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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. Seriously what the f*** is wrong with you? I don't really care about some women I've never met and never will, whats wrong with you? Yeah I got that. The part that says there's something wrong with you is your need to shout about how much of an asshole you are.
  2. Same. If given the choice I'd personally much prefer someone else with a lot less money but I think a lot of people have already started dreaming about being the richest club on earth and can't turn around.
  3. So have we now we moved to Amnesty/human rights just being ”another side of the story” If this is taste of whats to come it might be better if this didnt happen.
  4. extremely tedious and stupid No it's not, it's fair. he’s congratulating the team and its manager on winning the league ffs. And it’s a comically-poor attempt at a gotcha! moment. Wait so he's separating the football side of things from the ownership? Is that what you're saying? I know you’re just being stupid on purpose but there might be a slight difference in congratulating a friend who is employed by shitheads and a club currently being bought by shitheads. But im sure you knew that.
  5. Newcastle fans and Saudi trolls fighting side by side against fiancee of a murder victim and human rights. What a time to be alive. (summary of todays Twitter)
  6. Wait what? Amnesty didnt say a word about how Ashley did poorly for Newcastle? This is shocking. Why do they all hate us?
  7. They have a good point regards the test like. The Sheffield United owner will have to do exactly as he's told if he wants to keep his fortunes
  8. Considering the difficult times all clubs are facing you really need to be a rich Saudi to even consider buying one now.
  9. You really haven't paid attention to the news in the last couple years?
  10. Reject the opportunity to have a new potential superstar team leading to more money money money. Doubt it. In normal times? No. At the moment? Yes. I'd argue that with the financial situation a lot of clubs will be facing now they want a new club capable of investing more than ever.
  11. Reject the opportunity to have a new potential superstar team leading to more money money money. Doubt it.
  12. Kasper

    David Squires

    I’m not sure if that ”less important than a single human life” line is some weird sort of sarcasm. It’s so stupid and patronizing its unreal
  13. Kasper

    David Squires

    Obviously not. It’s a pretty bad comic to be fair. On his standards.
  14. I doubt Newcastle is a way to diversify their portfolio. It’s a marketing investment. This rumour is 99% sure bullshit but marketing generally seems to be the first thing cut when things dont go that well.
  15. Your point being? Two points: - The NY Times journalists who won a Pulitzer for their investigation in state funded terrorism know about Saudi Arabia. The analysts at the Department of Treasury in the US know about SA. This guy does not. - Do you boycott petrol too? Of course he does...he knows it from the NY Times journalists (and other sources). He is the Chief Sports writer for The Guardian ffs. You and I know enough about Saudi Arabia anyway to make an informed choice. I have no control over boycotting petrol. If I could buy ethical petrol I would. I will continue to boycott NUFC. Buy an electric car if you care so much May well do the next time we change car. Was Saudi Arabia a drastically different country last time you bought a car? Oh god I cant wait whats next. So you use plastic too?!? And what about the dogs they eat in China?!?
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