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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. You're just turning to whataboutism like the people you argue about the takeover with "Not very nice to wish financial harm on other fans" "Well what do you know about nice, you want to be owned by murderers!!!" Idiotic argument.
  2. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. To be fair to Kasper, he hasn't been "one of those frothers" at all, quite the opposite. He just knows the comment was lifting. The relentless pearl clutching over our stoic and noble fans, man. You know fine well there are cunts in our support who were openly antagonistic towards Sack Pardew/Ashley Out and its members. If it's disrespectful to not give a shit about those same people losing out after you watched the way they went on, then it's disrespectful. Who cares. What have the cunts who abused Sack Pardew have to do with any of this? We're just talking about people who've renewed season tickets and might now be in financial difficulty because of covid and needing that money back. You seem to be talking about something completely different. Unless of course you're saying anyone who renewed is a cunt and deserve all kinds of shit. In which case you really need to go for that long walk.
  3. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself. Err, it was ManDoon making the comment not me, I'm saying why some of us can't stand sections of our support. And yeah, keep talking about 'decency' in a thread where everyone's frothing at the gash for their football club to be owned by baby bombers. My heart bleeds. I was only quoting you because you were defending him. The "you" was still directed to ManDoon if that wasnt clear. I have no idea what the rest of your post has to do with the original comment or mine.
  4. Nah, shows a complete lack of decency in the current situation to say something like that. You know that most likely there are people here struggling financially who could use the money yet you decide to write that instead of just keeping your opinions to yourself.
  5. Sounds like everyone on this forum has been working on some multi-million deals except me
  6. TV rights bids don’t work like that though. Each broadcaster has to put a monetary value on it, they also have to put other aspects to it, about who it will be available too and on which platforms, also how they wish to broadcast it. Apparently Amazon got their bid approved because they included the live stats view into it. The bid deadline is the same for everyone and private. Saudi Arabia won’t be able to just put down £50m more than the other guy. How do Saudi Arabia make that bid? The current deal is at £500m, and ordinarily you would expect that to increase no more than 10%-20%, which at most puts it at £600m. Do they go all out and just double up to make sure their bid is far higher than Qatar? Would Qatar expect them to do that and just bid silly money as well? Yeah that's not how bidding for tv rights work. Most certainly not sort of a blind auction like you're describing. That would be idiotic for the seller as well.
  7. Are you really saying you can knock a multi-million pound deal back, based on a reasonable opinion without evidence Well thats exactly what the rules say so yeah Think you need to do a bit more research on law: An opinion is a judgment based on facts, an honest attempt to draw a reasonable conclusion from factual evidence We are talking about the internal rules of a company explaining how they run their business. Their rules clearly give them enough room to decide what ever they want when it's in the grey area. I doubt there's a section in UK law about who gets to play in the Premierleague?
  8. Are you really saying you can knock a multi-million pound deal back, based on a reasonable opinion without evidence Well thats exactly what the rules say so yeah
  9. Yeah, I heard the UK and US Universities don't accept Saudi students. Did you only read the first nine words? The rest doesnt really make it any better James.
  10. Kasper

    Plane spotting

    Highly more likely that anything related to the deal would be done in London anyway so no reason at all to fly to Newcastle.
  11. Would be a terrible thing to do, leave a club in a limbo for several months. Sue the fuckers.
  12. Hard to disagree with anything there Yeah pretty spot on. I agree with the sentiment, but the delivery is brash. A more intelligently written opinion-piece could be more persuasive. It's the Mirror.
  13. "He's full of shit, look at this, he once wrote a mean article about Saudi Arabia"
  14. Christ. That guy needs a beer and a good sleep. Every day a new rant about global conspiracy against Newcastle...
  15. Sure. But there's clearly a trend of rewriting the facts because that seems to make things easier to swallow. Why can't we just accept that these are some crappy people who want to use our club for their own PR purposes and while doing that probably making it successful. No need to start talking about oil or pretending this is just another investment like Uber for them. No need to turn into that unpaid PR army. No need to start arguing with human rights organisations or victims of their regime. Why do people have some weird urge to like the owners?
  16. Well for one...they are buying NUFC for image purposes. Just because you dont want it to be true doesnt change it. And... You say they couldnt care less about their image yet they chop a journalist in pieces for writing negative articles about them. Right. Lot of words there but very few of them based on reality. Yeah. I'll smoke some of that
  17. Anyone who doesn't agree with me about everything needs to shut up for good.
  18. For no apparent reason? ? Yes of course, for no apparent reason. You can do one of these "attack Saudi Arabia" (China, Russia, Iran, USA . . . whoever) articles whenever you (BBC etc) want, but WHY NOW ?? It stinks, I'm sure you can see that. If that's a parody I'm liking this
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