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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. 1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:


    If we sign a Tino and an Asprilla in one summer then boy howdy I can't wait for Adam P to make the connection in video form. 


    To be clear I had a beer with him in Philadelphia, he's an astoundingly pleasant and interested guy. I totally want him to succeed having spent time with him.

  2. 1 minute ago, The College Dropout said:

    I don’t get the big fuss about the PL record.  If he stays in the league and fit he’ll get it. He’ll end up with more goals than Shearer in pro football and he may triple his England tally. 

    There’s nothing to prove on that point. It’s not even like Shearer is the best PL striker we’ve seen and the record is proof.  

    Question for the forum: overall whi is better - Kane or Rooney? Include their prime, overall career and talent. 


  3. 18 hours ago, LFEE said:

    @TheregularsNot coming to us. You’ll be disappointed…


    Man I wanted so much better for him! Could easily go and play for a real side in a real league!! Tbf I think he did say he couldn’t play for another European club (but that might just be faux emotional bullshit to cover the greed). “Inter Miami” for goodness sake. Nick Imaginary Madrid of renford rejects, at least it’s funny. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    We can do that with someone better and possibly cheaper though if smart about it?


    Never said this at all. Not sure anyone has. It’s clearly not that simple and I’ve tried to nuance where I can without turning into war & peace. Think you’ve assumed a few things ?

    Very possibly, I don’t follow football outside of NUFC or Barca in enough detail to know though. When I’ve watched Maddison I’ve seen a special talent, but have no feel for what he’s like defensively / in particular systems. I would say that any player we are seriously in for will have been subject to a very thorough character and attitude analysis, so if he passes that then good to go. 

    re: money I don’t think any transfer fees reported to us are real, and I don’t think any reports of our budget are either. Very much a situation of just enjoy the summer and see where we are come august.

  5. 6 hours ago, Andybiotics said:

    Idk how he got so heavily involved in the narration for that.

    Comes across so smug.


    Did the cunt ever pay back those donations for the documentary that never happened? 

    He’s got a nice voice and is a long term nufc podcast host, is it probably not that simple? Right place, right time; good for him.

  6. 6 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Ok let’s stick him in then for argument sake. We are up to 3 approx in 30 years approx. So like I said. You don’t get many Italian centre midfielders that have been great. Even then 1 who’s had a couple of decent seasons for Derby. 1 that’s been hit and miss for Chelsea and now Arsenal. Then Di Matteo who’s been the best of the bunch.

    Why do you think that is, then?

  7. I get your drift but I'd say it's a fairly limited argument in practice. As another poster pointed out, if a player such as Verrati or prime De Rossi comes here and plays for a big side who succeed...


    And Dalla Bonna was good for Chelsea! They sold Wise and Poyet because they identified him to be their replacement...

  8. 7 minutes ago, sushimonster85 said:



    9 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    I’m still waiting on someone giving me a centre mid from Italy who’s been a success???‍♂️ All I was presented with was a reserve GK… a centre forward that played 10 times before his career ended and a few No.10’s that were hit & miss ?


    Roberto Di Matteo.

  9. 12 hours ago, toon25 said:


    Putting all personal issues aside though, there is a massive gulf in maturity, application and talent between Bellingham and Alli

    Talent absolutely and has nothing to do with Dele's problems, the other two yes absolutely but I think they are caused by something outside his control, at least to some extent.

  10. 1 hour ago, toon25 said:

    Tbf, Alli had a heart the size of a fucking ant. Which was pretty much my point: a young man like Bellingham would at this stage give every indication that he'd adapt his game in the event of injury/sign of burnout 

    I think Alli actually has a lot of psychological and mental health issues caused by a very difficult upbringing. He’s got a really difficult relationship with his father.

  11. It's nice and I'll inevitably buy it because I've the self control of Lindsey Lohan astride coke mountain, but it's so tiresome how they can't even at least put the effort required to make sure the black and white on the sponsor matches the shades of black and white used on the strip. 

  12. It's really unfashionable to point it out but Messi comes across as really greedy and all about money, quite regularly. He has the very unique personal potential to transform a team, club, league etc; just always opts for what pays him the most. Boring.

  13. The lower profile than I imagine (but can’t be sure) most of their fans and likely players wanted / expected suggests to me that Kane is off. Im not convinced any bigger name would have taken the job without Kane or guarantees about replacements and reinvestment. 

  14. 9 hours ago, Astroblack said:

    At the cost of losing Cole, no?


    Butt, Obertan, Smith. We’ve been burned far too many times. Simo was ok but he was young and had the Championship to climatize. 

    But he was still good. The argument was that every player we’ve got from Manchester Red Sox has been finished or rubbish, so I said that’s not the case, Gillespie was neither. I actually forgot about Simpson as another player that disproves that theory, so thank you. 

    We were burned on Smith and Butt, certainly. Nowhere near played to their price or reputation. Obertan was guff but I understand taking a £1m flyer on him given his raw pace and previous potential. 

  15. 6 hours ago, worthy said:

    Dont. Buy. Manu. Dross. - Every fucking time we have signed a manu waste of space, they have all been fucking shit. McHideyball would be fucking worse than getting Alan Smith and Obertan back.

    Keith Gillespie was really good for us.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

    Again it's an illogical argument


    Sir Bobby Robson signed Bowyer, a lot of fans said he was a shite signing, that wasn't fans thinking they know better than Sir Bobby Robson when it came to football, they just knew he wasn't good enough and it turned out to be true


    As it happens I think McTominay has some decent attributes where he can be a useful player, the big thing Howe would need to coach out of him is the way he hides but that's definitely coachable. I just don't think it's fair to be so dismissive of people that don't rate him or think we should sign him. And to use shit arguments like "stop disrespecting Howe" or "What are your UEFA qualifications?" is just pathetic 


    Lazy comparison with Bowyer in my view. Robson was denied funds by the board at the time and Bowyer was available on a free wasn't he? Made a lot of sense on a free given that he had, for a few years, been a great CM in a great Leeds side.

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