap between him and Viduka that was demonstrated yesterday is immense, and I think it's absolutely no coincidence how much weaker we looked when the changed was made. Duff is also toss for what it's worth, disgrace that he came on at LW and Zoggy was stuck in at LB. I think Duff will be off, but I don't see Smith leaving as he's happy here and Keegan seems to like him. Roll on more of those performances next year Alan.
  19. Theregulars

    1 Man team

    Don't see how you can talk about Blackburn being a one-man team. They're a very good example of how you can achieve relative success with a good team. Sure, Friedel's a good goalkeeper, but KD and the Spuds only notice because both of theirs are bollocks. Santa Cruz, McCarthy, Bentley, Pedersen, Samba, Nelsen and Warnock to name but a few have all played major parts in making them the team they are, and credit to Mark Hughes for it. He's assembled them.
  20. I think he's right to point out that some of the criticism was unfair - not when he made such ridiculous errors, he deserved that - but when he did play well or do something good he was never really praised for it. Not once when he had a good game, and I'm sure there were a few, did a paper or a TV journo say "Bramble actually played well today". Still think he was error-prone to an unnerving extent and wanted him gone long before he eventually left, but the media treatment was clearly over the top. That said, Steve Bruce doesn't seem to rate him and this a man happy with a strike trio of Heskey, Marcus Bent and Marlon King. Hmmmmmmmm.
  21. Voted Smith, Amdy Faye and Boumsong. Would have voted for Smith 3 times if it was an option, mind.
  22. Shearer completing his hat-trick to beat Leicester 4-3 at SJP in the very last minute. Think we were 3-1 down with about 5 minutes left.
  23. When Asprilla completed his hat-trick against Barcelona.
  24. I detest Arsenal. Ever since Wenger took over most players there turn into one or more of divers, fakers, niggly foulers, foul-mouthed tossers, players who constantly hassle the referee and usually get away with it and just general cheats, including some bright lights along the way like Ian Wright and Patrick Vieira. Pricks. This season the baton is being carried by Eboue and Flamini. I also hate Everton, mainly because their players on paper, up until this season at least, are largely shite yet they still do well. It's not so bad anymore, but when they first got into the champions league on the back of fouling, bruising and just general attempting to batter teams down it was annoying. I also hate Tim Cahill. I've also never forgiven them for that time they beat us 2-1 at their place when Gravesen committed one of the most ridiculous fouls of all time on Bernard at 1-1, got away with it and then they won a penalty which won the game and effectively stumped our title challenge that year. Bah. I also hate Boro and Fulham because their presence in the EPL is pointless.
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