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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. 3 minutes ago, 54 said:

    With Trippier having played a fully 90 on Tuesday, Miggy, Bruno and Joelinton having come back from South America, wouldn't be surprised if there was a few changes for this one, especially with the Champions League game next week. Assuming Tonali and Anderson are fit, think id go for:




    Livramento.    Schar.    Botman.      Burn


                    Tonali.  Bruno.  Anderson


    Gordon.                                              Barnes



    It wouldn't happen but in theory take Burn out for Hall and I think that's a side that will pass and move you to death.

  2. On 12/09/2023 at 15:42, TheBrownBottle said:

    I never liked that mantra, and it doesn’t speak for all of us.


    Mainly because it is utter bollocks - a team of triers losing every week would not be a popular one on Tyneside. 

    Thank you - such a banal and basic worldview that gets used to bash anybody over the head for thinking differently or wanting more.

  3. On 01/09/2023 at 09:15, Cronky said:


    Yeah, this is my worry too. The hunger for success, after so many years of deprivation, is so great that it can easily turn to anger and frustration when things take a dip. And you're so right about Robson - the Geordie support, captain, Chairman and press all turned against him and drove him out.


    The idea that Eddie isn't quite up to it is ridiculous. His results are no fluke because he's done it with two separate clubs - taking Bournemouth from administration at the bottom of the four divisions into the Premier League, and taking us from bottom of the Premier League to the Champions League in two years. The guy is outstanding.




    I think it’s partly human nature, especially nowadays when so much of the rest of life is unpleasant and difficult. Football, when your team is good, gives you happiness and other great feelings and thus becomes addictive and one forms an over-reliance on it for happiness. It’s not a Newcastle fanbase problem, it’s everywhere I’d say. You’d just hope the board don’t go the same way really. 

    Your second point depends what “up to it” means. He’s not yet at top tier level but he could very well get there soon, we’ll find out a lot more this year.


  4. 12 minutes ago, andycap said:

    A loan backup for right centreback is an emergency if you ask me. Schar was meant to be struggling with fitness of late now botman is out burn can do a job for a week or two but him and lascelles as first choice for good amount of games will be bad. I would of tried for Eric bailly at man utd on loan

    And that’s why you’ll remain on that side of the decision fence. 

  5. On 30/08/2023 at 09:12, TheBrownBottle said:

    While I’m sort of wishing I hadn’t read through some of this, as it is truly depressing, just a point on the Howe ‘elite or non-elite manager’ thing.


    IMO, Howe is not at the moment an ‘elite’ manager.  To be that you win trophies - big ones.


    But Howe is also the first English manager in decades who I’d be willing to back to become one.  The bloke is clearly a top level manager in-waiting.  Give him time, lads and lasses - and there will be worse runs than losing back-to-back to Man City & Liverpool down the line.  

    I completely agree with this. He isn't there but he so can get there.

  6. 30 minutes ago, SiLvOR said:

    Southampton managed to beat these last year in the competition. We've done it before as well, so I don't think it's too unrealistic to say we can do it again. They're absolutely going to rotate, I'd be tempted to go full strength against them as we should have enough to cope with Burnley and Sheffield United either side of the fixture. Just think that pyshcologically, a win against City can do us a lot of good.

    You’d imagine we’d rotate as well.

  7. Essentially I think we're good to go, but that includes an assumption that we're going to deprioritise the domestic cups. I think we're 1-2 good players shy of being truly competitive on all fronts. And that isn't a complaint or an insult or blasphemy or treachery before anyone calls me entitled; it's just an opinion as to where we are and I think "sacrificing" the domestic cups is completely reasonable. 


    I think there's a reality where we drop into the uefa cup and compete for it.

  8. 3 hours ago, KaKa said:

    Here's a question:


    If the cup final was 'too big' for Howe, and presumably not so for ten Hag.


    Then what does ten Hag's 7 - 0 loss to Klopp mean then?


    Tied for biggest loss in Man Utds history. Against their huge rivals in one of their biggest games every season. 


    Surely this wouldn't happen to 'big enough' for the moment ten Hag.

    I don’t particularly rate Ten Hag. I’m not sure if it’s him or just Manchester United - I believe what Van Gaal says about it being a commercial operation, not a football club. 

    I don’t think the cup final was too big in and of itself, I think the fact he’d never been there before and probably didn’t truly expect to get there was evident and the team looked a bit lacklustre as a result. Just an opinion. 

  9. I'm not sure it's moving the goalposts - I still do worry about his record against top managers and in big pressure games, because now we are in that conversation. That's not like lack of recognition of being in the shit recently, it's just that we are in the position we're in now, so isn't it fair to look at things from that perspective as well? Essentially can one not simultaneously believe that (i) he has some improvement to make before he becomes elite and (ii) he is comparatively handicapped by a weaker squad? To some degree I think the weaker squad argument is being overplayed this season (not last).


    There's literally a TV series on right now where our owners repeatedly say that their ambition is that we become the best team in Europe. I know it's fluff and bollocks, but if we want to be a top tits team (and I really want us to both be a top tits team and be considered a top tits team), then we have to play like a top tits team when the time requires us to. I accept we can't do that all the time, but I maintain that there are some signs which suggest that he isn't elite. 


    I can see how it would have helped if I said he isn't elite yet, but I'm not sure the situation required me to state that he has a weaker squad in order for the argument to be valid. Is it not enough that it got pointed out and when I got round to reading people's messages the next day I then responded saying yes, that's true? I just don't accept that it invalidates my argument.


    Anyway, doesn't matter a jot.

  10. It's not remotely absurd - he does not yet have the achievements in the bank to be elite. I'm really confident he'd say the same himself. 


    I don't follow your point about acknowledgment of weakness of team: is it that by not explicitly stating the same when I made my original point that it somehow renders my argument invalid and precludes me from holding both views at the same time? I have tried multiple times to say I agree, the squad isn't as comparatively good - literally I am recognising your argument and I am saying it's completely valid and true. This isn't the behaviour of a wilfully obtuse person, it's the behaviour of someone engaging you in a conversation about a mutual topic of interest. 


    Why does it strike a nerve in you so much that I criticise Eddie Howe? Genuine question.

  11. Just now, Vinny Green Balls said:

    Not at all, man. He didn't complain over and over about mixed results. Ronaldo and TCD have both said that Howe has a lot of credit in the bank because of what he has done before this. Once again, I think Howe dropped the ball against Liverpool. But I also think your argument about why you don't think he's elite is a pretty weak one at worst, and massively jumping the gun at best. This stance has been clearly outlined by a number of people. I find it a little amusing that you have complained that other people lack nuance in their argument when you are clearly demonstrating that deficiency by not seeing the difference between what Ronaldo has said here and what you've been saying. As I said, willfully obtuse.

    I completely and fundamentally agree that he has so much credit in the bank. I do not in any way want a change. I love Eddie Howe. I just think he's not as good as some other coaches yet and it showed at the weekend. I don't think you can say he's an elite manager yet, the evidence doesn't back it up. He has the potential to be one.


    I don't think there is a massive disagreement in what he and I said though - we're both saying that he has done magnificently but fucked up quite badly on Sunday. I then went further and said my view is that he isn't elite. 


    If you can't see that this is not wilfully obtuse, then you don't understand what the words mean. 

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